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4918713 No.4918713 [Reply] [Original]


You're all retarded. Why would the billionaires want to destroy bitcoin at this point?

They're creating Hype over a crash because everyone and anyone who is not involved in bitcoin right now is going to push that narrative.

>hey bitcoins way too expensive I'm gonna wait for a big dip
>Oh my let's buy into lite coin
>MEMES about lite coin and putting half of your BTC into lite coin
>lite coin slightly moons
>btc price goes down a bit (expected)

Now all you emotional retards start dumping your BTC in the lead up to futures.

Anyone with money to short BTC with futures is already heavily invested into bitcoin.

It makes more sense that the BIG money will bet on btc going all the way to mars...

Why? Because they already own truckloads of bitcoin and they want it to go up higher..

If they Buy buy buy buy buy soon as you retards are done selling in a panic, you will ALLL immediately jump back into btc and try ride their mars mission.

They win on futures and their current investment.

Bitcoin is going nowhere.

I'm tired of hearing normies I've spoken to about bitcoin try and explain to me that BTC is going to be worth like $3000 USD in a few weeks.

I feel sorry for anyone who is not holding and accumulating right now.

You're gonna get wrekt when bitcoins worth over 30k USD in a few weeks time.

>> No.4918791

Why would banks want to destroy bitcoin at this point?

Only 1% of their customers are invested.

These billionaires want you to get emotional so you sell your bags while they Buy up.

Futures will NOT and cannot make bitcoin crash.

The only effect futures has and will have is an emotional driven dip, which they will use to make bank on and bet on a moon mission, which all you idiots will miss out on.

>> No.4918995


Good Information on this board is ignored while pajeets working together to shill keep their narratives alive.

>> No.4918999

I'm really hoping BTC goes back down to 3k at highest, but that's probably just a pipe dream.

>> No.4919044

Sold ether way. I can't handle this stress and really wanted a Nintendo switch. Comfy.

>> No.4919052

Also OP you're a retard, you aren't saying anything new. But also, big money has a huge incentive to lower the price as much as possible, even if they hold boat loads. You are an idiot not to see this and for believing you can tell, either way, what is going to happen.

>> No.4919086

If you can't handle the stress go long on alts that are at their floor.

>> No.4919103

when do i buy back in
whats the lowest it can dip?
has it already dipped as low as she goes for now?

>> No.4919115

I remember you
You started last month right?
Forgot what your strategy was. How's it working out for you?

>> No.4919149

I'm with this guy

For example NXT is currently on the floor.

Go into an alt coin of your choice. Do your own research (so ignore my suggestion) :P I'm bag holding a lot of NXT... well actually I got it at 20 cents but I'm not selling it for at least 6 months.

>> No.4919209

Follow the current trend over the last 4 weeks prior to futures.

Add 15% to the dips and add 15% to moons.

All future will do is increase volatility.

It's like; I'm not even an investor and you people can't see this shit?

This board is full of shills who want you to loose your money so they can buy in and accumulate more.

I don't care because all my investments are solid. I'm done investing.

I'm holding for 6 months plus before I will even consider swing trading yet alone selling.

>> No.4919258

Well original start changed slightly as you know.

I'm currently x5 my original investment.

I feel like I am at an advantage that I am incapable of feeling emotions over things like money.

>> No.4919326

I'm with you too nigger, I hold NXT as well. Moon mission until the airdrop.

BTW, what's your plan for that? I know it's gonna crash the moment the drop happens, so I might just sell right before it.. IDK though because I also believe in Ignis and Ardor long term..

>> No.4919351

so more of the same extreme ups and downs of late but as a regular thing now. figured as much.

bitcoin is an uncertain hodlr now, everyons gonna try to ride the wave

over the next coule days i expect it will go up and that i should buy soon. now maybe? your advice seems legit

>> No.4919602

pump, dump, short, buy back in

>> No.4919626

the only acceptable "coin" will be rolled out by a syndicate of bulge bracket banking firms and chartered banks.
they love the blockchain tech but they don't own it the way they own USD. the fed is a consortium of chartered banks and the fed controls USD. banks have fed shares. i've had fed shares on my desk before. it's cool.
crypto right now is a risk. eliminate the risk. smother the competition in its cradle.
you're in the "new paradigm" stage btw.

>> No.4919659

OP your a fucking brainlet...pls kys

>> No.4919672

I don't think there will be a massive dip.. IGNIS has a great product man. They just needed some cash flow and giving back to community who supported them.

What a great business right? Not many even know about the airdrop

>> No.4919700

OP you are fucking stupid

>> No.4919719

Do you have any idea how much money there is to be made in shorting an asset that went up nearly1000% in a couple months ?

Anyone who has any bullish feelings about cme listings is retarded, Wall Street are about making money and the best way to make money out of bitcoin with the trillions of dollars of liquidation they have at their disposal is shorting the shit out of it.. also bitcoin margin trades on cme are already confirmed to be cash settled on closing therefore they have no reason to give a fuck about what happens to bitcoin price as an asset

>> No.4919723

I'd buy maybe 30-50% while it's currently in a dip... I wouldn't be doing an all... what if it dips 20% tomorrow due to fear hype articles in the news?
You could miss out on that and you'll be pissed off at me.

I don't want that. Be wise... use your bankroll carefully. Never go 100% in a volatile market my man.

>> No.4919729


>> No.4919775

you need to flush yourself down the toilet, brain dead mutant.

>> No.4919788


Notice how you got the pink ID?
That's because no one likes the banks, ya filthy investment banker... GTFO my thread you shackle counter.

Haha.. nah, I kinda agree... I just don't agree with the banking firms being successful in cryptos.

Crypto is popular because everyone in this world wants to take their money out of the banks & monopolists hands.

>> No.4919899

Many alts set a brand new floor during the run up to 19k. It's not absurd to think they will create a new even lower floor if BTC gets slammed tomorrow.

>> No.4919941

Well you're just rude and adding nothing of value.
Yeahhhhh... buy into the meme... do it
Meanwhile we will hold our btc and the BIG money will take all yours.

Bitcoin hasn't even taken off yet.

1% of the world is invested into cryptos.

Why would the bankers kill crypto now, when they can ensure 5 to 10% invest into this shit...... that's when you might see a big short.. right now; we're in a hype mode to get more people simply just talking about cryptos.


We knew futures was on the cards back in 2016.

>> No.4919976


>> No.4920240

It is the same thing they did with Bcash. They got half the old BTC money to dump into that stating it is the 'real' btc. Now if the old BTC holder wanted to buy back, not only have they lost 50% on bcash assuming they bought in at about $2200 but they would also have to pay 3x the amount they sold their BTC for. I wonder how many fell into that trap, I know of at least 1 person. Mcaffy is probably in on it. TPTB want a 51% stake in the BTC market. The like the number 51 even though it isn't as relevant for a market with variable circulation and so many HODLing. They will use futures and their market control to buy more btc and gain more btc market dominance and control thus enabling them ever-increasing control over the futures 'results'. If there are more people going long, they dump, more going short, they pump. It is win/win for them and unique from your average stock manipulation due to its decentralised victims. No shareholders to piss off or to get in agreement manipulating the price. BTC has become (((their))) free market to do with as they please. Bitcoin will probably go up in the long run, especially after they hit 10+million owned if that is possible. Whatever happens, they will make a killing in the process.
Ironically the only hope is Bcash now, Jhin needs to take his miners off bitcoin and others like him, the ppl with money still in bitcoin needs to dump into cash and maybe they can destroy bitcoin and wallstreets entire stake along with it. Just pointing out that Bcash has pumped every 4 months, it is due one in Jan/Feb. Flippening?

>> No.4920894


>> No.4921102

>sold his coins for children's games
>could be buying a house in a few years with that same coin

Never change brainlets. Helps me keep accumulating.

>> No.4921261

This is false.... My brother in law is in a hedgefund... Wall Street laughs at Bitcoin investors... They think you're all faggots and stupid and 100% are aiming to crash the shit coin... I like ur backwards logic Anon but your a faggot .

>> No.4921419

Wall Street isn't moving btc, memes like this are. When the meme turns out to be nothing the price continues as before. Buy the FUD sell the hype. Dragonslayer demonstrated this perfectly.

>> No.4921460

everyone is a salty nocoiner these days

>> No.4921817

>tfw sold 120LTC like a retard at 120
>Put all my money into btc in hopes the ratio catches up.

If i buy litecoin now, id lose fucking 30ltc. I really hope the ratio drops again or btc shoots for 20k soon. I'm really rustled because I held ltc since the 40s.

>> No.4921874
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>> No.4922312

You made your decision so stick by it. Don't buy and let emotion take over. When Bitcoin goes on its next moon (very soon) LTC is going to crash hard and fast.

I'm all in on Bitcoin now, happy to let the lats have a couple of days in the sun but the King doesn't sleep for long.

>> No.4922519

>btc will moon
It's sinking down to 14k

>> No.4922590

You guys were saying it was going to crash after 10k lol.

You think Bitcoin is over and it's shitcoin season? You will be posting pink wojaks soon and FOMOing back in to BTC.

>> No.4922628

Simple it's because they only own %40 of it. These guys are pros at squeezing money out of normies. Better hold on

>> No.4922642

Because Billionaires can afford several 100 BTC put options.

>> No.4922645

I felt bad, laughed, and then felt bad again


>> No.4922697

plus now there's this happening http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-08/bulgaria-government-shocked-discover-it-owns-3-billion-bitcoin

Just wait for the dumpening

>> No.4922737


>> No.4922820


>> No.4922957

They will pay someone to manage those funds and try to extract as much value as possible. That means not dumping in one go.

>> No.4923016
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>> No.4923146
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> Why would the billionaires want to destroy bitcoin at this point?
The majority of billionaires achieved their position through corporatism, and crypto is anathema to the government.
I know that most of you have no idea of why early adopters went into crypto into the first place, or the history of currencies, so let me explain a few things:

1-) When multiple currencies compete freely, the weakest ones get slaughtered.
BTC might be shitty when compared to many other cryptocoins, but it is still superior to the dollar. There is no way in hell that the USA government is allowing the dollar to die without a fight, and also there is no way in hell that those at the top of the food chain are going against the government when they lobbied so hard to have things just like they want. So, ultimately, the government and the rich are going to wage war against BTC (and all crypto).

2-) The purpose of cryptocurrency is to be used as currency, the coins that fail into achieving that will be discarded. Ultimately, that means a transition from prices being listed in dollars/euro to them being listed in (insert dominant cryptocoins here).

3-) If, somehow, BTC just becomes fully regulated and controlled by a centralized power, those early adopters will just migrate to something better, attracting miners, and stealing resources that were dedicated to BTC before. Unlike the transaction from fiat to crypto, the transaction from bad crypto to good crypto will take weeks.