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File: 71 KB, 960x720, IOTA vs. Bitcoin comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4918520 No.4918520 [Reply] [Original]

IOTA compared to bitcoin. Do you agree on this?

>> No.4918534

shitcoin scam

>> No.4918536

I know who you are
>bought at all time high

>> No.4918541


>> No.4918551


Arguments for your opinion?

>> No.4918568

there was a seminar at TU delft yesterday (kinda like the MIT of europe) where a dudes from crypto gave lectures. one of those dudes was from iota. seems legit after all...

>> No.4918573

>Low power consumption

Horseshit. Spreading out the power used across all users doesn't make it lower

>> No.4918599


Get smart on this.

"The bitcoin network's encryption could be cracked by a quantum computer because these computers have the calculating ability to crack the ecryption. So they could brute force someone's bitcoin wallet to steal funds etc.. But it will still take a long time before we get to that point. Bitcoin is going to have to be upgraded to be able to stay safe from quantum computing. IOTA however is already quantum proof and this is why it's called a 3rd generation cryptocurrency."

Source: https://steemit.com/iota/@p-eto/iota

>> No.4918606

never trust premined scam tokens.

>> No.4918624


The power consumption of bitcoin results mostly from the mining. IOTA doesn´t need a mining process.

>> No.4918635

5000 trillion coins

mutable ledger

no work to secure transactions

developer owns 99% of IOTA

no code public

just a broken wallet and a "blockchain" where the developer can reset balances and revert transactions

>> No.4918649


proof of iota talking at tu delft

>> No.4918697


I would not trust it if the technology would not be such a game-changer.

Inform yourself before you judge.


>> No.4918700

To be fair, Bitcoin is also centralized, whether you like it or not.
As miners are the ones doing the validations in the network, he who controls the miners, controls the bitcoins. And currently China is a BTC mining superpower bar none, so they have the entire network under their supervision.
Think about this, next time someone spouts "CRYPTO NEEDS TO BE DECENTRALISED!" at your shitcoins.

>> No.4918724

>I would not trust it if the technology would not be such a game-changer.
I don't trust their technology.

>> No.4918740


IOTA's coin supply is just slightly higher than Bitcoin's (IOTA compared to Satoshis).

IOTA is still in its early phase so a better wallet and the removal of the coordinator are ahead of us.

IOTA also won't have all these problems with greedy miners.

>> No.4918744


>> No.4918747


So just read more about the tangle. Why do you think that such a lot of big corporations partner with them. Don´t you think those firms check their investments?

>> No.4918788


Like the other guy, I don't trust their technology either. I also don't see why companies would use IOTA on the tangle to settle fees between machines when the value of IOTA fluctuates wildly. Why can't they just use the tangle with a coin/token pegged to a specific value?

>> No.4918796


There HAS TO BE A PREMINED SUPPLY you brainlet since mining isn't a thing in IOTA..

>> No.4918800



>> No.4918811


The fluctuation will decrease with a higher number of transactions and a bigger market capitalization.

>> No.4918854

Why are brainlets so unable to understand that coin supply doesn't make a damn difference in a coin? If there's twice as many coins they'll be half the price you fucking inbred

>> No.4918863


You are right.
It is not a cryptocurrency as we knew it. It is the next level.

Comparing traditional cryptocurrencies to IOTA is like comparing your Nokia 3310 to the newest IPhone.

>> No.4918865

Is IOTA opensource?

>> No.4918871

>The fluctuation will decrease with a higher number of transactions and a bigger market capitalization.

BTC is king crypto and even it fluctuates wildly, and how in the hell does more transactions = less volatility?

>> No.4918874

MySQL vs Bitcoin

>> No.4918884

5000 trillion coins valued at 50 cents a coin
>has no effect

okay retard.

>> No.4918926

It actually does, because brainlets just look at the dollar price.
Which leads to dumb money pumps that don't end well

>> No.4918940


Post proof of even one big corporation announcing a partnership with them

Its all lies

>> No.4918951


IOTA is designed for operating myriads of machine to machine microtransactions. Those transactions will not have the speculative character the crypto-market has now.

Even if a bigger investor would try a pump and dump on it, it would have nearly no effect if IOTA is fully established in the internet of things.

Fuck... IOTA gets even QUICKER by increasing number of transactions.

>> No.4918957

No fucking shit there's no mining, why do you think I posted that? If I can't mine it, it isn't crypto.

>> No.4918976

Raiblocks is answer for everything

>> No.4918997

no because iota doesn't even work so it should be red in all fields.

>> No.4919007


Do you really think IOTA would dare to announce a cooperation with those corporations, if it would not be true? Really?

They would be sued to oblivion if they would try such a move.


>> No.4919019

>cheaper to buy at the moment
that argument is stupid

>> No.4919041


Oh you mean that piece of shit that forces you to scan your face every time you want to unlock it? Good comparison though since is Iota is a statist rapefuge coin funded by soros and globalists

No thanks i'll take the nokia

>> No.4919063

>Fuck... IOTA gets even QUICKER by increasing number of transactions.

There's nothing forcing spammers to include other transactions.
So the network gets 'quicker' - the problem is that normal transactions are just ignored.

>> No.4919075


Nah...my argument just points out that you still can easily jump on the IOTA train. Even with a small investment.

>> No.4919080


Thats a quote from iota themselves. Show me ONE quote from microsoft or any big company announcing any kind of partnership

>> No.4919095

Why does nobody else at all in the entire crypto community care about iota if tangle truly is revolutionary tech? I follow hundreds of intelligent people in the crypto community, and not a single one follows either lead iota dev or the iota twitter.

>> No.4919137


>> No.4919158


You should invest in tinfoil to protect yourself from HAARP and chemtrails.

Also: Don´t you know that Bitcoin is mostly owned by a small elite of about 1000 people?

And: If the globalist elite is pushing IOTA, wouldn´t that mean, that IOTA is guaranteed to make you rich if you buy now?

>> No.4919172

You dont think bitcoin could go 100x in 3 years?

>> No.4919191

i have $900 in IOTA right now

if it becomes the next level bitcoin, im rich
if not, I still have some btc, eth and ltc as my backup

>> No.4919192


No need to disbelieve their statement.

As I already told you, they would be sued to oblivion by Microsoft, Fujitsu, Bosch and so on, if they announce a cooperation and it is just a scam.

>> No.4919245

Proof of the fact that it is quantum proof? Evidence for it at all other than the CEO's statement who also controls the entire system right now 'until it works'.

>> No.4919275



Yup im a tinfoiler because i dont want pain in the ass phones and rapefugee cities

Globalism is on the way out so investing in it would be stupid, but honestly i wouldnt invest in it either way since theyre all jew faggots

Post some proof of this fake coins HUGE partnerships, ill wait

>> No.4919277


I think bitcoin can go up for some time. But one day it´s exceeding power consumption will be a serious problem.
Also the transaction fees and delays make it very unconvenient as a currency. So one day the times of Bitcoin will be over (don´t know if in 2 or 5 years).
But this will not be the end of cryptocurrencies. I think one day people will pay their everyday transactions in a cryptocurrency.
I just don´t think it will be a blockchain based cryptocurrency.
IOTA seems to be the next step, so I bought and will hold.

>> No.4919314

It uses winternitz one time signatures which would be proof enough if you had any clue about cryptography which you obviously don't since you either can't be arsed to read the whitepaper or you don't understand what's written in it.

>> No.4919320


No need to prove anything to you. They will be sued if they lie on this point.

Also keep /pol/ in /pol/.

>> No.4919353

They use hash signatures that are actually quantum proof. It's because of them you can't safely spend more than two times from your address. Yes it should be two times, if they didn't fuck up their code to randomly include a private key in a first transaction. lol.

Bugs notwithstanding, IOTA is shit but that shit is mostly elsewhere. Their hash signatures are a pointless gimmick now.

>> No.4919411

No. In order to submkit a new transaction, spam or not, you have to confirm two others.

>> No.4919412


This coin is more pol than biz since they are just using the money we invest for gay political shit like "smart refugee cities"

Should i post the twitter screenshots from the Creater of Iota?

>> No.4919540
File: 155 KB, 1069x1200, bb_chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byteball is like a IOTA that not sucks

>> No.4919541


Don´t care if they support refugee cities or whatever.
I see a great technology coming up and a great possibility to earn some money if you get in early.

>> No.4919552

>No. In order to submkit a new transaction, spam or not, you have to confirm two others.

You can confirm two of your own transactions.
If everyone had to confirm two external transactions to send his own the network would inevitably grind to a total halt due to lack of transactions.

Example: there are two transactions in a network. You send a transaction, confirming these two. Now what do you confirm to send another one? Either two of the three past transactions again or you can't send anything.

>> No.4919570

Bump, sell this shit before they dump it all.

My guess is they'll market it to more normies and make a bunch of money off it before one final dump

>> No.4919611


It's a scam. Even the creator backtracked and admitted there was no microsoft partnership so there wouldnt be a lawsuit

>> No.4919635


I see the corporate partnerships more as an advantage for IOTA as an investment, notas a disadvantage.

I´m trading crypto for the profit, not for a belief in a lolbertarian utopia.

>> No.4919654


1) Create a binance account. Use referral code 11682017 if you feel like being nice since you're using my guide - or don't, up to you.

2) Send them some crypto. I recommend using something other than Bitcoin since btc is congested right now. HERE IS A TRICK I USED: I had Bitcoin since before the forks, so I split out my BTG and sold it all. BTG (and BCH, for that matter) have much faster moving networks right now. Use Coinami to split BTG - it's the only reliable and safe way I know of. BCH can be split using Electron Cash if you don't want to use Coinami for that. If you want more details about any of this, ask me - all I ask in return is that you use 11682017 as your code when you sign up to Binance.

3) Inside Binance, turn whatever crypto you sent into btc or eth if you didn't send btc or eth directly. There are only two trading pairs with IOTA right now for Binance, and it's BTC-IOTA and ETH-IOTA.

4) Buy IOTA. Voila! You're done. Don't be worried that withdrawals of IOTA are turned off right now. If for some reason you want to liquidate your position, just trade the IOTA back to BTC or ETH and you can withdraw that (or take it one step further and turn that BTC/ETH into something that's moving faster right now, if you like). N.B. I believe ETH network is pretty slow right now due to cryptokitties but they may have gotten that under control? Not sure on this, don't currently own any ETH.

Your mileage may vary on transaction times on BTC right now - I've heard conflicting reports. Personally I'm able to get pretty decent speed confirmations lately (within an hour).

>> No.4919668



>> No.4919673


Fuck your referral code you STUPID cunt.

>> No.4919682

>not for a belief in a lolbertarian utopia.
but thats exactly what it will be, thats why you are buying crypto because you understand the inevitable progression, not so much the lolbertarian but def. the utopia

>> No.4919691

iota is a fucking technologicial desert with sandy aids....but if your speculating then its fine

>> No.4919712


"To pay for goods/service of value 52 000 bytes, the fee would be 1%".

Transaction fees suck.

>> No.4919792

It will be worth so much that it will be useless as a currency in real life situations. I know Satoshis exist but at 100x they'll be worth too much too eventually.

>> No.4919862


“We are excited to partner with the IOTA Foundation and proud to be associated with its new data marketplace initiative,” said Microsoft blockchain specialist Omkar Naik.

Independent source:


>> No.4919922

That Omkar Naik guy is a random sales guy at Azure.

They paid a pajeet to shill and that's all this is

>> No.4920054
File: 8 KB, 189x266, pinkwojakpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4920060



Can other shitcoins do this ?

>> No.4920074



Again, please provide real proof directly from microsoft or samsung or any of the other companies they supposedly have partnerships with

>> No.4920093
File: 89 KB, 649x243, Omkar Naik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like you are the one who is shilling.

>> No.4920141

There's such an enourmous circulating supply of this coin... How high can it go?

Please, no bagholder sentiments. I own a measily 30 IOTA and I'm wondering what to do with them.

>> No.4920145


I already gave you the link to an independent source confirming a partnership.

Stay in denial if you want.

>> No.4920162

>"microsoft blockchain specialist"
>"solution sales"

Which one is it?

It's a linkedin profile. Anyone can write anything on that shit

>> No.4920193


Dude doesn't work at microsoft. Check microsofts website

>> No.4920206


>> No.4920213
File: 56 KB, 450x415, 1510691903199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4920223


>> No.4920251


As if Microsoft has any single employee punlicly listed on their website.

Troll better.

>> No.4920266

Yeah, like the IOTA DEVS never lied???
>Coordinator will be removed in July 2017
>Coordinator will be open source as soon as IOTA foundation is registered
>etc, etc...

>> No.4920269

unprofessional and small development team:
IOTA: check

just another shitcoin with no large support/infrastructure:

>> No.4920300

>Looks like you are the one who is shilling.

What? Yes he works at Microsoft, just like ~127000 other people.
That doesn't change the fact that he was most likely paid to do this. How much do you think a 'solution sales' position makes? Clearly several times less than what can be made on a pump.

>> No.4920307


microsoft meetup 12th december and 14

>> No.4920317

>If everyone had to confirm two external transactions to send his own the network would inevitably grind to a total halt due to lack of transactions.
Didn't that already happened like a month ago? When everything went to a halt for a week or so due to a "bug"?

>> No.4920332

>coordinator is to be removed when the system is fully operational

Oh yeah? and who decides when its fully operational?

And when will it be "fully operational" ? in 250 fucking years?

>> No.4920361


Dr. Rolf Werner from Fujitsu confirmed the cooperation in a tweet.


>> No.4920380


>> No.4920403


Soon. Better get in before it reaches that point. After that it will go skyrocket.

>> No.4920420

>The bitcoin network's encryption could be cracked by a quantum computer because these computers have the calculating ability to crack the ecryption.
Oh I see. A is true because quantum computers can A.

>Another very important aspect is that IOTA does not use the blockchain. Blockchain transactions will be verified and saved in a "database" called the blockchain.
They literally say so themselves

>> No.4920431


All their tech people have a microsoft community profile

And guess what? Hes a fucking fake, not one search result in post or users for this guy.

Not one mention of him anywhere

>> No.4920450

one is a local database, the other is a distributed database

>> No.4920463
File: 313 KB, 2048x2732, IMG_1698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4920466


The guy works at Microsoft Blockchain/Azure. Open the link and don't be such a butthole godamn

>> No.4920494


ITT: Lot of blockchain-fags in fear of losing money to a new technology.

Keep shilling for the miner-lobby.

>> No.4920629


Nowhere in that article is there any mention of omkar naik or an iota partnership with microsoft

>> No.4920645


>> No.4920650

Even Reuters confirms the cooperation between IOTA and its partners.


>> No.4920674


truth. but iota #rekt.

>> No.4921050


>> No.4921116

Iota is complete garbage. It is going to be amazing to see it collapse.

>> No.4921428
File: 553 KB, 2048x2732, IMG_1702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More bullshit.


Here you go, straight from the horses mouth, the creater of Iota David Sorobos

>> No.4921463
File: 767 KB, 2048x2732, IMG_1700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shit is going to go down in flames, sell while you can boys, last warning

>> No.4921573

Bump, more people need to call out this david sonstebo faggot on twitter

>> No.4921667


someone make a new thread with this image to get the word out, let it dump on the normies and dye

>> No.4921795

Being in the same room with microsoft and a bunch of other companies is NOT THE SAME as being in a partnership with microsoft.

"Microsoft is one of 30+ participants in the DATA MARKETPLACE"

>> No.4921822

Thanks for the image, someone posted this a couple days ago but I didn't save it. Now I have an official waifu.

How does GBYTE compare to XRB?

IOTA has transaction fees too, it's just that no one gets rewarded for them. If you knew what a transaction fee is (compensation for electricity/hardware usage), you'd understand. There is no economic incentive to use support IOTA's network.

>> No.4921849

Can't believe so many dumb fucks that are here now. This coin is objectively shit, and if you can't see that, you clealry haven't done an iota of quality research.

>> No.4921888

lmao i dont care what he thinks of himself or how smart he is to be but the guy needs to stop sperging out on reddit

>> No.4921889

Is there a decentralized version of iota? Like a minable version?

Any coins come close to fitting that description??

>> No.4921906

>stop doing crack bro it's not good for your health

this guy is such a fucking iodiot, his responses to valid criticism are always liek this

>> No.4921933


PoW has no future because it needs too much resources

>> No.4921954

This is the value of zero transactions fees, and why IOTA's model is built this way. It offers an advantage in that you don't have to use the currency at all, they can just act as ghost vessels.

This is also why the currency has no reason to appreciate, and even their concept succeeds, you cannot expect reasonable ROI beyond dumb money hype.

>> No.4922072

BTC is not centralized in NEARLY the same manner as IOTA. IOTA is closed source and no one knows what it's in the COO. BTC is only centralized in terms of mining cartels, not code, not the network, etc.

DAG exist in many other projects, IOTA did not invent this technology, only renamed their shitty spin off as le "tangle".

>IOTA gets quicker with more transactions

This is an example of believing evertyhgin you read. Some guy has been exploiting a bug that spams the network with transactions, and slow it down. Additionally, the tangle dies if less people use it (since the network takes longer to process tx with less using, and there is therefore less incentive to use it, it will continue going downhill). At it's most critical moment, it has a glaring weakness and a death spiral waiting to happen.


they admitted they did exactly that

this is true for literally any project out there dumbfuck

>> No.4922162

There is already, and has been, working DAG tech without any centralized coordinator. Among many other things, like fully functional smart contracts.

can't w8 m8, I really wish big bang theory would've advertised IOTA, would've fit their demographic a little more, bazinga.

>has no future
>leading crypto is up 400% since last month and isn't stopping anytime soon

I don't think you understadn the cost of resources is compensated, unlike in IOTA. So it doesn't matter, it's still profitable.

>> No.4922180

If this is true then he coin itself has no value.

Because coins have value because they pay for transactions.

>> No.4922215

>Buy into iota last night at 4.80
>Now it's 4.50 and declining
>Probably going to crash now that they're liars

It's not a lot of money so it doesn't really matter, it's just a let down that my first investment was such a failure.

>> No.4922277

Raiblocks XRB is going to fuck both of them in the ass!

>> No.4922375

Do more research fucktard. There are layers upon layers of unresolved FUD surrounding IOTA. The devs can't even dispel the FUD.

Don't invest until you, personally, can silence any and all FUD.

>> No.4922378

Open source:
What if IOTA has integrated btc wallet and its plan is to reach 51% compute power to kill btc?

>> No.4922395

Thanks I'm sure to take your comment to heart when you lead into it with that.

>> No.4922445

>implying bitcoin has any value

>> No.4922478

>i'm sensitive pls no bully
fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.4922516

I don't care that you bully me, you're some guy who thinks he's tough shit on the internet. My concern is that if you have to lead into something by insulting the other person and trying to gain dominance like that, you're trying to make up for a lack of real wisdom.

>> No.4922595

>>has no future
>>leading crypto is up 400% since last month and isn't stopping anytime soon

I wouldn't call increasing value of a PoW coin 'proof' that PoW is viable in the future. The two ideas are completely separate from each other. I do genuinely believe one day PoW coins will largely die out (enormous energy costs and requirement of expensive hardware to mine centralized mining further), but I don't think it will be at the hands of IOTA

>> No.4922599

ok listen here, very carefully, retard

I called you a fucktard because acted as one, bought high into a piece of shit scam coin and now you're complaining about it. You desrve to be insulted, and I offered sound advice.

GTFO with your wisdom and kindness shit, you obviously don't have much and moral posting like a true faggot. You are really in the wrong place if you can't take being insulted without acting like you want an apology.

Additionally, I listed several points above your post if you want check my """""wisdom""""" on this topic.

But please, feel free to just GTFO

>> No.4922613

>listen here ... retard

stopped reading there, try again.

>> No.4922630

Yes it does. It is secured by proof of work.

>> No.4922639

Oh ok, sorry I thought you were just retard posting. I agree PoW will probably see a slow replacement, but for now it's clear which model is king. But things move fast yet ultimately boil down to economics.

>> No.4922673


kek, look at this insecure loser. Sad!

>> No.4922680

>Oh ok, sorry I thought you were just retard posting.

I'm not the guy you were talking to, just injecting my thoughts into the conversation

>> No.4922684

Lol, you are never going to be able to gather useful information from here if you can't take insults.

And this likely has a carry over into real life too. You are far too sensitive, and too quick to become ignorant to potential information just because it hurts your feelings. Stay poor dumbfag. You are unable to address any of my points, and instead insult the way they were abrasively packaged.

>> No.4922706

kek, look at this brainlet who can't into critical reasoning and instead sticks to ad hominem as his bags depreciate in value!

oh, ok. well I agreed

>> No.4922716

As I said, I'm not sensitive and don't care that I'm being called a retard. I just don't find your thoughts worthy of being taken seriously if you have to call other people names in order to feel like you have some sort of highground. It's what people do when they're not actually sure of themselves but are trying to make it appear as if they do. It's something weak people do to appear strong. I stopped reading your post at "dumbfag" by the way.

>> No.4922767


>> No.4922817

I don't give a shit about high ground numbskull, you are focusing way to much on the packaging of what I said, and not the bigger picture of my actions. I was giving you advice, and that's a form a generosity. I'd understand your point if all I said was "you are retarded", but I continued on to helpful towards you. I'm extremely sure of myself, but apparently you have nothing of substance to call me out on, other than my insulting phrasing - which is very weak, conidering that is commonplace here. Perhaps you don't know, because you're likely a literal safespace normie who is making his debut here.

Further, why the fuck would I care about seeming strong on an anonymous forum? You are reading way too much into this, likely because you are actually retarded.

You're missing the forest for the insulting trees, and there is much to be lost in that.

>> No.4922825


>Critical reasoning
> has to pad his arguments with insults because he cant resort to any other form of discourse

Pathetic. You probably cant even realize you're antisocial, heh.
The other guy has a point, your words decrease in value when you convey them in a negative way. Its basic psychology. Your words... they are bags, man. Nobody is gonna invest in them. You're a brainlet with their usage.

>> No.4922844

IOTA: Shit
Bitcoin: A little less shit, but also shit

A bit more accurate

>> No.4922851

Screencap of a fake microsoft quote some iota shill posted in another thread

"that will foster Innovation real world solutions"


>> No.4922852

Explain your reasoning.

>> No.4922872

You're calling him retarded when you don't even realize that IOTA's price is measured in MIOTA (1 million iotas).

>> No.4922877
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>> No.4922948



>> No.4922991

oh look no one replied cuz the FUDers have no arguments except disinformation.

>> No.4923025

You have expressed no critical reasoning, and have addressed none of my points. I have been carrying on a solid discourse, despite the insults I've shared with you, yet you idiots (oops, didn't mean to offend!) can't get over the fact it has some insults in there. It's not my problem if you can't see solid arguements because there's some insults in there. I guess it makes sense that all these IOTA retards (oops, did that upset you?) are politically correct, plebbit tier SJW morons.

You do realize you also insulted me by calling me an "insecure looser", right? And also followed up by calling me a brainlet? This is blatant hypocrisy, doubly so since I have not insulted you. You actually were the first to sling shit my way. I didn't even mention it though, because it ultimately doesn't matter in this anonymous discourse, only the main points do (and I guess you have a tought time deciphering that). I'm not trying to be your friend, I'm trying to convey points, if you are too dumb to form a coherent arguement while being insulted by an anonymous poster on the internet, you will never make it.

>> No.4923041

Disagree. Bitcoin is not widely accepted by any stretch of the imagination. It's still early game.

>> No.4923069


>implying im gonna read this

heh, keep on being a brainlet with no rhetoric. Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.4923099

Supply doesn't matter, only idiots think it does.

IOTA has been around for years yet they still do not have the wallet fixed or the coordinator removed, despite always having it "planned" to be done "soon".

And no shit it won't have problems with miners, because there ARE NO MINERS. That's like saying BTC won't have problems with the coordinator. Fuck you're dumb. No one addressed your points because they were trivial.

>> No.4923123

>claiming others have no rhetoric
>being unable to read and comprehend 8 sentences

>> No.4923128

IOTA is the Bitcoin killer. IOTA isn't trying to compete with ETH for second spot, its goal is to kill Bitcoin. All the company backings are too strong for Bitcoin to resist IOTA offensive. Microsoft is just the beginning, there will be more to come. Bitcoin will never recover because of IOTA.

IOTA - big companies, government, wall street billionaires
Bitcoin - pump and dump whale groups

>> No.4923153


I know you're just fuckin' around, but it's funny to imagine someone actually thinking this

>> No.4923258


Shits a scam, check the above, get out while u still can boys

>> No.4923260

>critcisizes others for "padding arugements with insults" despite not being insulted
>continues on with pathetic, antisocial brainlet

it take a real special kind of kiddo to invest in IOTA

>> No.4923294

Do you really think bitcoin will be used by businesses and every day people? Bitcoin doesn't scale for shit. It only has two uses: speculation and buying other crypto.

>> No.4923319

It is gaining traction, this would be my risk buy though

>> No.4923421

it's loosing traction idiot, how dumb can you get. how much "traction do you expect after it gets to the #3 or 4 spot, and now all it's biggest name partnerships are certified fake?

>> No.4923452

No it's gaining more traction just U wait and C
Scrnshot this

>> No.4923455

this is just because stupid normies are buying the news, it's going to depreciate. You need to look ahead, not where it's at now. It's about the derivative, and it's negative.

>> No.4923476

I'm not going to waste my time screenshotting literal pajeet crystal ball post. Save your own screenshot and if you end up being right, go ahead and make a thread about it. Nowhere to go but down from here man.

>> No.4923526

>Nowhere to go but down from here man.

>> No.4923570

Thanks, it gives me thrills you'll have a whole folder full of your delusions of granduer that you'll back on and weep before you eventually and silently delete it.

>> No.4923777

Not sure I'll be weeping after making an easy 3x within the next month

>> No.4923849
File: 2.00 MB, 300x186, 1496111766505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quantum secure

when will this meme die?

>> No.4924067

sad waste of trips. can you tell me why you think it still has potential to go x3? I don't care, becaue I know you're wrong, but want to help you walk through this so you can make better financial decisions.

It went up about x5-6 in the last few weeks, and this pump was built off a series of falsifiable partnerships and fake news in general. Why do you think this rate of growth will continue?

>> No.4924125
File: 349 KB, 338x654, 1506873008068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durrrr fake partnerships
>ahhhh dooiiiiii they wont anser my questions on reddit


>> No.4924151

Yes. The bitcoin developers will just stand there while quantum computers ruin everything.

>> No.4924241
File: 119 KB, 500x513, laughing communists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>coordinator is to be removed when the system is fully operational

Vanguard Party is to be removed when the system is fully operational

>> No.4924527

so is this a scamcoin???

>> No.4924583

"cheap to buy" hahahah

>> No.4924629

yeah, it pretty accurately captures the intelligences of the average investor.

>> No.4924676

>23 posts by this id
I thought the guy who made 10 posts whining and FUDing in the other thread was autistic, but holy shit, you are new levels of autism.

>> No.4924701

what am i to make of this?? sell off my iota??

>> No.4924791

Lol, just bored mang. Out of state visiting family, so shitposting is a must to pass the time.

>> No.4925632

Reposting from the other thread because nobody was able to give ma an answer.
What purpose does the IoT serve to, exactly? Serious question. Is there a reason why I have to connect my toaster to the internet other that "because I'm tech snob and l like having my calory intake controlled externally and my private info divulgated"? Or having your mandatory Google Smart Car™ (now with only 90% crash rate™) drive you to your cubicle located within in a sheeple-allowed traffic zone?

>> No.4925829


Yes. I would wait for the next tiny pump and then dump that shit before it tanks when ppl find out their microshit partnership is fake news