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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4912711 No.4912711 [Reply] [Original]

>Amazing bullrun
>Couldn't scrape enough neetbux to profit from it
>missed btc moon
>missed ark moon
>missed link moon
>missed monero moon
>Scraped together my neetbux and entered the crypto market (again) last week.
>Down 20% all week after failing to get in on pumps
>Litecoin goes to 130 and I realize it will probably pump to a new ATH
> Make 150 dollars all in all

Who here /lowIQ?

>> No.4912831
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tell me about it bro

made the rightcalls

fucking fat fingered one trade and lost it all
now I have 108 bucks where I could have had 4k something

>> No.4912862

All in zencash

>> No.4912889

obvious problem: you are chasing green candles. buy shit when it is red (top ten coins only) and just wait.

>> No.4912899
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i have an easy way out anon, you only have to make one last decision to lamboland

>> No.4912948

>missed LINK moon

>> No.4913211

>mfw couldn't buy any coins for a month
>late for every single moon
>nothing left to buy now
Kill me

>> No.4913357
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I told myself id hold for the recovery. I sold and missed recovering 30% of my 55% loss. Now it feels like everything will dip again and it's too late to buy in.