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File: 102 KB, 2494x1134, Litecoin-is-Partying-Hard-–-Will-it-Last-compressor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4911240 No.4911240 [Reply] [Original]

>bought at 0.008
>panic sold at 0.0078
>rebought at 0.0081
>sold again at 0.0079
>went to sleep
>now it's 0.01


>> No.4911264

>you got some sleep

look at the positives. not everyone is stupid enough to sleep during a 60% increase, but you were!

>> No.4911270

>Selling at an upward trend

>> No.4911317

Buy high sell low.

>> No.4911345

wtf is wrong with you

>> No.4911353

margin trading is not the best thing to do right now.
Just buy and hold

>> No.4911360

its going to $350.

>> No.4911369
File: 552 KB, 525x623, 1457059654102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>panic sold
just leave crypto, or investing in general, you poorfag NEET manchild

>> No.4911389
File: 20 KB, 400x507, 2ia36ug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is litecoin cheaper than ethereum?

>> No.4911413

thats the guy that drank poison recently right?

>> No.4911436

No that was Santa Claus

>> No.4911440

Good night OP, hope you sleep well

>> No.4911453
File: 42 KB, 423x302, 596trillion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he was just a myth.

>> No.4911487
File: 16 KB, 204x204, thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest what you got left in MUSICOIN and just hold it until end of next week.

>> No.4911499


You Suck: the musical

>> No.4911503

>attempting to daytrade
>not understanding financial markets
everyone made that mistake once

learn from it and accept that daytrading is a casino

>> No.4911550
File: 38 KB, 880x400, bitcoin_atm2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why light coin is going up i am just passing this around from japan where there are atms for bitcoin on every corner >>>You all should know by now there are 2 exchanges opening December 10th & 15th to trade bitcoin Only
One is a futures market that will allow Very big money to SHORT bitcoin now who would want to do that>>> Bankers And wall street<<<
bitcoin threatens them they have created these exchanges to rein in bitcoin i don't know if they will be-able to smash the price like they do in the gold market
So i am here to tell all who have bitcoin many of us are cashing in half of our bitcoin and buying litecoin because the exchanges that are opening Dec 10th & 15th DO NOT! trade litecoin so we do this for safety only!
If there attempt take down bitcoin price fail we just sell litecoin and return to bitcoin
But if they are successful then we have persevered half of our money please pass this on
you do what you want
We want freedom from the bankers & they are coming we just wanted to inform you
lot in the usa to

>> No.4911582
File: 469 KB, 992x536, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at 9.20.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is cash Anon $ 350 litecoin here we come

>> No.4911775
