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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 81 KB, 1601x727, FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4911150 No.4911150 [Reply] [Original]


I bought literally $8k (my entire savings with just $600 left to live) of Confido a few months back. I've been researching crypto for months now and figured that generally, if you hold; you gain. It was supposed to be fucking safe. I just buy, wait, and enjoy profits - even if it's only up 10% by some miracle within a few months, I make profit.

I'd planned to not even look for 6 months minimum, but figured I'd check it out. This is my first time investing in anything, cryptocurrencies or shares or whatever. Fuck, what the fuck happened? Please tell me this isn't real, can someone explain why Confido crashed? Is this just the way the crypto market is? Does it just randomly drop coins out of nowhere for no reason? Fucks sake I'm almost in tears I can't believe it

>> No.4911173

Welcome to crypto.

>> No.4911182

If you're not joking then I will leave it at this, Confido turned out to be a big scam. They're promising a refund but it will be about 4 cents per coin. Like me, you should have sold the peak within a few days of ICO. But we didn't.

>> No.4911186

there will be a lot of this the coming days

>> No.4911190
File: 71 KB, 450x399, stock-vector-fail-stamp-red-round-grunge-vintage-fail-sign-547493098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest more than you can afford

>> No.4911199

Holy fuck man what the fuck, this is devastating

Thanks for actually telling me what went down, are the fucking founders getting arrested for this shit? Is there any hope of me getting my full $8k back? For $0.4 each I'll probably recover like a grand at best

>> No.4911201

>all in, into a obscure alt
No you just are retarded

>> No.4911217

> It was supposed to be fucking safe
yep, that's where you can only with your life with a 9mm bullet going at 1000m/s through your brain

>> No.4911218


>> No.4911221

Mate I didn't invest more than I could afford, I invested absolutely 100% of what I could afford - I had $600 left to live on, and since investing I've regained a bit of a buffer but not fucking $8k. Took me so long to save that shit. Fucking livid, absolutely devastated

>> No.4911230


lol 4 cents each not 40. You got rekd

>> No.4911235
File: 94 KB, 800x429, trudeau and pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek thanks for reminding me of this glorious scam

>if you hold, you win

>> No.4911247

>Thanks for actually telling me what went down, are the fucking founders getting arrested for this shit? Is there any hope of me getting my full $8k back?


... Yeah OP, you're pretty much royally fucked here

>> No.4911248

think you're bullshitting

>> No.4911252
File: 43 KB, 450x229, doube fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest all your money in 1 shitcoin, no diversification.

>> No.4911255


Fucking hell

I'm serious here, is this worth going to the police over or some shit? What's happened to the founders, have they been caught? Are they going to jail?

>> No.4911260

Why do you say that?

>> No.4911262

This is how IOTA will turn out, calling it now

>> No.4911266

So why in the hell would you put all 8000 in one, small coin? What the fuck is wrong with you? Seems like you didn't read anything before investing

>> No.4911275

youre hilarious

>> No.4911277

>tfw I invested in the ICO and only made x7 my initial investment

I was really angry about this because it went much higher, but at least I know that some of the smug, redditor HODL crowd who bought the ICO got justed.

Not you though OP, I feel bad for you.

>> No.4911293
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Let's hope not, I bought 110 at 3.50$

>> No.4911295

>trusting a coin named "con"

>> No.4911300
File: 22 KB, 181x278, JUST crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woulda been 32k now if you just put it in btc

>> No.4911301

The comfydo difference

>> No.4911304


>> No.4911312


shit man I'm really sorry for you and everything but you could easily google all this information.

>> No.4911314

>i threw 8 grand at something, all i had, and planned not to even look at it for months
lol what
i put a couple hundred in and i check it pretty regular. got some alerts so if anything falls too low i get a ring and can bail before damage gets too hard. if anything goes up too quick, an alarm so i can monitor for a bubble and prepare to bail. took zero effort to set up

8k just thrown at an obscure crypto then you walk away not looking at it? lol LOL what a strategy.

>> No.4911316

Right, if OP was looking for a long stable hold he should have put his 8k in XRP

>> No.4911324


I really feel bad for you OP. But at least 8k isn't that big in the long run, you will make it back.

Try investing in non scam's like Funfair or maybe Chainlink and make your money back.

>> No.4911334

Because dumb normies are coming in.
And where there is normies there are people to scam them.

>> No.4911349

at least it's your own money anon
all these fags that are laughing at you hyped their brothers, sisters and parents into this shit and well
let's just say christmas is ruined

>> No.4911354


*don't invest more that you can afford to LOSE

>> No.4911352

There's some Parity shit named Onfido
Facial recognition or some shit like that

>> No.4911364

>non scam like chain link

>> No.4911368

can I ask you, is this the first time you personally see the normies moving in?

>> No.4911374

>maybe Chainlink

you want OP to lose his shit again on some scamcoin led by a russian and a college freshman? fuck you

>> No.4911375

hi pajeet

>> No.4911378

Yeah the head has been picked up in Italy, was on the radio.

>> No.4911387

>people claiming to feel sorry
hi pajeets, streets are not clean i presume?

>> No.4911390

This is hilarious if true.

OP you are a total retard. This is why you will always be poor.

>> No.4911402


I had a similar misfortune last month like OP. I lost half of my entire savings and almost my entire portfolio, $6500 due to B2X and BCH.

I invested the last half of my savings in Chainlink when it dipped to 15 cents for a day. Literally made all my money back plus profit when Link mooned up to 35 cents.

>> No.4911406
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1478541707353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting us to believe you didn't immediately google "Confido" after you saw the chart to find out what happened within 15 seconds

Why do people keep falling for these ridiculous LARPs? Is it because 95% of this board is from the Indian subcontinent?

>> No.4911408

Give me a fuckin break, a few of my friends invested a couple grand into some dumb, obscure "shitcoin" called Ethereum when it was worth around $8 and recently sold it for $420

Additionally, one of my colleagues invested in some dumb, obscure "shitcoin" called Litecoin back when it was around $12 and is still holding

I figured why not invest in a quiet, new coin called Confido and hope for the best. You're kidding yourself if you don't admit that, for the most part of crypto investing, if you buy and hold; you'll make money. This is just fucking devastating.

Thanks man I'm reading up on it now, seems like apparently they ran into some contract issue so not necessarily a scam?

>> No.4911414

nice trolling pajeet

>> No.4911417

There's no way someone who is under so much stress right now took the irme to screenshot the chart, cut it, post it here, ask for shit instead of just googling.
OP is trolling and is baiting for some "hey mate gimme your address and i will give you some btc" or shit like that.
This is bait.
He didn't even post his ethereum wallet or anything.

>> No.4911439

Hahahahahahahaha nothing like the fucking shitcoin market bro. Imagine if you put your 8k into something stable.. I dunno like BITCOIN. You'd have over 20k right now.

>> No.4911442

Googling was the first thing I did faggot, all I got was "exit scam" and the fact that they'd removed their social media - I figured some people here might have an idea of exactly went down

>> No.4911459

i don't understand what you're trying to say

>> No.4911462

Send pic of your wallet or keep LARPing.

>> No.4911465

I learned about this scam coin from here in the first place, after googling it was the first place I turned. The fuck's suspicious about screencapping the chart? And have you seen me ask for handouts? Fuck no I'm not going to beg like some dicksucking faggot for some other faggots dickcoins, I'm just absolutely fuckingd evastated and looking for as many details as I can fuck

>> No.4911469



Ethereum was number 2 in terms of market cap for a long time before it was even worth $8. LTC has been hovering around the top 5 for years.

Confido was just one coin in a sea of shitcoins with no-name, college grad devs. The fact that you can't see the difference explains a lot about why you made such a dumb decision.

>> No.4911470

I'm sorry to hear this senpai.
This is almost all of your wealth now and I know it must be devastating. But assuming you live in the west, you're probably a student or starting a career and will have the opportunity to save 8k in a couple of months (maybe a year or two) once you get working.
You'll have to start over now but see this as a tuition fee of sorts: Lesson, you never ever go all in. Two years ago I lost a couple of k by shorting facebook and amazon. Boy I was pissed. I never shorted again and while lots of people will say you can make money shorting, I don't miss it, you can make money going long as well and when it goes down and I knew it in my gut it would go down but didn't short. Well guess what? While the rest loses money, I fucking gained assets.
Anyway, I laugh at a couple of k's now. My net worth probably changed a couple of k while typing this message.
But did I let it ruin my day/week/month back then? Absofuckinglutely. But in hindsight: thank god it happened then. If I would't have learned that lesson back then and make that mistake again, I would lose an amount of money that can't be gained back by a few months of wagecuckery.
Pick yourself up man. You had bad luck, but in a way you didn't because you could have avoided this.

>> No.4911471

>Thanks man I'm reading up on it now, seems like apparently they ran into some contract issue so not necessarily a scam?
You are too naive

The saying is not don't invest more than you can, it is don't invest more than you can afford to lose. You shouldn't have invested that much, and you shouldn't have put it all in one shitcoin. That some of your friends got rich from investing in a coin last year doesn't mean everyone got rich from investing in one coin, many get poor, you are among the unlucky ones, and you took a risk which you could have avoided.

>> No.4911484

No, it was a full scam. Read the article posted in this thread. The article mentioned after they deleted all their social media traces they forgot to delete their YouTube. Right after the article went up someone logged into their official YouTube and deleted it. They are still around covering their tracks and their real identities are unknown.

>> No.4911491

Show us your wallet and take screenshot of the funds to check it's yours,
Until you don't do that no one will believe you and you're just trolling anyways. No one is this ducking retarded.

>> No.4911497

>Fucking livid, absolutely devastated
ahaha dumb australian omfg
i have over $60,000 and i started with $3,000 and all i invested in were the top 10 coins because they were safe
hahah what the fuck

>> No.4911500

>dumb, obscure "shitcoin" called Ethereum when it was worth around $8
damn dude, you should really do your research, ETH was never obscure shitcoin, Vitalik had won the Peter Thiel foundation award, and the project was pretty hyped from the beginning. You should do better research first. Not even at $0.2 was ETH obscure.
Now if you were dumb enough to just throw your money to some scam without doing any research it's your fault.

>> No.4911511

Ethereum and Litecoin didn't have to name their fucking project Confido to instill confidence. Track record spoke for itself.

>> No.4911512

Just KYS

>> No.4911525

Wow $8 per ETH? So they are newfags then?

>> No.4911530

>a few of my friends invested a couple grand into some dumb, obscure "shitcoin" called Ethereum when it was worth around $8 and recently sold it for $420



>> No.4911552

Can anyone tell me what confido was supposed to achieve? I cant be fucked to look it up

>> No.4911558

That's exactly what it was an exit scam why would you need any more information than that?
Go larp on reddit

>> No.4911560
File: 44 KB, 1084x492, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally mooning rn

>> No.4911586

I see. Well I apologize if you are telling the truth, you can never tell these days.

But yeah, devs bailed after dumping their personal stacks at the peak.

>> No.4911588


>> No.4911612

It was a smart contract that acted as an escrow for crypto payments. It was allegedly going to use shipping API's to determine if a package had arrived at the specified address. Then the funds, that were locked up in a smart contract, would be released to the seller.

It's not an inherently bad idea, but the shipping API part was a bit of a gimmick.

>> No.4911623

It was supposed to make people feel comfy investing in its ICO, which it did.

>> No.4911629

>Go back months ago
>invest 8k on bitcoins
>Made 25k by now

>but instead OP had the bright idea to invest in confido

Topkek you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.4911631

OP here.

>thoroughly research cryptocurrency space
>hate spending money, but want to invest
>investigate confido
>sounds like a real solid concept
>invest $8k, max I can lose
>seems like a safe bet
>but i get fucked by the cryptogods
>all my money's fucking lost
>idiots on /biz/ mock me
>the first letter of every line

Just a little ol' Aussie, trying to live up to the name you all bestowed upon us. I've enjoyed this. Retards.

>> No.4911645

Hahaha oh shit that hurts

>> No.4911651


>> No.4911654

Are you serious op Jesus Christ you don't get your money back when you put into literal imaginary internet money scams.

>> No.4911665

Welcome to the free market of crypto, enjoy your stay.

>> No.4911666
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>> No.4911677

Look, genuinely feel bad for you mate. But seriously we shilled so many better coins then this. Like Chainlink is the API confido allegedly used. Why the fuck didn't you just buy the fundamental technology.

If you had 8k why the fuck didn't you go for stable investments like BITCOIN or ETHERUEM. Why risk it all on one shitcoin.

This is why you are getting shit.

>> No.4911692
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>> No.4911699

>Give me a fuckin break, a few of my friends invested a couple grand into some dumb, obscure "shitcoin" called Ethereum when it was worth around $8 and recently sold it for $420
confirmed for lapring lmao

>> No.4911703

hey dude, get into usi
Not sure if you have heard of usi tech but I have invested all of my BTC into there for the next 140 days.
ive been using this site since the start of the year and its the sole reason i quit my 9-5 office drone of a job. Before my btc and other crypto was just sitting in my wallets collections their steady rise in prices, but this way im also earning interest on top.
Have a look into it, happy top answer any questions below and ill give a rundown on what its all about;
The returns are earned through Crypto Currency Mining Contracts. For each BTC package, a one-time Mining License fee of 3% is charged (included in the purchase price). With each BTC package, a return of 40% is applied over the term of 140 working days. The daily rate of return and the duration may vary depending on the achieved results. The actual return is paid out including share purchase price daily.
140 working days: The actual duration may vary due to the returns achieved

Return on Capital 140%: The amount of the return on capital is an intended but not guaranteed value.
Daily payout on BTC invested

Free Tokens: You will receive one free Token per each new BTC Package purchased starting November 1, 2017. For example, if you purchase ten BTC Packages for your order you will receive ten Tokens.


cheers, potatosalad <3

>> No.4911708


>> No.4911718

hehe fucking epic

>> No.4911721
File: 459 KB, 669x627, drfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time investing

>invest to a low cap coin with out any history

What should I even say...

>> No.4911722


The worst thing OP did it not check it every single fucking day.

I dunno how people can do that delete blockfolio and return 6 months later shit.

You need to be checking this shit every fucking day, multiple times a day. I mean Confido was only around for like a week before it died anyways. If he'd checked every day, maybe he would have been online when the scam was released and could have gotten out with a bit of his money.

>> No.4911740

>Give me a fuckin break, a few of my friends invested a couple grand into some dumb, obscure "shitcoin" called Ethereum when it was worth around $8 and recently sold it for $420
>Additionally, one of my colleagues invested in some dumb, obscure "shitcoin" called Litecoin back when it was around $12 and is still holding

Ethereum has also been around since 2014 and Litecoin since 2011 dude.

They are also both coins and not fucking ERC2.0 tokens.

You threw 8k into a fucking token that hasn't even been around for a few months dude. Your investment strategy is absolute dog shit.

>> No.4911756

Shhhhh, they haven't noticed yet

>> No.4911766

The founders aren't gettin arrested because they never disclosed their identities. Those pictures and names you saw on their "team" page? Turned out to be fake pictures and stolen identities. Some random college student out there got a big surprise when a million neets suddenly started sending him death threats.

>> No.4911778
File: 39 KB, 900x900, 3yb0ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I wrote a poem out of frustration.

>made $40k in crypto
>i rode the waves of green
>never thought I'd fall this far
>i thought it was a dream
>simply wicked, cruel and harsh
>this pain will make you think
>every day, you'll pause to say
>remember all my LINK?
>yonder on the future's plains,
>over wojak skies
>underneath the candles red
>satoshi surely cries
>at last, a saviour! Tall and brave
>travelled, wise and old
>offers me his sturdy hand, and turns my wallet gold
>standing tall, he breaks my fall and journeys me through time
>he points towards the lambos, saying:
>it's the first letter per line

>> No.4911811
File: 983 KB, 2048x1536, mining rig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another for ye retards who believed I really, truly invested a single cent into that Confido pisscoin scam

>By the time my final dollar spent,
>i'd broken all my might
>though aches and pains will bother me, this keeps me up at night
>confidence will kill you, in this god-forsaken game
>of all the coins to lose and win, but one will make you gain
>in all the wins and lessons learnt, there's one I claim as mine
>now go and see it bretheren, in first letters of each line

>> No.4911837
File: 73 KB, 500x644, gone forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I sold what remained of my Confido for BTC... but WHAT THE FUCK, I CAN'T CASH OUT?

>crashing into chaos, and burning with a fizz
>after all the fud and shill-pajeets, I should have listened, /biz/
>now it's far to late for that, for we can't control time
>though time will heal these wounds anew, this burns into my mind
>can't you see, it's loud and clear - it's written on the walls
>and all of you are confident, until the market falls
>soon the fud will scream and shout, but focus on the words
>hear their cries, their tales and lies; you'll feel it when it's heard
>of all the times I ignored /biz/,
>unhearing of the signs
>take this warning, spelled inside first letters of each line

>> No.4911854

Lol at least you'll be employed from your fucking degree in literature.


>> No.4911863

confido sounds phaggy as phuck. That should have been reason enough to pass on it

>> No.4911885

It's unclear. They are refunding nearly full ICO price, but of course that does not help the people who bought higher on the secondary market. They did not commit blatant fraud (if the refund stuff is true) but they did handle the situation terribly and misrepresent themselves to investors, so it is likely that they will be fined (which doesn''t help you) or that someone will levy a class-action lawsuit against them (which could help you) and will be extremely fascinating because it will be the first data point we have for that sortof stuff in crypto space

>> No.4911931

Who LARPs this shit?
Is it one guy?
Is it a weird form of fan fiction?
Is he like some degenerate Nietzscheite fapping to the tragedy he reads into past charts?
And why pick crypto of all things to fetishize?

>> No.4911949

Furthermore; is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Is he caught in a landslide?
Can he escape from reality?

>> No.4911953
File: 54 KB, 600x649, 8072CB6E-3413-4440-BFA9-5E747C5FA7B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All in Chainlink for $10k
>mfw this could be me in 6 months

>> No.4911982

no idea, you could be using that amount of time to shill something

>> No.4911987
File: 36 KB, 725x410, r0_0_725_410_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, have you ever met someone who punched a kangaroo in the face?

>> No.4911992

Oh I guess I got le epic trolled never mind.

>> No.4912024

Can't wait for all of us to get justed or become millionaires, either way, the shitshow will be pure entertainment.

2.5k here

>> No.4912041

Next time you want to invest, I recommend you sit 10% aside in a box and send the other 90% to me.
Open the box in 6 months and you'll have done better than you're crypto !

>> No.4912043

Once when I was fishing, I witnessed a man no-bullshit punch a grey nurse shark in the face. He punched it through the water, and it fucked off. Think about that.

>> No.4912118


I bought £365 worth of confido and got JOOSTED too.

Meh just write it off and move on. Since they exit scammed I'm up £3500 so no worries.

>> No.4912146


There's also an airdrop where you'll get some token in 2018. You'll get them automatically to your wallet.

>> No.4912198

Normies going into cryptos in a nutshell

>> No.4912221


How should that even be possible?!

1. IOTA is already 2 years old
2. They're actually working on their product
3. The team behind IOTA is wellknown and not just some fake profiles of shitfaces
4. They've real partnerships

Confido was a shitshow all the way of its short life.

>> No.4912260

lol are you trollin?

Never bet what you can't afford to lose, kid.

Have fun moving back in with your parents

>> No.4912316

op did you get in on the ico? the law firm behind confido wants to refund investors.

>> No.4912640
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>> No.4912655

lol fucking retard

>> No.4912677

The project is actually five years old. But shhh... it's all just a refugee pump and dump, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

>> No.4912715

>the con is literally called confido


>> No.4912770
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Sorry for your loss but you're dumb if you go blindly into some shitcoin

>> No.4912839

OP read this

>> No.4912840

is pic related working?

>> No.4912841
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>> No.4912923

Don't consider it a loss. Consider it tuition for a very important lesson. Diversify!

>> No.4912928
File: 27 KB, 1420x946, bwahahahha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg you larping faggot, nice bait

>> No.4913063



The butt hurt will be magnificent. However its gonna come with all the calls to regulate crypto... which will suck.

>> No.4913098

Fucking retard.

>> No.4913142

Barely would have made a difference, it dropped to hell within hours of the announcement

>> No.4913191

You're actually retarded.

>> No.4913229

Go into link

>> No.4913429

No, you're the retard for investing into a shitcoin that is bound to fail in the next 3 months

>> No.4913451

We should change /biz/ to /btc/ because it's all you fags talk about

>> No.4913480

lol, nobody here holds btc. we buy shitcoins. imagine the autistic screeching if this board was renamed /btc/

>> No.4913746
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>> No.4914073
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nice one, was expecting it be shit

>> No.4914077

>This is my first time investing in anything, cryptocurrencies or shares or whatever.
and you idiots all believed that some noob would even know how to purchase an altcoin let alone some obscure shit on fucking etherdelta or participate in an ico?

good job OP, I always knew biz is 99% retards

>> No.4914102

As opposed to what? Shittier, untested get rich quick schemes?

>> No.4914478
File: 93 KB, 1024x645, makifes7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try stocks and you'll see 80-110 investors losing hundreds of thousands every month.

>> No.4914588

not him, but yes. i've never seen anything like this past couple of months. idiot normies everywhere blaring about how crypto was going to take them to the moon, and how it's not a bubble.

>> No.4914644

>wastes time writing stupid shit on an imageboard
You could have spent that time trading you know, faggot?

>> No.4914682

Confirmed for larping

>> No.4914719
File: 831 KB, 480x270, giphy (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA! It mee.
Spare some btc bro?

>> No.4914724

>>wastes time writing stupid shit on an imageboard
>You could have spent that time trading you know, faggot?

>> No.4915197

Why do people invest >1/3 of their money in shitcoins? Just do like, 50% btc, 15% ETH, 35% "other"

>> No.4915352

Yes, good Bazingoid. That is how you do it. Good, good.
>That is only worth it if you have a large amount of money to invest. If you have under 10k there is little point and you may as well try and make satoshis gambling on the ALT market.

>> No.4915478

You were not here in summer

>> No.4915515

I heard they were giving back the tokens at ico price or something
you can get back maybe 2 grand out of this

beats nothing right?

>> No.4915552


>> No.4915565

Well, if you had followed this advice with 5k at the start of the year you would have a lot more at this point, as opposed to zero dollars. When there are so many scams among altcoins it doesn't make sense to go all in with ones, especially ones without established partnerships.

>> No.4915754
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>> No.4915831
File: 17 KB, 300x378, 612622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4915940
File: 683 KB, 667x675, 1507401284829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies eternally BTFO

>> No.4916403

Fuckng cryptos... i ha all my verge stolen from coinpouch. 125k... just gone.

Its all just one giant scam yo

>> No.4916447

It has the word CON in it. CONfido. How could you fall for that?

>> No.4916482


>Going long on any altcoin other than Monero

You're not as good of a researcher as you thought. What fucking altcoin made you think it was a good idea to hold? No altcoin except maybe monero has an upward line for its price for its overall price trend.

>> No.4916506

more like confidont

>> No.4916569
File: 129 KB, 1111x597, LAMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
