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File: 91 KB, 960x600, I O T A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4910961 No.4910961 [Reply] [Original]

You have 3,5 hours to start buying this, before chinks wake up again and start pumping the shit out of it like they did for previous 2 days.

I've been fucking warning you people since the dip, but you just don't seem to listen.



Why don't you listen anon, I've predicted everything 2 days ago and everything is coming true.

I even dared people to fight my logic and there were some minor anti arguments, but nothing that fell through in the end. Follow my masterful logic, if you'd join when I warned you, you'd be up 30% already.

This is just the beginning, if you don't believe me, read the past two threads I made through and connect the dots like I did already.

There is absolutely no more arguments you faggots can think of other than saying this is a shit coin. I'm going to say it again, I don't care what this coin is about, I know it's going to make you money, based just on the outlook of trading it.


You have no arguments left. Join before it moons. I'm not saying this is going 15$ high, I'm just saying this will go higher today and tomorrow.

The only thing I can't predict is what is going to happen after BTC futures. This is something I have no opinion on.

>> No.4911006
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>> No.4911105

i'm bullish on IOTA, as well, but this is garbage

>> No.4911153
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Oh look, it's one of the 'OP is retarded', but I don't have my own arguments and logic for why it is so.

In every thread I've pointed out 10 times to FUD on me and provide anti-arguments to my logic, yet you people come in saying I'm retarded and providing not a single stream of logic to why I'm retarded, other than saying 'OP you are stupid'.

>> No.4911212
File: 43 KB, 625x469, 1469571444683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 50 iota right now. when can i buy my own yacht?

>> No.4911259

i was referring to your charting, but the more i read your posts the more i adopt the 'OP is retarded' stance

>> No.4911274

Never, Iota won't go over 7-8$ in next two days probably. Maybe if chinks start pumping it up like crazy it will go to 10$+ and then corrected down to 6-7$ range and keep there until BTC Futures panic settles down and shows what's going to happen.

There will be a lot of uncertainty on Monday when Futures open. I'd put my money into BTC and keep my finger ready on a button for shorting it if shit starts going down.

Safest bet is ofc to just put it in Tether and wait for things to resolve and observe the shitstorm.

>> No.4911306
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Are you just going to say I'm stupid without a good reason like a 10 year old boy incapable of explaining his irrational anger tantrums or actually explain yourself like an adult and give constructive explanation to why I'm retarded?

>> No.4911338
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i bought into this with the idea of hodling for a while, considering all the news thats supposed to come in the following weeks. do you really think its smart to cash out tomorrow and just watch to see if the shit hits the fan, and then come back in when its settled down? i'm merely plankton, so i can't really afford to take any losses right now

>> No.4911370

Nobody knows what will happen. Maybe some btc whales decide to leave btc and join IOTA? Fun week is ahead.

>> No.4911409

Well personally I'm going to probably sell before Monday when IOTA reaches its peak. Take profits and see what happens on Monday.

I'd rather take 100%+ profits and be safe, rather than potentially be breakeven or 20%+ range.

Personally I'm going to most likely sell when I gain certain %, and then just hope everything crashes on Monday and buy the dip again.

Better be safe than sorry. Define your risk and don't do fall into stupid uncertainty.

>> No.4911446

You talk like a fag and your TA is trash.

>> No.4911456

That's a very unlikely scenario. I'm not saying if shit goes down whales won't buy the dips of strong alts, but I don't see 1 person running insane on IOTA lol.

This is just some wishful irrational thinking, maybe you are too emotionally invested into IOTA if you are dreaming of such scenarios.

>> No.4911543
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I'm not giving a TA, I'm just using logic to what is happening. I know very very very little about TA, so I'm not even near saying I know anything about it.

Good, the fag that makes money and points out the obvious for other people to make money, while hordes of people are calling me all kinds of names to feel better about themselves.

You know I'm here sitting and laughing, because I've already stated 10 times to give me a good argument and I've recieved none yet.

>OP you are stupid
'tell me why, I'd love to hear your logic and give criticism and constructive discussion to what is about ot unfold'
>OP you are stupid and don't understand

Nice argument there mate.

>> No.4911549
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thanks for the advice; i'm very new to this and appreciate any kind of insight i can get at this point. i think i'll hodl until tommorw night and sell when it gets over $5, get the ETH and keep it until monday happens

>> No.4911736

No problem. Yes, make your own decision, but always think to better be safe and define your risk, rather than be stuck in absolute terror.

This doesn't only apply to Monday situation, but any situation in crypto. Remember, there are thousands of irrational retards investing here. I had kind of the same problem and fallen into FUD a couple of times in the beginning and also didn't follow certain advices.

However, as time goes on try to forget what anyone is saying and listen to your own logic and insight of what is happening on the market. Partly you will need to be on frontlines of what is going around on market and objectively make an opinion to what is going to unfold.

You see, there were a lot of faggots bashing me 2 days ago, but here we are now. I actually understand why there are people that lose money in this market, they have completely wrong idea of the market and have zero arguments, because they are attached emotionally to money.

If you are going to invest, I guess think of investing like predicting the weather. Forget that we have technology to predict weather for a second. If there are dark clouds on the horizon coming towards you on a sunny day, you can be sure there is going to be rain in few hours.

If there is a sunny day without a cloud in the sky, you would probably not bet that there is going to be rain on that day.

For some reason, a lot of people don't get that. Always make your own decision. You don't even have to agree with me what I'm saying right now, just form your own opinion, based on my opinion. Trading is basically forming the best opinion that makes the most sense, given the 20 different opinions you are going to read about something that could happen.

You will be wrong in the beginning, but slowly you'll get a grip on yourself and what to think about market is doing and people behaving. There is a lot of Economic Psychology in Crypto trading, which unfolds time after time.

>> No.4911905

How about LTC, is it safe go into it before Monday to wait out Futures?

>> No.4912033

I have no idea about LTCs recent run up. I'd rather say nothing about it, than speak out of my ass with some half assed opinion on it. I'd have to read a lot more about it to actually make some kind of a sense of it.

I'd just say that BTCs little better brother is starting to grow up. There was someone saying that the recent price is due to some exchange fucking up transactions in BTC and ETH or w/e. I'm not really convinced and it would be hard to believe, if one exchange can cause such a drastic move of price. But then again, I don't know the numbers on volume on that exchange about BTC/ETH/LTC.

So you see, I have almost no idea what I'm saying about LTC, just a retarded small things I've read. However, the feeling of little brother growing up and slowly following BTC trend seems to be there.

But there will be a ton of people shitting on it, because the developer is a small chink.

I currently see LTC as cute little brother that is in puberty and will grow up in next couple of months. However, if BTC crashes everything goes to shit, just remember that.

>> No.4912468

So anyone else? A little more than 1.5 hours remaining.

>> No.4912560

Just gonna have the 1 giota i have for now. Spent around $2.2k for it so already have a decent profit on it.

>> No.4912577

Thanks, I'm holding IOTA then. Just not sure about Monday and futures.

>> No.4912667

BTC price is dippping slowly. But the group/bots that have been keeping price around 4.60$ today through its dip will put even more pressure once it's start going up to 16k$ again. And it will propel the price of IOTA even higher.

>> No.4912697

Sorry, the IOTA boat sailed, horse beaten. Next.

>> No.4912743

>Give people perfect explanation to why it will rise with absolute logic
>Random pajeet views thread named IOTA and leaves a comment without even reading anything what I said.

Good for you I guess.

>> No.4913147

>muh bags i didnt sell at ath and dont want to miss the next btc ath

>> No.4913242

Did you even read anything that I wrote?

I've said specifically that I've missed the 80c-5$ run, because I was holding something long term.

I've gotten into it at 3.5$ after the great dip. Again, you are speaking out of your ass and embarrassing yourself by proving you've not read anything that I've written.

>> No.4913354

thanks for the insights anon,
what are your opinions on XRB and Byteball?

>> No.4913430

Honestly wasting your time on these Faggots, trolls and pajeets. I get you though and this is on course to rise up a lot next year. Just hold people or sell when you make a good enough gain. I got in at 2.70 so I'm already comfortable

>> No.4913554

I have no idea what Byteball is about.

I've seen XRB shilled here, have to look into it. Don't know anything about it either, other than it already climbed up from 20c to 80c since the shilling.

Not sure what to think about that currently, but I'll have to look into it. Supposedly it's better than IOTA from what the shillers were posting.

>> No.4913658
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I fking love IOTA

>> No.4913672

BTC is acting scary currently.

>> No.4913812
File: 806 KB, 2200x1238, 1512766429651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice predictions m8

>> No.4913858

What I can't predict is what's going to happen with BTC.

Shit is looking scary right now and dipping IOTA with him. Holy shit. That's the only thing I pointed out to be careful with.

If BTC dips any further there is going to be huge panic.

>> No.4913894
File: 155 KB, 1069x1200, bb_chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have IOTA you also should have Byteball: https://byteroll.com/comparison-iota

>> No.4913915

Looks like a usual cycle, there has to be a slow down at some point during a surge, tomorrow midday it will start to rise again

>> No.4913928

How long till the IOTA moon?

>> No.4914057

Kek it had to crash right now and today, amazing.

>> No.4914075

>please buy my alt bags

>> No.4914127

Dont sell everything. Leave a little in (just in case). That way you can live with yourself either way.

>> No.4914172

What the fuck is going on with BTC right now, it hit ATL, this isn't something you want to be in right now. Scary stuff going on.

>> No.4914192

Stop shilling faggot. Byteball is not even better than IOTA - just as uncertain, has fees, and is centralized to a large degree (witnesses). You'd be better off using Stellar or XRP.

>> No.4914246

i don't think you know what alltime means

>> No.4914386

Get your own signals here

>> No.4914475

The only thing that could go wrong (BTC dipping) is actually going on. What are the chances lol

>> No.4914508

yeah basically this, and our boy IOTA seems to hold 4.4 or so anyway.

>tfw whole market spooked
>support still 30% up from yesterday's low
good coin is good

>> No.4914568

Just complete insanity right now. I find it quite ironic that the only thing that I could of not predicted and said I have no control over actually unfolded. Hope the chinks correct things now as they should of woke up. My god this is pretty retarded.

Well, who would of thought. Trying to make sense of why this dipped right now, but I can't really wrap my head around it. It's not like it's monday and panic is setting in.

This is coming out of nowhere

>> No.4914596

I mean, what are the reasons for BTC dipping right now?

Are there any news or what? I understand BTC is on a down trend, but not like that man.

>> No.4914630

Did you not pay any attention at all or do you just look at graphs all day trying to predict the future by drawing lines on them?

>> No.4914671

Fuck this I'm out, I have a bad feeling BTC is going down strong. It's happening to fast, it should of corrected but it doesn't. BTC is a sinking ship right now. Don't want to panic, but something seems wrong. It should of crrected already, but it simply doesn't.

>> No.4914700

I said I can't predict BTC and to be careful about it.

>> No.4914702

>IOTA/BTC basically doesn't move even though BTC is dying of internal bleeding
>gets spooked
weak hands mate, weak hands.

>> No.4914795

Buy after dip.

>> No.4914904


>> No.4914919

We were celebrating over 9000 memes a couple days ago and you panic about this, seriously gtfo.

>> No.4914924





>> No.4914991

I'm a trader not IOTAfag lol. + I said a lot of times that only thing that will ruin this is BTC dip/Crash.

Again, you are speaking out of your ass. It's like I'm playing 4D chess with someone that doesn't even know how to play chess.

>> No.4915040

>bitcoin dunks the whole market
>this makes IOTA a bad coin
ok, nice argument lol

>> No.4915053

Sold IOTA after the 25% bump last night. Putting it in NEO, because that is legit undervalued.

>> No.4915104

Stop that. It's illegal to own retards in (((current year)))