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4910921 No.4910921 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for more good coins to invest in.
So is Ripple a good investment? If yes, why?

>> No.4910928

No because no

>> No.4910988

Google Arrington xrp capital. You're welcome.

>> No.4910991

What other cheap coins would be better?

>> No.4911007
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>> No.4911042

Is this your first time on biz? Some retard tells you no and you listen?

XRP is probably the safetest and most stable investment for a noob. Just don't expect to make money off it for a while.

>> No.4911141

No, not my first time. Just asked what he thinks would be better, just to hear his "why", because I don't like just "no", but also some facts to prove it.

>> No.4911170

Agreed. It’s fine to buy some and hodl it for a long time but don’t expect to make any fast money. It’s created by the banks and the banks generally find a way to win so it will probably eventually pay off but you definitely don’t want to put all your crypto eggs in that basket when faster money can be made elsewhere.

>> No.4911236

What price could Ripple realistically get to in ~5 years? I know that it's got no hope of ballooning in value like BTC/ETH, but I don't really understand why desu

>> No.4911251

Yea, right now I'm looking for some good long term coin. Looks like Ripple really could grow big over time due to banks.

>> No.4911332

$5 conservative estimate

>> No.4911392

When do you think we could see some gains?Because it's pretty stable around 20 cents for quite a while.

>> No.4911505

You have to look at the circulating currency. There are way too many XRP in existence for them to go up in price that much. But if they really get adopted globally for bank/currency transfers then the price should go up quite a bit. How much is difficult to say. Depends on demand.

>> No.4911732
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it didnt have its pump yet. all time high was in june at 30 cents. it will soon have its pump and jump up to 45 cents

>> No.4912155

This meme is so old. The supply doesn't matter. Profit % is the same whether it's 1 coin or 1000 coins.

>> No.4912327

by some, hold in a wallet, check every 6 months. simple.

>> No.4912338

It might 2x eventually, hell maybe even 4x but that's it, and that's max. This coin already completed it's moon mission.