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4910440 No.4910440 [Reply] [Original]

So is it even possible for me to learn about forex and markets and trading and cryptocurrency in time to make a ton of money off this shit? I feel really depressed that I didn't get a thousand bitcoin when I had the chance. Is there any hope for me?

A nocoin loser with no self-discipline? Is there anything but sorrow on my horizon?

>> No.4910463

Financial markets are going to be around for quite some time boy, it's never too late

>> No.4910509

Yeah, and I suppose with the advent of blockchain tech, it will only get wilder and wilder. I guess I might as well put the effort in. It'll be interesting to see what kind of unimaginable cryptoshit will exist in 10 years

>> No.4910516

What would be a good place to start? How do I invest in a crypto that isn't a scam or a bubble?

>> No.4910730

Everybody wants to be rich but nobody wants to do the work it takes to get there.

I've had a lot of success in crypto over the years and one of the things that confounded me the most was how few people were willing to do anything at all to try bettering their position. My experience has been that nearly everyone (like 99%) would not do anything to make money, no matter what it was. There are times I've offered people ridiculous deals, that if they's only met me 10% of the way, they would have profited enormously and they wouldn't.

Over my six years in this space I have changed from someone who was frantically trying to help other people make money; someone who wants to spread success. To someone who now believes that the unsuccessful people deserve their unsuccess. Poop people deserve to be poor. Lead a horse to water and all that.

We're living through the largest gold rush in financial history and nearly everyone i meet cannot be bothered to get up and make a few thousand for a day's work.

I made over $30k this week.

>> No.4910761

help me please I'll follow your instructions just point me in the right direction.

>> No.4910764

*Poor people deserve to be poor.

But the typo works too

>> No.4910787

i like the way you think, playa.

>> No.4910805

>help me please I'll follow your instructions just point me in the right direction.

>> No.4910858


>We're living through the largest gold rush in financial history and nearly everyone i meet cannot be bothered to get up and make a few thousand for a day's work.


>> No.4910875

daddy please guide me

>> No.4910929

Not all people like taking risks, which investing in any coins is. It's not like you can predict anything here in a long term.

>> No.4910948

Fine. I'll be brief and i'm not proof reading this so you'll have to accept my typos.

It's not too late to get in on anything.

Here's what you need to do:
Get on twitter. Find and follow bitcoin & altcoin traders. Cultivate this list. Good traders talk about upcoming coins. Rarely, but they do you have to read everything they say and wait for the intel cause its worth lots of money.

Read reddit forums on crypto & bitcoin. Get on Bitcointalk forum and read everything.

Sign up for a HitBtc, Poloniex, Bianance account and verify so you can buy and sell btc.

Put the bulk of your investment capital into btc, long. The rest in btc for the short term which you'll use for trades.
you can learn to trade quick. You won't be a great day trader, but you don't need to be great to succeed in this space and you're going to leverage as many other resources as possible rather than rely on you personal trading abilities. All you need to not fail as a trader in this space is 1) don't be dumb and 2) don't be greedy.

Basic strategy is buy low, sell high. You'll do these trades on HitBtc, Poloniex, etc. I like HitBtc but they all do the same thing more or less.

How do you find out what to buy? By plugging into the experts in the space and reading everything they say. It's going to take time to figure out who to listen to and who is full of shit cause everyone's talking and there are a lot of people trying to build a name for themselves but there are traders who give good picks on twitter. Your looking for picks, constantly. When you think you got a pick, pull up that coin on Coinmarketcap.com and review the chart and trading volume. I can look at a chart and get an intuitive feeling for whether i think the coin will go up in the next 7 days. Because i've been reading charts for a long time. You can get there.

All you need to do to make money in this space is find good alt-coin picks before everyone else and you can do this becase most people aren't doing this work.

>> No.4910950

The only thing that is worth betting on is the fact that they're not going away.

>> No.4910982

But isn't the point of day trading to buy during dips and sell at peaks? It seems like even cryptotwitter wouldn't be able to communicate that kind of stuff fast enough.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the whole concept.

>> No.4910987

are you sure poloniex is a good option? There are better exchanges imo

>> No.4910992

That's your choice. I don't understand the mentality but i get what you're saying.

I take lots of risk. I bet large sums of money, and often get big payouts for taking the risk. I do risk management because i don't want to lose my money. That means i do research to lower my risk as much as possible but every position is subject to market forces.

>> No.4911008
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>Find and follow bitcoin & altcoin traders.
Any good names?

Even just one?

Have a few sluts in exchange.

>> No.4911026

the point of this thread is something other than this. look, there are lots of exchanges out there and they all pretty much do the same thing. i don't have time to get into a Ford vs. Chevy debate.

I also don't have time to do a thread or answer everyone's questions so just take what you get rn.

read the info, try to understand it and take action on it.

>> No.4911040

What do you think is gonna happen in the next few days/weeks with BTC? Will all this drama about futures make it rise, fall, what?

>> No.4911172

Yes so learn how to set proper stop losses for when you sleep and mentally have stop losses during a trend up whilst awake. Anon is saying to make sure you do your own fundamental analysis.

>> No.4911183
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you're gonna get plugged into the community and that will lead to finding other people. read the comments of a good trader and other traders will be talking to him. if someone is giving picks, vet their picks before betting them. write them down and watch to see if that person gave good info or not cause a lot of people shilling for shitcoins. good traders don't give picks lighting. my top follows are people who might give one pick a week.


Chasing pumps and dips is not sustainible and will leave you rekt. DON'T DO IT

Getting in on the front end of a rally is vastly more profitable and satisfying. This takes research. There is no shortcut. Most my research leads me to not making an investment (think about that)

The goal is to find something that's about to go up before it goes up. that means the chart is often a level straight line at that point and has been for some time (no price action)

This is how you make real money on alts. I also almost always pull out after i've make 20%. I get in, make my 20% and leave, unless it seems obvious i should stay a little longer. by the time people are noticing the coin has pumped, i'm gone. that's where you want to be. suckers chase pumps. I do not go into a coin with dynamic price action. I show up before the party starts and get out before the cops show up

>> No.4911197

btc goes up

on the long view, that's pretty much the Golden Fucking Rule at this point

>> No.4911228

interesting. Thanks for the advice. Do you generally try to make trades like this every day, or do you wait for a very convincing opportunity to pull the trigger?

>> No.4911239
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Thanks m8.

Have an ass.

>btc goes up
Yeah, figured.

>> No.4911283

I gotta work guys. hope this info has helped someone.

this is the Gold Rush guys. put in the fucking work and you can make money. There are no shortcuts to working: researching, reading charts.

Don't chase rallies.
Don't go against your gut.
Don't believe anyone: find out for yourself
Have a pull-out point and stick to it. Once you pull out, never go back in.
Don't go into high price action. It's like trying to jump into a canoe on the ocean in a storm.

>> No.4911309

I want to make a trade everyday.

in reality, i spend all day looking for my next trade and watching my position. i prob place one or two trades every two or three days.

sometimes you get stuck in a trade longer than you wanted/expected to be in it.

>> No.4911321

Thanks, m80.

May your first lambo be as pink as the faces of your enemies.

>> No.4911461
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For real. Thank you! You are a good man. I hope I can be as successful as you. Have a great recipe for an onion soup. I can highly reccomend it.

>> No.4911486

There's a coin you can trade through audio file now

>> No.4911508

>poop ppl
Kek anon

>> No.4911952

damn anon who is this

>> No.4912011

My cousin.

>> No.4912174

fuck off larper I've chased heaps of pumps and never been burnt. Also not sure about don't buy at ATH shit I've seen so many coins moon because of that rule. Besides that ur message is decent