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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 376 KB, 1680x1006, 23r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4908664 No.4908664 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ I hope you bought the IOTA KILLER

>> No.4908979

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.4908998

If it works, then it will kill every coin, not just IOTA.

>> No.4909015

Does it help refugees more?

>> No.4909042

> doesn't have refugee cities
Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.4909047

He didn't buy at 4 cents...

>> No.4909048


my bank wont allow me to withdraw money to exchanges unless they are sure it benefits refugees

>> No.4909063

>Bitcoin transaction fees: $2

When was this made, 2015?

>> No.4909082

>bought the iota killer
Yes, I bought some iota

>> No.4909636

have you seen the dev team
i hope you like gamalang

>> No.4909693


>> No.4909712

you cry when it's $25

>> No.4909735


Its all about whos first and who shills the best.
In the end youre dropping either coin for btc gains anyway.

Youre inside a bubble if you think technology matters here. because in the real world no coin is used for anything.

>> No.4909778

Suchh a low market cap holy sheiit

>> No.4909807

congratulations anon, you're one of the few here with working brain cells

>> No.4909908
File: 677 KB, 1344x1067, IMG_3232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy if you like comfy gains

>> No.4910032

i'm not sure i can bet on a coin that doesn't displace the ethnic populations of europe using dystopic european refugee "smart cities" that convert every aspect of human existance to micromanaged and microcharged blockchain payments.

only iota can do that. none of the other cryto currencies even mention refugees.

>> No.4910193


Rightwing fags are so pathetic.

>> No.4910288

Other shitcoin

>> No.4910426

i actually want real diversity, not a world where people and cultures are manipulated into blending together at an unnatural rate in order to undermine national sentiment in preperation for a one world government. one world, one culture, one race, one government lol, is that diversity? no, but it's the future people who pretend to like diversity chose.

btw only 2 genders

>> No.4910456

So RaiBlocks is basically IOTA with PoS or is there anything I'm missing?

>> No.4910469

Looks like some random Shitcoin with the typical marketing bullshit that doesnt live up to reality

>> No.4910574

Byteball is the iota killer. Raiblovks is pure blockchain and thus suffers from size bloat and too-high minimum transaction times on good adoption, doesn't it? What consensus does it use? dPoS is retarded as it has the same centralization disadvantages as mining despite PoS having this exact advantage that it doesn't need to be. Or is it something else?

>> No.4910627
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, 23dwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

byteball can suck my dick, have fun with the 5% moon mission, everyones happy to dump that shit for the real moon missions

>> No.4910642

This might be a good place to discuss this coin

>> No.4910687 [DELETED] 

the only reason I didn't get into Bybteball is because of that lambo-buying Marc De Mesel retard

>> No.4910692

Where do you buy this from, fags?

>> No.4910702

mercatox or bitgrail

>> No.4910707

iota getting BTFO would turn my dick into the purest diamond on earth

>> No.4910708

the only reason I didn't get into Bybteball is because of that lambo-buying De Mesel retard who keeps shilling it

>> No.4910741

Shitty exchanges but this will blow up when it gets on a proper exchange rather buy now then later.

>> No.4910806


>wants real diversity
>is probably american whose descendants were a bunch of european outlaws
>lives in a country with no real culture

>> No.4910822


IOTA doesn't use a blockchain.

>> No.4911019


Meh. Why should I use this and not IOTA?
IOTA has more connections which is more important then development.

>> No.4911038

hmm the name sounds good.
RaiBlocks? I like that

I'm considering getting a bag.
will do more resaearch now

>> No.4911078

Two genders, two scoops, two terms, bitch. Deal with it.

>> No.4911098


I'm not caring about some americunt's opinion. Go with your rage, salty boy.

>> No.4911119

is that what you want for the whole world? a bland generic world where cultures barely exist and have little meaning?

oh but sure, having a dominant monoculture consuming all other cultures and making everything into the same bland mess is fine when its islam doing it to europe.

europe for european cultures and peoples, middle east for middle eastern cultures and peoples. allow some reasonable levels of immigration, allow tourism, it's fine. a full on total blending of cultures where one population replaces another, isn't necessary or desirable to anyone who truly wants a diverse world.

>> No.4911195

furthermore the united nations literally calls for "replacement migration" to replace, they use the word replace, the native ethnic populations of europe, south korea, japan, etc

go ahead, google un replacement migration, you can read it right on their website

replace existing peoples and cultures, blend it all together, reduce what it means to be german, what it means to be swedish, etc, until everybody just feels "european". and then they don't even feel that anymore because it's just peoples of other cultures everywhere. all the cultures blended together until there's really little difference betwwen germany and france or sweden and the uk. eventually little difference between europe and the middle east.

eventually one culture, one world, one government. one power controlling all people and to pave the way for that future, culture has to be replaced, through an agenda of population replacement

>> No.4911267


>> No.4911290


I'm a proud pre-Norman Saxon damnit and all I ask is that humanity remains respectful of that distinction even as technology renders travel easier and safer than ever.

Maintaining a static population has literally never worked ever but maybe in the 21st century, when the globe is being linked by technology at an unprecedented rate, we can put our feet down and try and maintain some mythical national racial boundaries.

Even if I agreed with you, which I don't, what you want is impossible. Or, at the very least, futile. The world is getting smaller. Our ways of envisioning the boundaries of our culture will become increasingly blurred, regardless of our attitudes towards that happening. I bet many people in the Holy Roman Empire were proud Romans and wanted things to stay that way. But what happened? History happened.

And you say that lefties are the ones with their heads in the clouds. Honestly...

>> No.4911519

Things happening on their own is slow. People don't really want to leave their homes or their cultures in mass numbers unless manipulated to do so by circumstance. People rarely even breed outside of their own cultures. Slow natural blending would not be a total replacement of culture, and that's a problem.

Because culture is an obstacle to one world government unless its a one world culture. So circumstances have to be created and manipulated to cause excuse to bring in unnaturally high levels of incompatible cultures and blend them together. To reduce national sentiment and loyalties you replace the cultures of nations.

People naturally moving about and some reasonable immigration is great, i like it, I like having a koreatown downtown where I can get korean food. But it's not about that, what I'm talking about, is called replacement migration and its a UN policy to replace people in their own countries.

>> No.4911540

>is that what you want for the whole world? a bland generic world where cultures barely exist and have little meaning?
Cultures aren't a static thing and always mirror the current time. It's only logical that cultures "die" because the world gets connected more and more. You could now whine about it or you could see it as a chance to unite all of humanity and tear down all borders (might sound scary to you, I know).

>oh but sure, having a dominant monoculture consuming all other cultures and making everything into the same bland mess is fine when its islam doing it to europe.
Oh come on. Christianity is the same bullshit as islam. The problem isn't islam - it's religion. People in western countries are just scared of it because they're not aware how bad religion is.

>europe for european cultures and peoples, middle east for middle eastern cultures and peoples.
There are no clear "european" cultures as there are no clear borders. Europe is a bunch of mini states and the middle east is a fucking mess. Identity can be changed over time.

>> No.4911587


Borders and (cultural) identities are dynamic and change over time. Islam is a problem but it won't last very long because religion will die as a whole.

>> No.4911636

>or you could see it as a chance to unite all of humanity and tear down all borders

unite under who? look at the vast history fo human leadership and tell me you want the whole world to go all in under a single government. really?

when you put all your money into one crypto and it gets fucked you're ruined if it was a lot of money. thats why people diversify their crytos and inest in a few of them.

put all the world into one government. and you put the whole world all at once under a single bad government (because all governments go bad!)

>identity can be changed over time
or manipulated by people who think they know best and can socially engineer humanity to fit their leftists power fantasies

>> No.4911680

>b-b-b-but everything is chritianity fault!
give it a rest. i'm not even christian but when you look around the world, christian countries don't look so bad. look at islamic countries... a lot of beheadings and people getting stoned to death and women cant drive cars. christianity changed with the times, and now you shit on it to promote a religion that didn;t

people in the west arent aware of how bad religion is, because religion isnt all that bad in the west

>> No.4911790

For all your wailing and gnashing about americans, you sound like you're in your 20s with no interest in history.
I'm a 34 years old frog, and I've seen maghrebi populations in my country go from largely apathetic towards religion to fiercely religious. The first generations of immigrants, post world war 2, came on a work visa and enjoyed the benefits this country had to offer. The new generations were born here with all commodities of this life, feel alienated in meritocratic systems and turn towards religious fervor.
There's one key point relevant to every individual on earth: we want to be important. Importing arabs and blacks to western countries by the boatload ultimately puts them in a society where most of them are destined to be lower class. Living on welfare is not a satisfying way to live in the long term. Automation is slowly creeping up and competitive pressure on low end jobs increases. This is not a sustainable scenario. If you don't give opportunities for people to be fulfilled, they flock to alternative solutions (much like Kaczynski envisioned). The 21th century will be more religious than ever if there isn't an eugenics solution soon, and Islam is primed to be the number one religion.

>> No.4912004

>unite under who?
Well, the blockchain and the digitalization as a whole to gain more independence for each individual. Just look at all the stateless persons. How we'll live in the future is still unclear and this topic is far too wide to discuss about in this thread.

>when you put all your money into one crypto and it gets fucked you're ruined if it was a lot of money. thats why people diversify their crytos and inest in a few of them.
I agree with your point but I don't really understand what you're trying to say.

>put all the world into one government. and you put the whole world all at once under a single bad government (because all governments go bad!)
Well, I'm still betting on a technical revolution which leads to more freedom for everyone.

>or manipulated by people who think they know best and can socially engineer humanity to fit their leftists power fantasies
The SJWs are just as bad as all the Trump idiots.

>> No.4912030

>people in the west arent aware of how bad religion is, because religion isnt all that bad in the west

Yes, because most people give a shit about religion and almost no one follows the bible. That's the huge difference to Islam where many people eat the shit they get served by their priest (imam).

>> No.4912117

>For all your wailing and gnashing about americans, you sound like you're in your 20s with no interest in history.
I'm in my mid twenties with a high interest in (western) history.

>If you don't give opportunities for people to be fulfilled, they flock to alternative solutions (much like Kaczynski envisioned). The 21th century will be more religious than ever if there isn't an eugenics solution soon, and Islam is primed to be the number one religion.
Hasn't much to do with the ongoing digitalization. It's capitalism that degrades people to stupid and characterless workers.

>> No.4912362

dude, cryptos a trap
cashless currency as a form of human control limiting through some means yet announced the ability to buy and sell and then banning cash. combined with the surveillance state already in place and it becomes possible.

right now it all seems so friendly and optimistic these coins. but thats to lure people into accepting the idea of a cashless currency.

meanwhile computers. who makes them? who are the big tech companies and are they our friends? or are they hand in glove with the deep state establishment? you think they're developing this shit so we can empower ourselves with it? lol

your one world government will be under the people who already runt he world now, you'll just make it a lot easier and more convenient for them to do so.

although the idea of a blockchain government does sound good enough that i'm not even against it. i just don't see it taking over the world unless it can fuck us over somehow. it's still an unreallistic pipedream, maybe one day.

but tearing down borders today in the hope that technology will save us tomorrow.... it's a longshot. you're likely just paving the way for a single administration of corrupt people running all the affairs of the entire world and probably fucking it up on purpose to keep us all poor like they do now. but more effectively

>> No.4912371


>> No.4912489

Don't buy that piece of shit pajeet shitcoin, IOTA is much better and has partnerships with industry leaders. Raiblocks has absolutely no future.

>> No.4912590

My wife's boyfriend doesn't let me buy this coin with the crypto allowance my wife gives me; only IOTA *sadface*

>> No.4912625

>Developing economies

confirmed shitcoin