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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 200x200, xmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4907970 No.4907970 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4907987


>> No.4907992


>> No.4907994


>> No.4907998


>> No.4908011

buy verge instead. the monero killer.

>> No.4908016


>> No.4908020
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>> No.4908030
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>> No.4908040


>> No.4908046


>> No.4908047

wow... you convinced me... just sold all my xmr for verge

>> No.4908057

best coin to invest now... other coins are all already flooded with normies

xmr is still preparing to launch

>> No.4908069


>> No.4908084


who /readyforxmas/ here

>> No.4908099

>monero killer
>have rich list https://verge-blockchain.info/richlist

>> No.4908121


>> No.4908182

nice, i like it

>> No.4908197

Can i get a quick rundown on this coin plz???

>> No.4908219

Bitcoin but actually anonymous. Untraceable transactions. Private wallet balances. Fungible. It's what Bitcoin was supposed to be.

>> No.4908223

maximum anonymity, good for dealing drugs and other such illegal things. get u some

>> No.4908254

Appreciate it, it’s at 279 rn how much would you guys recommend puttin in? Im new at this but i wanna dip my feet into as much as i can mainly have been going for cheaper coins but if this is a good investment ill deff think about, so ay lmk, the anonymity sounds like a good attrbute for the coin already

>> No.4908265

>incredible dev team
>noone gives a damn about marketing
>everyone focused on quality
>#1 anonymity coin
>#1 fungible coin
even if marketing would be great quality will win over time

so i believe monero is still undervalued

>> No.4908292

Not sure. A lot of uncertainty about upcoming Bitcoin futures.

>> No.4908302

This may seem like a dumb question and i know i could just google it but what do you mean by fungable?

>> No.4908307

The fucking king.

2018 is going to be huge for Monero. As more and more people come into crypto, start using Bitcoin and realise that people can see whatever the fuck they spend it on, they're going to look into Monero. $1k by end of 2018 easily.

>> No.4908309

Do u need to buy it with bitcoin?

>> No.4908332

as much as you can afford to lose in the worst case

it means that every coin is the same more or less. in other words you cant distinguish between 1 monero i have or 1 monero you have which leads to that its not possible to mark some coints as invalid.

f.e. if every coin had an id it would then be possible to mark coins with certain ids as invalid. this would make the coin NOT fungible

>> No.4908337

Fungibility refers to the quality of any one coin being completely interchangeable with any other, it cannot be tainted by it's history and no one coin is worth more than any other.

i.e. Monero used to buy drugs cannot come back to bite you on the ass if you happen to acquire it, Bitcoin used for the same purpose can.

>> No.4908347

Thanks anon

>> No.4908360

What do you guys think about this spike? How high will it go before we get a drop?

>> No.4908367

How is monero able to do that whereas bitcoin couldn’t? If its to long of an answer ill just look it up, cuz that sounds sick af but deff would like to know how monero would be able to do that

>> No.4908389

Honestly couldn't tell you, I'm an investor with a background in Law and Economics, not a CompSci grad.

>> No.4908391

Does anyone know if a onerous too difficult to mine if I have 3-4 servers laying around I would like to put towards it? Would I be able to get monero through mining with a few servers?

>> No.4908399


>> No.4908402

*if Monero is too difficult to mine

>> No.4908413

can monero sustain a private economy with its current supply?

>> No.4908418

strongly depends on electricity costs i reckon

>> No.4908426

Thanks anyway, last qeustion tho, im assuming you need to bitcoin to buy monero? Or can i buy it usd somehow?

>> No.4908449

You can buy usd at localmonero (dot) co

>> No.4908459

You da man, thanks again!

>> No.4908462

Bitcoin will be the easiest path to buying it. I'm Aussie and can buy with AUD direct but at a really bad exchange rate, not sure if there are equivalent services for USD. Some sites like localmonero exist but again they will charge a premium for the service.

Would suggest the following path if coming from USD.

USD -> LTC -> Exchange (Polo/Bittrex/etc) -> LTC/BTC -> XMR. That's been the fastest relatively low-fee way for me. Obviously check your own circumstances first.

>> No.4908502

How much are you paying to do a transaction from aud to xmr? Sending bitcoin already costs a ton when doing this stuff so if this price in usd was say 20 extra dollars it wouldnt be so bad when sending bitcoin can cost me around the same price

>> No.4908509

Ill deff keep what you said in mind tho cuz i deff want to get start researching this crypto with how all you guys are talking about it

>> No.4908539


2 useful links maybe

>> No.4908580

I gotta say i’m new to /biz but this is the best response ive ever gotten, everyone respojding to my questions are actually giving me legit answers, thanks anons i really do appreciate it.

>> No.4908583

kraken has xmr/usd pairing

>> No.4908584

christ. What's low-fee? Im just doing low buys maybe 1 xmr

>> No.4908587

Best response gotten in comparrison with other boards im usually on

>> No.4908631

Well response’s more or less, i usually am on /pol and whenever i post a question its either bombarded with blatant shills or just faggots not answerinf what Asking where as here i can ask questions get good answers and pitentionally make money bc of the advice i gained here

>> No.4908640

we shud research. 2 gethor. When I graduated 2 years ago my school chancellor gave a talk about blockchain him and his son wrote a book called Blockchain Revolution - Don/Alex Tapscott
I saw they did some Ted talks as well and shit. I can send you a link to torrent the book too

>> No.4908663

its the same here as well usually

thing is that the monero community is quite based from my xp

4chan actually isnt a really good place for legit information about crypto

its mostly shitposting and having some fun

>> No.4908670

Wow, that's accurate

>> No.4908699

You can buy it with fiat at the Kraken exchange. Though Kraken's interface is shit.

Or buy it with ETH at bittrex. Simply transfer ETH from shitcoinbase or anywhere else.

>> No.4908703

I get that, the whole shitposting and stuff, but what ive learned from being here for the last 2 years is that for every 100 shitposts youll find that diamond the ruff, ive learned a lot about life from this website but this thread has been the most idk genuine, prolly is bc its the monero community regardless biz is a pretty cool board so far appreciate all the info yall gave me

>> No.4908727
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Lads I currently hold 2 XMR but I want to go all in 10k

This shit is literally a sleeping giant slowly waking up

What would your advice be on how to get XMR for 10k?

I’m from Europe so I’m not sure about Kraken?

I just want IN before XMR inevitably takes off for good

>> No.4908728
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ye you have to filter through alot of shit

i still pref 4chan tho since its not that endless cencored circle jerk like reddit or any other highly moderated environment

see pic for pairings available on poloniex

>> No.4908744

i use bitcoin.de for getting bitcoin / bitcoin cash / ethereum

after that i transfer to polo and do my shit there

>> No.4908745

Polo has XMRLTC market so no need to buy BTC

>> No.4908746

Yeah dude post the link in here ill deff check it, been trying to soak up as much as i can about crypto, im kicking myself in the ass for not buying when btc was literal coins, i dont want it passing me by again

>> No.4908768

Maybe in exchange for information you could have the common courtesy to proofread your posts. Not trying to be rude but your posts are very unpleasant to read.

>> No.4908780

Kraken works with SEPA EUR transfer in Europe

>> No.4908781

Yeah same here, reddit dont get me wrong in the poli sense aint my cup of tea but some of their financial boards are pretty informative, but reddit can never emulate the realness of 4chan, in ither words reddit just doesnt have balls

>> No.4908852

i have no doubt that there is alot of good info on reddit but the sole existance of the voting system which surpresses everything unpopular is just a no go for me

>> No.4908907

Oh shit you are right ! just bought 100k

>> No.4908918


>> No.4908927

What du you think of 1 XMR as a christmas present for my normie nephew.
Good or bad idea?

>> No.4909104

Be honest to yourself, will they truly appreciate it? Does he know what it is?

>> No.4909258

You'd be better off holding that 1XMR for him until some point in the future. He'd do something stupid with it.

>> No.4909341

great present so long as you explain to him what it is.

>> No.4909405

good thread

>> No.4909511


just a little advertisement for my app

>> No.4909531

I don't think Poloniex is big here, try with Bittrex or Binance.

>> No.4909568

>I don't think Poloniex is big here, try with Bittrex or Binance
nah i will stick with poloniex since some friends and me use it

i dont aim to really make money with it. i just advertise a little here and there. in the end its just a little project for myself

>> No.4909569


>> No.4909582

>buys cp with monero his uncle given him
>it's him 5 years earlier filmed by the uncle

>> No.4909830
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>> No.4910024
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Everything You Need To Know :

>> No.4910035

What do you mean?

>> No.4910088

Xmr is a 1k$ foin

>> No.4910116

M9nero is just following btc's price action no?

>> No.4910176

monero wasn't hurted that much by the last drop of the btc, it's the safest hodl out there
u get the techno (best privacy coin) + the market (darknet, offshore, anarcho-capitalist hobbyist)

>> No.4910568
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Verge rich list: https://verge-blockchain.info/richlist
Dash's richlist: https://bitinfocharts.com/top-100-richest-dash-addresses.html
Zcoin's: https://explorer.zcoin.io/richlist
PIVX richlist: http://www.presstab.pw/phpexplorer/PIVX/richlist.php

history of individual zcash accounts: https://explorer.zcha.in/accounts/t3cwZfKNNj2vXMAHBQeewm6pXhKFdhk18kD
history of individual Komodo accounts: https://kmd.explorer.supernet.org/address/RREc88bQzxHCvzqErPDnTQH2Qg5yUtjbyp

>> No.4910721

Lmao ZCoin has naked wallets? What the fuck how are people trying to shill this over Monero?

>> No.4910868

Can you explain the history links, are they not merely the history of single addresses?

>> No.4910890

XMR, WAVES, XML december wins...and btc as fucking always...

>> No.4910914

Normies doesn't care about annonimity, since they don't buy drugs or shota dolls online. They'll go with the best (((marketed))) coin

>> No.4910967

exept that crypto market isn't lead by normies, but by a niche market

normies just come later to put their save in the leader cryptocurrencie

>> No.4910979

They wouldn't let you sit down and read their lifetime banking history.

>> No.4911813
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I bought some xmr a day ago Changelly, the transaction resolved and is "complete", but i have no xmr in my wallet and no indiaction of getting so. Support is not answering, but its the weekend iguess, did i get jewed?

>> No.4911862

I read somewhere that Changelly was a scam

>> No.4911876

Just buy from the big four dude...

>> No.4911883

try this https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/6640/i-am-missing-not-seeing-a-transaction-to-in-the-gui-zero-balance

>> No.4911884


>> No.4911900

If its to the mymonero wallet they are having issues.

But yah Changelly is known to skim transactions.

>> No.4911921
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>> No.4911955

everyone with a brain KNOWS this is the king.

>> No.4911957

I think it's a problem with XMR in specific. Mine has been stuck at "sending to your wallet for 3 days". But I have simultaneously exchanged other coins 3-4 times without any problems

I also can't withdraw Monero from Binance due to "wallet maintanaince", so it might be a problem on Monero's part.

>> No.4911958

Wait, what wallet are you using. Maybe you haven't synced the blockchain?

>> No.4911981

Thanks man, i scimmed it and it seems this is mainly for hardware wallets?
Im using the browser wallet from their homepage, well if its lost in jewvoid ill take it as a learning curve.

Thank you all for fast replies.

>> No.4911991

You do realize that 98% of normies will never spend a single satoshi right?

>> No.4912061

normie aren't dumb enough to put their life saving on something without withdraw it at some time

>> No.4912089
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im using official monero wallet (web-based)

Well its using my wallet adress and everything? nowhere did i read i hade to sync it

Okay, that makes me feel better. Hoping for the best for both of us.

>> No.4912141

The web based wallet is having issues right now. Your coins are probably there. You can verify the transaction with your secret view key and the transaction hash.

Note. This is not an issue with Monero itself. Just the web wally mymonero. I just withdrew some Monero to my local wallet.

>> No.4912145

If it's web based you don't need to sync anything, you mean this one right? https://mymonero.com/

I can't imagine it being 'down for maintenance' or anything so if they really aren't appearing there then either you fucked up (or are fucking up) or got scammed.

Hopefully it works out but if you have the private key to your address, you see nothing AND they've sent it... Maybe by 'complete' they don't mean sent (doubt).

>> No.4912168

You should be able to 'restore' your wallet in the 'local' wallet (gui/cli) using the private key. The wallet is not actually part of the website, the website is a front end for your convenience.

>> No.4912407
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>Not using a local wallet on your own device

>> No.4912596

This desu. Although I may run a node on my VPS and use that soon.

>> No.4912648

hang out in the irc not on biz

>> No.4912929

which IRC?

>> No.4913127

Dont be deluded
Imagine bank of america had online database of account holdings available
Normies would run the fuck away