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File: 24 KB, 342x256, bitcoin-israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4907175 No.4907175 [Reply] [Original]

You've seen him shit on the shitcoins.

You've seen him slay the whales.

Now see him face his biggest challenge yet. JEWS!

This Sunday on a brand new stage fighting them on their own turf, watch The People's Champion take on the God's Chosen People in the grudge match of the CENTURY.

Will the champ who has been on a winning streak since the shocker in Tokyo be the victor or will the shekels win out in the end. See on Sunday for the low low price of hodling ETH.

>> No.4907271

>low low price of hodling ETH


You don't understand how useful BCH is to this game. All you see, and all other retarded, antisocial, basement dwelling, virtual money hoarding, weird nerds...all you see is "muh real vs fake bitcoin, stupid Ver, haha he got so PISSED he flipped the camera on livestream hahahah he's a faggot ayy lmao Bitcoin wins"....

What you don't see....in order to win the jew, you must play like jew. Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin's little brother, younger, faster, more nimble. Yeah sure maybe he can't box out Bitcoin Core, but he can help him.

When jews attach Bitcoin Core come sunday, where will you be? In fucking TETHER? Lmao. Miners won't. They'll switch to "altcoin shitcoin" that you faggots like to call it.

Better realize it's your only real chance to kill the filthy ratman. Also, if you put your money in a russian-canadian neet autistic larping semi-pedo faggot money, the one that he controls and can print out endlessly - you really need to re-evaluate your brainlet brain.

It's really easy, neet. Stop playing the herd nerd game.

Core down - Cash up. Easy. Thanks. Bye.

>> No.4907294

Yeah, I'll be all in with comfy ETH on GDAX where it's currently near it's all time low. Enjoy your getting pegged by Roger Ver and a mother fucker you faggot.

>> No.4907352

>Enjoy your getting pegged by Roger Ver and a mother fucker you faggot.

> putting your money in ERC20 shit-token with infinite supply controlled by larping autistic weirdo russian-canadian cuck faggot

> making fun of Ver (+1000 LMFAO points for this, you poor worthless faggot)

> not putting your money in the strongest Buttcoin fork that will get pumped like it always does

Good luck! Why not put your money in DIGIBYTE! Whoo-hoo! Or Ripple!! You heard the news - the BANKX will use it!

>> No.4907385
File: 6 KB, 333x293, 1508128787001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4907454


And here comes someone larping as a jew, implying "jews will win this"...for fuck sake those rats really lost it, must've been all the inbreeding they do, pedophilia, satanism and incest takes a toll on your "high iq" (love that meme about the kikes, btw).

>> No.4907476
File: 12 KB, 202x250, 1509433372850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4907506


Good luck this time, bipedal rat. I think you'll have to literally ban the internet in order to win. The filthy goyim came up with a reality-bending concept, the likes of which were never seen or made, not even by your High IQ Chosen People, who invented paper money, borrowing money, giving money to others for interest, fucking little kids, sucking little baby dicks and kvenching.

Sucks to be goyim, low IQ.

>> No.4907619
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me? I can't quite hear what you're saying with these rockets blasing ETH to the moon.