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File: 298 KB, 512x512, cropped-OneCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4905278 No.4905278 [Reply] [Original]

There is a scam artist in my house trying to convince my parents to buy Onecoin as we speak.

This guy has gotten them involved in ponzi schemes before. Wat do?

Rundown on Onecoin
>Founders have been involved with scams in the past
>You can put money in, you can't take it out
>Not on any exchange, but trust them, they will be one day!
>Have to get other people involved in order to "move up the chain" and make more money"

>> No.4905292


>> No.4905295

wtf post pic of salesman? Since when does crypto have traveling salesmen??

>> No.4905307

Not gonna go take a pic of him.

He's a family friend who only shows up when he has an exciting new business opportunity.

He's an old italian guy

>> No.4905316
File: 37 KB, 262x295, 1367813732553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell him to buy bitconnect regalcoin hextracoin goldrewardtokens and usi-tech bitcoin packages, give him your referrals but don't buy any of that bullshit yourself.

>> No.4905327

OP, search behindmlm.com for onecoin

They've been following it for a long time, and you can see all their shady stuff like closing bank accounts, setting up shell companies, all the broken promises in the past, etc.

Don't let your parents into it, it's a ponzi and it's a dying ponzi just trying to milk a bit more out of a few more suckers on the way down.

>> No.4905336
File: 85 KB, 561x548, 13925366_1577401882561166_6905600289114797907_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dad also said he's involved in that top kek

>"Hey, this is ____ he's really into crypto too anon! he's here to talk about bitconnect and onecoin! he's been making some serious money"

>> No.4905343
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, mavro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and baby jesus don't let your parents actually buy onecoin it's worse than Mavrodi Coins being shilled to uneducated Africans

>> No.4905384
File: 251 KB, 992x527, 1501122100207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so far we've named 7 straight up scams in this thread and if anyone is dumb enough to get involved with them they deserve the results of lighting their money on fire. The problem is with uneducated people who just want to capture the gains they see elsewhere in the space without understanding anything about it. All of the "investments" discussed here are nothing but ponzis and anyone reading should stay far away, literally espers on yobit might even be a better buy, because you at least know it will still be a no-bid market 1 year from now too.

>> No.4905482


>> No.4905538

so I don't get what the problem is OP, can't you clearly explain that it's a ponzi or are you too much of a spaghetti boi? Tell them to read up on legitimate ones instead and point out the things that differentiate them.

>> No.4905574

They're talking with him right now

I'm not gonna run out and go "REEE SCAM"

>> No.4905596

You should, moron. Save your parents before they lose a bunch of money in an obvious ponzi scam.

Just show them this for starters, all the banks that have kicked them out/frozen their funds for being an obvious ponzi:


>> No.4905628

You should. OneCoin is one of the most well known to be a scam, it's not hard to find out it's shady as fuck unlike some of them around here that manage to keep a following. Don't you have a laptop or tablet? It's easy as fuck to just walk out with a few google pages and results that go into the history behind this one. It's not a secret.

>> No.4905669

That's exactly what you should do.

It's like those religious conversion folks: ignore the harmless ones and rip into the bad ones with an actual agenda. Once you can get him off script he'll fold and they'll see how much bullshit he's spewing.