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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4902438 No.4902438 [Reply] [Original]

Let's face it, /biz/. We're all gonna make it. We're the pioneers in a new era of investors, right before the explosion.

We're all gonna be millionaires in a few years, if not months, or even days.

But that's just the beginning. What do we do afterwards? That's the point of this bread. We chisel out a non-degenerative lifestyle for all of us neo-zillionaires of the future. Lambos, bitches, and extravagant houses is NIGGER-TIER investments. That's not how we do it.

We have to create the future. How do we do it, /biz/?

>> No.4902451

all i have is

10 eth
20k req

am i ever going to make it with such small investments

>> No.4902461

I want to reform education without involving politics.

Not there yet.

>> No.4902468

I can't imagine being this delusional.

>> No.4902472

shitty part of me is i actually dont buy anything i just watch the prices go up and bitch that i didnt buy when i wanted to in my head. so i probably wont make it

>> No.4902488
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>> No.4902502

No, op is deluded as fuck.

>> No.4902504

if i make billions i will unironically become a far right version of george soros

>> No.4902521

>every quantum of labor and effort automatically monetized so nobody has to think about money ever again.
this is the future.

>> No.4902527

>We have to create the future
No we don't. None of us have to do shit, and few of us will. Most of us will be trying to enjoy the rest of the short lives we have.

>> No.4902550

If you play your card right, sure. Seems like a slow way to make money though!

Please explain. I've had similar ideas. What about putting scientific knowledge on the blockchain and letting it be the stuff of education?

Stay poor then :)

Thats ma boy! What do you want to do with minorities? Deport or hang?

>> No.4902567

I will be laffin come Monday.

>> No.4902621

Then why are you here, exactly?

The future for working class people, yes.

True. But as you say, some of us will have to do it. Why enjoy degenerate pleasures when you can create a wonderful world for your children? Isn't that more worthwhile?

What's your plan then? Please share!

>> No.4902702

The balance of the known universe hangs in the balance of the forces of (((THEM))) and [us].

Our saga begins on the known reaches of The Moon. Our heroes have breached new depths of the surface of this vast and uncharted land. After the heroes reaches their newfound destination, the only way up....was down. Into the moon to harvest for more Gainzzinium.

Gainzzinium is an addictive substance known only to be found in the most elite of Earth's bodybuilding community in the past. This rare compound has been detected deep within the confines of The Moon itself within recent days. We now join our heroes on this journey...

>> No.4902809

yeah this is the kind a shit that makes me lose sleep over crypto

>> No.4902826

Everything moons but what own

>> No.4902863

ive got 150ltc. how long will it take until i be able to wear nice suits like patrick bateman? 5 years? 10 years?

>> No.4902873

I'm currently holding 268$ of ETH, 80$ of BAT, 60$ of ZRX, 60$ of XRP, 50$ of GNT, 50$ OMG, 13$ SNT and 6.99$ XMR.

Tell me what kind of riches I can expect and when

>> No.4902896

I have 0.7 btc. Not trading, just holding it. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.4902924

Even if I'm a nocoiner?

>> No.4902935
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The moon bones, it bones for thee

>> No.4903040

Dune remake when?

Just go to vietnam tomorrow dude

Thats a ten year mission, mon fraire.

Bitcoin is probably the worst and most overvalued crypto. You do the math.

Yes, the knowledge youre absorbing will not let you down.

>> No.4903086
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>those dubs

>> No.4903095

>Bitcoin is probably the worst and most overvalued crypto. You do the math.
Wow thanks for destroying my dreams :( asshole

Let's see who laughs when Bitcoin is at 1 million.

>> No.4903301
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I want to travel the world and help the somewhat shitty places build schools. Giving people good education helps them make good choices which is good for the whole world, we can't have a bunch of nigger and other shit skins having a bunch of diseased kids spreading that shit, they should learn that having a bunch of kids when you are poor probably isn't a good idea. It'll be better for everyone.
This leads me to my next thing. STDs
I want to be able to fund for everyone in the world to be tested for STDs and other testing of other diseases that could be stopped before they spread. The main reason i want to do this bit is because i don't like condoms.

Id also like to help clean up the ocean.

These are dreams aside from my main one of just having enough money to travel the world for the rest of my life with nothing but a laptop and few change of clothes. Then i could just shitpost on 4chan.. from anywhere

>> No.4903380

I'm holding bitcoin. It's probably the best hold, still. Just make sure you know why.

>> No.4903449

You will reach your destination, anon. You have goodness in your heart and a reasonable idea what you want to do with your time.

I also hate condoms. I've never understood how anybody can be horny enough to fuck with one on.

Remember to capitalize on your projects. Your creativity is worth nothing if you're worth nothing. Take pride in your work and get payed for what you do, always.

Charity is just a way to keep your money by looking good. Real charity comes from mutual benefits between you and your subjects.

>> No.4903529

ill write the charitys off on taxes, the charitys im sure will have some chicks from different countries on my dick, bitches love givers. that goes back to my STD part, imagine being able to go around the world and just being able to fuck any girl knowing they don't have any diseases.

>> No.4903541



>> No.4903580

I dont fucking feel like I'm gonna make it Anon...
I feel pretty fucking upset.
I want to make $10mil and I want it by EOY 2018. What the fuck do I do?
I have $1,500 in the cryptosphere.
I'm honestly really sad. I'm happy that I see everyone here making tons of money and doing really well but It really sucks not being one of them.

>> No.4903622


This makes me feel nice.

>> No.4903636

Iota Gi holders?

>> No.4903657

maybe im just high as fuck right now but that was some good shit

>> No.4903663

Delusions of grandeur, the post

>> No.4903710

Holy shit lol

I have $23k (started with $6500 and added in $2200 later). I consider myself lucky if I end up with $100k at the end of all this

>> No.4903737

By luck, I mean I would be super satisfied and happy with $100k

>> No.4903793

Every improvement humanity had since the invention of fire was some anon dream at some point..
>caveman A: what if we can make some stuff out of thin air that keeps us warm improves our lifespan and keeps predators away?
>caveman B:LOL Deluded neanderthal

>> No.4903838

i think we have too many caveman B in this world right now

Do you think the first person that made fire burned their hand?

>> No.4903861
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You sound like a faggot OP. Anyways for me, I don't care about changing the world in any significant way because I realized the hard way that mostly everyone in this world is a rotten piece of shit at their very core. Maybe if you told me I could ethnically cleanse and eradicate a good number of people I'd be interested but otherwise, ehhh.. Truthfully, I just want to be financially independent and have every single one of my desires fulfilled.

>> No.4903930

I don't need to Make it. If I get more than 100k of crypto I will build a Temple of Kek and give temporary shelter to anons down on their luck provided they can prove they are true btards.
Already have the test ready.
Since it will be low cost I suppose I could maintain it with my crypto gains.
Already at 30k from 6k.

We don't yet realize the impact crypto and this board in particular will have in the broad scope of things in the next two decades. Having some of the wealthiest people coming from a Cantonese knitting Internet forum will change a lot of things.

>> No.4903970

whats the test

>We don't yet realize the impact crypto and this board in particular will have in the broad scope of things in the next two decades. Having some of the wealthiest people coming from a Cantonese knitting Internet forum will change a lot of things.
i was just thinking this the other day

>> No.4904058

What do you think the elite of the world is doing right now? What do you think plastic, phytoestrogen, pollution and cigarettes are all about? It's not a coincidence, it's social darwinism :) It's already happening. Stupid people are being eradicated en masse. It's up to you to eradicate those people and educate the goyim to becoming a reasonable, and perhaps even an attractive lot.

Nope, you just got fell for the roastie. Better luck next time.

Of course you won't with that shitty attitude! Get to the next level, what ever it might be!

How else would they know the power they had found?

>> No.4904083

The test is basically a 100 question quiz about memes that only a btard can complete in time.
The temple of Kek is one of my dreams. My brother is making a statue of Kek and all.
I have faith that if I build it the Neets will come and praise Kek.

>> No.4904102

Excellent, anons. You have found the truth of the future. The shift in power is immense. Just imagine that mining for one week in 2010 granted you almost a million dollars.. The neets shall stand victorious!

>> No.4904178

>How else would they know the power they had found?
do you think they burned it twice?

>Nope, you just got fell for the roastie. Better luck next time.
only if it's easy pickings desu. thats why i want everyone tested for STDs

I'll be there

>> No.4904187

When did you start?