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File: 140 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20171208-174826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4900242 No.4900242 [Reply] [Original]

Is Wall St. going to get justed?

inb4 >charge your phone

>> No.4900281
File: 41 KB, 569x398, MW-FO937_Bitcoi_20170621155338_MG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee I fucking wonder who's gonna push harder here. Don't mess with big money, they literally run the world

>> No.4900335

they can't just short, someone has to go long lol

>shorting something that 10x'ed this year

>> No.4900336


People need to understand that if Wallstreet shorts BTC for say, 50b (conservative) It will drop the price like 30% in one swoop.

That could possibly create a huge domino effect of panic sales and do some major fucking damage.

However, once Wallstreet kills absolutely everybody, they will have to buy back in and will create a fucking massive dead cat bounce. This would probably re-ignite the BTC hype train and bring us back.

>> No.4900400

>they will have to buy back in

uh, nope

>> No.4900403
File: 6 KB, 253x199, goncern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shorts for 50 BILLION
>drop 30%
Are you another retard that doesn't understand marketcap?
If Wallstreet shorts for 50 billion btc goes to zero kek

>> No.4900423

meant for>>4900336

>> No.4900433

So much speculation. I’m wondering too how soon they will do it, and with so many people trying to panic cash out, how backed up transaction times will be. I think best to stick in eth or ltc the next week or two, but btc if it drops bigly.

>> No.4900459

Why everybody is thinking that they are going to short BTC ? It's making me thinking that they will not.

Then you would have been fucked brilliantly

>> No.4900467

They wouldn’t short it, but milk it. Kramer is a dumb fuck

>> No.4900498

4d chess right?

>> No.4900499

the only people getting JUSTed are those who bought bitcoin instead of gold and monero

>> No.4900539

>make everyone believe you're going to short Bitcoin
>everybody places their shorts because it's gonna go down
>they actually buy massively and liquidate all shorts, pushing the price to 20k and beyond

>> No.4900574

you do know how shorts work, right? I'm not talking about cut-off pants, either.

>> No.4900596

>Wallstreet begins repeatedly crashing and rebuying bitcoin
>create final panic dump where most people leave
>buy up all the bitcoin they can over this period
>one day stop selling entirely to control most bitcoin and kill it
I just realized why Satoshi leaves his money in the giant pool; it's the backup recovery plan for the crypto-economy. No wonder they want to kill him.

>> No.4900653

Aren't they only trading futures?
Like, if they wanted to short right now they could do it, but they aren't, because when they short people just buy.

I don't get how futures will change this. They will short THE VALUE OF THE FUTURES. This can only affect the psychology of other investors and maybe make them sell. People want bitcoin. This shit won't do anything.

>> No.4900661
File: 83 KB, 569x398, not even my final form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4900678

This pic is outdated as fuck.

>> No.4900707

This is going to be a fucking WILD time

Derivatives about relatively stable things like mortgages, we all know how that turned out.

Derivatives on insanely manipulated, immature markets like crypto is just... fuck man. I don't even know.

The worst part is, the banks are going to cause some massive catastrophes with their gambling and everyone will blame crypto, when it wasn't crypto it was their fucking evil, reckless bets.

On the plus side, if the banks fuck up bad I doubt we will bail them out again. The financial crisis is too near in everyone's minds. Then crypto can rise from the ashes and we can purge those centralized parasitic fucks for good.

>> No.4900724


Right now the only way to speculate on bitcoin is to hold bitcoin. That's what's made the price go memeabolic. As soon as they have a different vehicle for speculation, all that money goes away.


>> No.4900730

Cash settled, they can crater bitcoin without even touching it.

>> No.4900747

Being able to bet on an unregulated market. The price will be manipulated. Does btc stand a change if ((they)) decide to crash it?

>> No.4900803

But they're not related to bitcoin at all. Shorting 30 billion doesn't do anything to the price.

>> No.4900812
File: 120 KB, 535x798, 1470847462360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the normies throw in so much money they fuck the banks over trying to short

Let me dream

>> No.4900813

wall street is going to just us
the house always wins, never forget

>> No.4900903

Unironically this. They will probably pump it up 2x THEN short it. Why not make double money?

>> No.4900914

Assigning value to literally digits on a screen. Yall dont understand basic econmics do ya. BTC is going to get dumped on big time when normies figure out our operation

>> No.4901020

>figure out our operation

The goal of making a usable universal digital currency?

I mean yeah BTC is a shitshow that's gonna die, but the concept's sound

>> No.4901032

Why does everyone think publicly traded companies have millions of dollars to speculate?

Hedge funds might, but not publicly traded companies that cannot afford such risk. But still, whales are not entirely comfortable letting their tens of millions go into speculation instead of thoroughly analyzed stocks.

>> No.4901038

wall street takes massive short position
chink whales pump the price to 30k less than an hour after futures open
2.5 billion USDT spring into existence, pump the price even further
all short positions liquidated, futures are cash settled, wipes out CMEs liquidity, now insolvent
smug, overconfident wall street faggots get the TETHERING of a lifetime
streets of chicago are littered with the bodies of stockbrokers hurling themselves out of office windows

>> No.4901093


I literally get an erection thinking about this scenario.

> Wall Street oldfags hate crypto
> "It's Tulips 2.0, It's a bubble!!"
> Trot out their disgusting futures markets
> Leverage themselves to shit shorting bitcoin
> Every NEET in the world convinces their parents to buy magic meme money
> The Big Bang Theory devotes every episode to shilling Bitcoin, rebrands as 'The Bit Coin Theory'
> Zoom close up of Sheldon's face "BIT-ZINGA"
> Normiebucks flow in like a biblical flood
> All the bankers get JUST'd the likes of which the world has never seen
> NEETs are now God-emperors, and normies are citizens in this brave new world
> Lawyers and bankers are all broke and destitute, and spend their twilight years as butlers and manservants, or sucking dick on the street
> Many bankers are jailed after Congress passes the Fuck Everyone Who Doubted Bitcoin Act of 2025", which makes ever having shorted bitcoin a federal crime
> Colonization of Mars begins
> It becomes tradition to strap a central banker to the tip of every rocket so they are incinerated on liftoff
> As they disintegrate all the astronauts laugh and say "Houston we have lawyer-off!"
> Everyone in the control room is laughing so hard they can barely see their screens, even though the same joke is made on every launch it's still funny

>> No.4901415
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i enjoyed this

>> No.4901482

Dear god please yes

>> No.4901489
File: 72 KB, 788x685, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy up all the bitcoin they can over this period
>make shitton of people rich in the process
>sit on worthless buttcoin because nobody trades or uses it anymore
>all the money ends in Monero
>banks won a battle but lost the war
>mfw future multigozillionaire who hires top assassins over the darknet to take out public jew figures

>> No.4901558

Don't forget that in a world where everything is run on the blockchain, not only bankers would be rendered obsolete. There is no fucking need or meaning to litigating a smart contract. It simply goes off or not. This would replace lawyers too.

>> No.4901641
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I get a hardon from knowing how hard you will fall when the bubble pops.
Wall Street will not lose. They will lobby to make crypto illegal if they have to - environment, money laundering, black market money. Crypto has a lot more going against it than for it.
This ridiculous rise without any good news, instead have Steam stop supporting bitcoin payments.
But you can dream all you want

>> No.4901695
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they can't kill it, its impossible.

>use monero, buy CSGO skins and cash out dollars
wtf are wallstreets niggers gonna do?
forbid blockchain tech and lose the advantage against every country who keeps using it?
The Crypto NEET inherits the world and the Jews will hang from lampposts. the Crypto Jews will replace the loser jews.
no chance of winning for them, they already lost.

>> No.4901704
File: 80 KB, 224x230, 1357785218056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>one vendor of video games that also happens to have notoriously bad customer support drops bitcoin

>> No.4901713

Korea has banned futures trading for crypto
If wall st thinks they can fuck crypto The way they fuck every thing else, they got something coming

>> No.4901726

of course not

>> No.4901749

Why is it that whenever fagdroid users post screenshots, their batteries are almost fucking dead lol

Do fagdroids just have poor battery life or are you guys just using lower-end models?

>> No.4901752
File: 53 KB, 959x960, 1463341795225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already won
There are literally singular people on this earth who have net worths bigger than coin market cap (which is literally the ultimate bullshit number)
If governments make mining and/or owning crypto illegal
I get it you're just mad becaues you're late to the party.
Have fun watching the timeout error when you're trying to cash out during the crash

>> No.4901757

>Korea has banned futures trading for crypto
no they haven't

>> No.4901783

I think it's a meme. Like the memetabs in browser screenshots.

>> No.4901784

i take that back, they have.

>> No.4901789
File: 27 KB, 508x524, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"dey make da mining illegul!!! da gubernment gon take way ur internetz buttcoins!!!"

lmao wanna see those tech illiterate niggers try it.

>> No.4901804
File: 199 KB, 1200x550, copper_afd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to read up on Gould/Fisk and Yasuo Hamanaka. Some whale is buying and hoarding this shit to corner the market on Bitcoins and set prices. All the people HODLing basically help this guy and make his stash a bigger effective piece of the pie.

>> No.4901826

In order to defeat the bankers we gotta convince normies to hodl. If they cash out (((they))) still win since it's converted into Fiat.

>> No.4901832

>If governments make mining and/or owning crypto illegal

they also made drugs illegal. worked out well, didn't it?

>> No.4901858
File: 412 KB, 1080x1349, 1473238594814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will, its stupid how much energy people waste on mining. It would take a lot less to have a stable network. Not to mention Bitcoin is literally one of the worst coins as a currency
> muh store of value
It has NO value, it's a speculative BUBBLE, bitcoin and other cryptos have no real value besides buying drugs and lambos from that one store in california - which is ridiculous and now this pump with only bad news coming in
Enjoy your delusions

>> No.4901877

Drugs get you high, why would you want to use illegal money - are you fucking retarded?

>> No.4901888

the brightest timeline

>> No.4901897

to move humanity into the new world we NEED to throw away every piece of the old one
>normies start taking drugs
>government makes drugs illegal
>disrespect for the law moons
>normies buy into bitcoin
>government makes crypto illegal
>disrespect for the law fuckin neptunes
>tfw Amazon Prime subscription replaces paying taxes
>humanity immanetizes the fucking eschaton

>> No.4901914
File: 7 KB, 317x159, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all should know by now there are 2 exchanges opening December 10th & 15th to trade bitcoin Only
One is a futures market that will allow Very big money to SHORT bitcoin now who would want to do that>>> Bankers And wall street<<<
bitcoin threatens them they have created these exchanges to rein in bitcoin i don't know if they will be-able to smash the price like they do in the gold market
So i am here to tell all who have bitcoin many of us are cashing in half of our bitcoin and buying litecoin because the exchanges that are opening Dec 10th & 15th DO NOT! trade litecoin so we do this for safety only!
If there attempt take down bitcoin price fail we just sell litecoin and return to bitcoin
But if they are successful then we have persevered half of our money please pass this on
you do what you want
We want freedom from the bankers & they are coming we just wanted to inform you

>> No.4901946
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this guy literally brainlet wojak IRL

>> No.4902019

>Bill Gates net worth 2x Bitcoin marketshare.
Guess he shoulda went all in huh.

>> No.4902045

the public (us) is wrong most of the time and everyone is predicting huge crash

>> No.4902054

We were 30% below the current price day before yesterday. I hope they bring it down. My alts could use a breather.

>> No.4902076


>mfw these faggots think they're the whales

so cute

>> No.4902086

selling1 bitcoin gets you a shit load of litecoin

>> No.4902094

These Guy are about to get liquidated.

>> No.4902139


the point is making drugs illegal didnt do an awful lot.

Also bitcoin is great for buying drugs.

>> No.4902140

Current mcap of btc is 270billion. It is certainly going to pass apple with 4-5 months.

>> No.4902193



Wall Street is about to get tether'd. Chicago is about to blow up. Fuck these evil derivative scammers.

>> No.4902239

This. Underground is always years ahead of normies. Bitcoin is not even a teenager and the darknet has already moved onto other alts. Crashing BTC is going to be an experiment in new wealth distribution for sure and should be capitalized on, but the underground is 10 steps ahead.

>> No.4902241

I'm confuse
does this mean i should change to litecoin before 10&11 dec or just hold my btc?

>> No.4902266
File: 237 KB, 673x708, 1436854127881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> wallstreet shorts btc
> btc doubles in price
> Cramer continues autistic screeching

>> No.4902283

>using market cap to describe and compare btc to a tech company
this is why btc will be worthless by the end of the year.

>> No.4902344

we should send the bankers some pink wojaks for the JUSTing they are about to endure.

>> No.4902346

>2018: The Tethering

>> No.4902445

Because they going to make shitton of money doing so and then they will make shitton of money just from hodling? I don't know anon, you tell me.

>> No.4902479

>he unironically believes 2.5b usdt won't crash btc even harder then shorting
it will be worse then gox

>> No.4902496
File: 73 KB, 1478x342, Timeline of the Beta Uprising.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire financial and political establishment are going to get just-ed.

>> No.4902517

this is old, dude. bitcoin is in the middle of this graph now.

>> No.4903212

this is the best timeline