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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4898892 No.4898892 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ is 90% crypto talk because nobody browsing 4chan can create a business

>biz gotta rely on shit tier speculation to make profit

>ultimately the majority of /biz/ will lose their dollar in the inevitable future crash

>no high IQ, intelligent people on /biz/.

Im dissapointed. Im 23 and I have 3 businesses and currently profiting £80k a year whilst in my final year of university. mainly through youtube and a few youtube related blogs

>> No.4898934

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is /biz/ Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>> No.4898948

pls no bully, i'm 22 and i'm up over 300k in the last 3 months. dropped out of college last week. get fucked faggot, you'll never be in the 21 btc club

>> No.4898970


No respectable midde class family will their child drop-out over a mere 21 bitcoin. Either you are hated by your family or you are lying. A shit fate regardless, UL anon.

>> No.4898971

I have a successful business with 2mil annual revenues.

Crypto is more fun.

>> No.4898973

Unfortunately this shite really went to shit
Back then there were actually pretty readable threads and a very good crypto currency general thread
Now it’s just pajeet level scamming and shitty memes

>> No.4898974
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I have a business idea but it will probably cost like over $20,000 to make the concept


>> No.4898997

>TFW im a successful 18 year old rapper multimillionaire high IG stanford graduate

are you even trying, OP??

>> No.4899064

real talk I make £100-£300 a day doing 0 hours of work a day, just living off of media i produced on youtube in my early 20's

maybe after uni ill start working and earn £1000's a day but until then ill kek at the crypto lads on /biz/ hoping to make their living with absolute no talent

the train has already left

>> No.4899128

Biz is full of fake money and ponzi schemes, nobody appreciates brick and mortar here

>opening second location in a week, 1.1m in ytd sales, up 35%~ from last year, in 4th year of business

>> No.4899209

we all didn't start off with daddy's money, some of us have to take some risks

>> No.4899223



>> No.4899226


please link me your youtube channel - i will gladly subscribe

>> No.4899256

Why is college so important to the middle-class in your opinion?

I have an uncle who's disappointed in his son for taking a job and dropping college.

>> No.4899288

I'm part owner of a PC/phone repair business.
Mostly laptop screen replacements thusfar. about €60 profit for ten minutes of actual work.

>> No.4899296
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>3 businesses
>Youtube related blogs


What a faggot.

Thinks £80k a year is sunstantial


Oh boy. Thanks for that OP.

>> No.4899329

Let me guess, you're one of those "I found a magical niche that Im exploiting by affiliate marketing/drop shipping/etc! What niche you ask? I wont say because I dont want competition!"

Faggots like you are almost as bad as the crypto pajeets.

>> No.4899335


>> No.4899347

> invest into new business
> invest in crypto
One these is better than the other

>> No.4899351

$12k a year is sustainable you retard

Most doctorate holders in Russia don't even have a car.

>> No.4899365

that picrelated faggot just signed a 5 album 360 deal with warner bros only got 340k advance i wonder what it was totally worth brain dead youth

>> No.4899372

Crypto, ironically.

I bet $500 in DGB in 2016 would make you more money than you would doing anything else from scratch.

>> No.4899377

I clearly meant substantial, not sustainable, you utter whimpering retard.

>> No.4899645

Biz is 90% crypto talk because anyone running a business is too busy running their business to browse 4chan

>> No.4899743

3 businesses and you have the time and sentiment to come on to 4chan to tell people that they are unintelligent? Doubt would be an understatement.

>> No.4899872

Honestly, this.
I used to have this business idea and I was working hard to secure the funding and then I discovered crypto and I thought "Hey, I could just invest a bit of money in crypto and let it grow, and once I have enough I will cash out and get this business up and running..."
Now though? Am making more daily than some of my old classmates do in a month.

Hell, my working days now go like this
>wake up whenever
>check prices and eye gauge if there is any good deal to be made
>play vidya
>watch animu
>part of several groups that just ping me whenever a good trade is available
>go to sleep whenever I feel sleepy

I cant see myself going back to the normie wagecucking or business running ever.
But eventually this bubble will burst, so eh.

>> No.4899905


>no high IQ, intelligent people on /biz/.

>Im dissapointed.


>> No.4899952

Are these groups available to the public?

>> No.4899970

He proved himself correct

>> No.4899971

Be easy on him. He thinks YouTube blogs qualify as a business.

>> No.4899973


Thank me later.

>> No.4899998
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I think you did, actually.

>> No.4900046
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fuck you op ive been trying to get muh business jacketbook.com developed for years but i make more money in crypto an all the coder fags want a solid million do dev the fuckin site

>> No.4900104

working my way to this. Got almost $20k in crypto now (from $3k). gratz bro

>> No.4900142
File: 11 KB, 320x287, optimism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 28 year old lawyer that has never worked a day in his life. I've literally never made a single penny ever. I finished college 4 and a half years ago and all my 4 internships were voluntary.

I have been suffering from depression from so long I cannot even recall the last time I felt true genuine happiness and I spend over half of my day lying down wishing I would just stop existing. A few months ago I had to take my father's gun away from his hand. He suffers from psychosis and has always been a very violent, troublesome person and my life has always been hell due to him.

Should I just shoot myself? I'm done for.

>> No.4900161

Ah yep, im already in this one. Thanks anyway my man

Did you make a profit off mco?

>> No.4900164

Nah, 12 years in my employees run my biz.
Plenty time to browse the chans.

>> No.4900196

I just haaad to know what it sounded like. Fuck me.

Is there a category for that shit? Just utterly talentless garbage? Watch me do the soulja booooyyyy

>> No.4900210

My dad wants me to become a lawyer cause he is one himself. I haven't gone to school in 2 semesters after failing classes for not showing up I'm not to far behind you. If I became a lawyer I wouldnt probably do shit with it like I've seen with a few of his friends.

>> No.4900217

>doing actual work rather than sitting in my underwear trading internet money
where do you think your are

>> No.4900286

you would feel better if you took a job. i highly recommend finding a local pizza parlor (not dominos) with some nice folks and doing deliveries. this really helped my depression. you don't have to deal with people much, and you walk home with a decent amount of cash in your pocket.

if you don't have a car, try UPS or something.

>> No.4900304

mommy when bittrex when moon me want roadster

>> No.4900328 [DELETED] 
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Sorry to bother everyone on their way to work but I recently lost my house and my dad has leukemia. My wife took my kids after a recent divorce. I'm a war veteran of two back to back to meme wars just looking to fund his basketball team. If you can find it in your hearts to show the gift of giving this Christmas, even one Satoshi would be greatly appreciated.


>> No.4900345

The weak deserve to perish. Get fucked

>> No.4900350

nice try pajeet, enjoy your ban faggot

>> No.4900396

im self made, my dad was a coal miner.

>> No.4900465
File: 25 KB, 1125x407, 2 min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just one of my YT channels, making 2 minute videos about moderately entertaining subjects

I want biz to have posts about exploting unsaturated channels. I could make a YT channel right now in a niche that Im aware that is unsaturated and be making £100 a day within a month and an additional £200 with the supplementary blogs, this is the type of shit biz should be looking into, fuck your CC.

>> No.4900515 [DELETED] 

I know how you feel

I lost all my limbs saving 100 white children in iraq white killing a thousand muslims. I live on the street, I havent eaten or drank in 2 years.
My wife killed our child and left me on the street, and all my friends abandoned me. There is a scary pitbull around from my cardboard make-shift alleyway shelter that regularly visits and makes me his limbless fleshlight. Please any btc for this old veteran will be appreciated.


>> No.4900603
File: 69 KB, 750x556, D20C2741-0D80-42FD-81CC-4BCAF6229DD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 15k followers on youtube making $100 a month. i want to change this to make a lot more money. what should i do? i have a website for it too but it only makes about $1 a month in adsense... i don't know what the fuck im doing. my followers love me even though i only feed them clickbait they seem to think im the best at it.
(also i have another "business" selling on ebay where i make a satisfying but not awesome level of money. )
please hope you find me of adequate iq to reply

>> No.4900635


college/university.. for the average person.. increases quality of life by a great deal in terms of networks established and future potential salary

with that being said, intelligent driven people can make a much better salary for themselves by sacking off university and working hard instead on enterprises

Im in my final year of university currently. All of my peers are applying for £25k a year jobs at best meanwhile ill be on £100k a year when i finish and a friend I had from home that never went to uni had £250k in the bank from running gambling related businesses

university is massive.. for the average person.. to secure the best salary and life possible, but if youre not an ordinary person, work HARD and you can exceed anyone in education

>> No.4900640

who would want to start a business and work when you can press f5 and shitpost all day and make more gains?

>> No.4900666


good start anon. 5k views shows that you have at least a somewhat strong knowledge of the platform

what field do you operate in? is it very niche? is it unscrupulous? i need more details

>> No.4900676

Crypto made me 220k gains in less than 2 months, can your shtty business do that? Kek

>> No.4900697


legit well done if you made 220k but for the average joe CC will end up burning them in the long run

>> No.4900751

>Shitty biz do that?kek
>Friends biz I have known for years makes $3m month
>What did he mean by this?

>> No.4900790


> jdunderground material

>> No.4900791

First of all, GREAT digits
what i do is i make harsh noise and pass it off as what they’ve come to call “subliminals"
>change your eye color
>get your crush to like you
i started it a while ago when i was doing a lot of acid as a way to monetize my retarded noise hobby. i find it amazing that google wants to pay me $100 a month for this, but tbqfh it used to be more and i'd like it to be even more.
i have a website where i offer some mp3 downloads but i don't really know what else to do with it and barely anyone seems to visit.
do you know anything about promotion? is it worth it to pay google or someone for something like adwords? like i said idk wtf im doing (but i do know a lot of buzzwords and i've done about half of google's analytics academy)

>> No.4900800

I started w 30k fresh out of college and made the 220k profit, not possible for most
Thank thee lawd for crypto tho

>> No.4900822

I dont give a fuck about business or getting rich. I came to /biz/ because Im an econfag and this board was advertised as such. Now im just addicted to cryptobullshit as a hobby.

>> No.4900830

>risking a bunch of money trying to start a business when you could but it in bitcoin instead and go to the moon

>> No.4900878

I have rental properties thats a business in a way.
I also have an investment business with a partner that lives 12 hours away that deals with corporate debt
I just recently started a small handyman business that is focused on senior communitys. I provide them very cheap services because i already make enough money but i feel like they need help and contractors always screw them over. They love when i come around and help out for a few bucks, they usually make me dinner or buy me lunch.

My girlfriend built her business from the ground up dealing with random drug screenings and pre employment screenings.

Just because you don't know how to business doesn't mean other people don't.

>> No.4900890

search up adwords bootcamp by perry marshall

the price is high so search for it on WSO or someshit

Good course though

>> No.4900923

E-commerce is insane .
You can easily scale to 25k per month.

>> No.4900926


>> No.4900941

i don't buy courses. all those guys are just as retarded as i am and if they have to sell courses they must not be good at what they really wanted to do

>> No.4900990

*Disappointed. You're not very bright, are you?

>> No.4901007

not when the asking price is $1.5k
Perry knows his stuff

>> No.4901039

Then why is he s e l l I n g c o u r s e s

>> No.4901091

Like you’re talking to a guy who charges kids $100 to watch a five minute video that will give them Ariana grandes voice. I don’t trust stuff like that

>> No.4901135
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i buy beat up houses and fix them up to flip at a profit. then i invest everything in crypto

>> No.4901175
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I own a local business :)

it's uh.. more work than I thought it was going to be.

>> No.4901240

>I can't express thoughts clearly
>You're the retard

shouldn't you be playing minecraft?

>> No.4901271
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>3 businesses and currently profiting £80k a year

Here, take this pizza.

>> No.4901306


well i mean id like to be making 7 figures a year but 80k is respectable in the mean time.

admittedly ive lost most of it gambling and spending frivolously

>> No.4901332
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>ultimately the majority of /biz/ will lose their dollar in the inevitable future crash

>> No.4901500

come on man tell me the one simple trick to get my youtube business to trippple
this me: >>4900603

>> No.4901802

Is this Shaun Kang's little sister?

>> No.4902558
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