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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4898170 No.4898170 [Reply] [Original]

There are people on this world who work 60 hours a week just to survive. And you are making thousands by just sitting on your ass. Do you feel good about yourself, anon? Don't you feel the need to share?

>> No.4898189

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we will annex the Sudetenland

>> No.4898196

Fuck off back to pol you low iq inbred

>> No.4898258

Yeah I am low IQ for being human

For feeling sympathy for the ones who it less good than we do

Rub that Ayn Rand clit harder, cunt

>> No.4898287

Its called redistribution you cracker. How else am I gonna get paid.

>> No.4898289
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Yes, I feel so good that I am holding it all. Go back to making my shoes, faggot.

>> No.4898390

The ones working 60 hours a week to survive are clearly to stupid to get other people to work 60 hours a week for them and live the good life.

The world needs wageslaves anon, it's what our economy is built on, but it's their own fault for not seeking the path to financial freedom and stay in the rat race. This of course isn't counting shit like people stuck in economic bondage and shit.

>> No.4898416

translation commie-human: gib me u're monies i'm retarded xD

>> No.4898420
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Except I haven't made any money yet, but if i did, you bet your ass I'd feel good about my self. No sharing either.

>> No.4898438

You are contradicting yourself in your own post retard.

You are saying all wageslaves have the ability to escape their wageslave life, but you are also saying this worlds needs wageslaves?

Matter of fact is, some people have way too much money, and other people don't have nearly enough. REDISTRIBUTE.

>> No.4898462

im sitting at work making thousands while trading crypto making thousands. aint noone else out there hustlin like me got them stock options and 401k and something to fall back on

>> No.4898463


I feel great, now get back to shining my shoes you communist filth.

>> No.4898502

if you went and bought shit at wageslave stores instead of stealing for muhcommunism and donated money or canned food to a food bank year round it would make a difference in peoples lives. so many people have them bridge cards and are happy with that lifestyle.
if you want to help them who need tax money because they don't want to buy their own food go buy cans with your own money that you earned and give it to a food bank every month do it invest 200 monthly into the food bank and wait for

>> No.4898519

I don't feel good. I wish I made more money, absurd amounts of money in fact. I wish I had the means to fund massive eugenics projects. This world could do with culling 90% of the people.

>> No.4898537

How much do you make?

>> No.4898559

Nobody is making anything, strictly speaking

>> No.4898566

t boomer nocoiner
Your son gonna steal your girl with all his recent gainz

>> No.4898570
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/biz/ is a Nazi board. Get out

>> No.4898576
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I've worked 60 hour weeks and it sucked so now I'm trying new ways to makea better life for myself.

Fuck off with this commie faggotry.

>> No.4898593

you kinda gotta rub Ayn's clit and have sympathy but see if you just blindly shared like OP states then it doesn't help anyone. Sharing is help and help requires a giver and receiver which is more specific and unique to that relationship. The person in need has to receive and the helper has to give. How would feeling bad about ourselves and randomly sending money to people working 60hrs a week actually change anything. These are two very different dimensions of existence. Let's have respect and sympathy whilst giving head to fountains.

>> No.4898595

>some people have way too much money, and other people don't have nearly enough
Who should get to decide how moey is redistributed? I nominate myself.

>> No.4898600

I work 60 hours and make bank from crypto
What does that mean

>> No.4898605

Very recently made a play that ;

If I am correct, the plan will be removing hundreds of millions of dollars from the hands of jackasses and placing it in the hands of people who would actually be able to use it.

Hold this “store of value” for us, while we’re helping rid the world of scum and greed

>> No.4898610

FUCK you rancid piece of shit, the money is mine and I will hoard it as much as I want, I don’t care about you poor communist faggots.
You’re only useful as a fucking trap sex slave, so come and give me your boipucci you little shit, and maybe MAYBE I will spare you some change so you can feed yourself fucking miserable beggar.

>> No.4898611
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>thinking people on /biz/ aren't hemorrhaging 10% of their savings every day

>> No.4898620

No it fucking isn't, learn what national-socialism stands for

It sure as hell doesn't stand for a bunch of virgins becoming millionaires by not contributing anyting to their community

>> No.4898636

Go after the bankers. Why do you inbreeds always go after the John Doe who has 5 measly thousand to invest after years of wagecucking instead of attacking wall st., the fed that devaluates the walue of your work and the lawyers that would suck your blood dry if you ever need the judicial system to protect you from injustice? Why are you hypocritical imbeciles lacking the most basic awareness about the world you live in and who you are really protecting with your misguided efforts?

>> No.4898644

How am I making thousands when I literally cant cash out?

>> No.4898670

Stop sugar coating your own shitty deeds. Wall street is bad, but so is anyone who makes too much money.

>> No.4898682

at least we are not communist gay niggerjews

>> No.4898722

>disregards point completely
>no ur bad
>single digit IQ
checks out

>> No.4898730
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Go make a commie coin where the coins are distributed to wallets equally. It'll be the official coin of the alt-left!

>> No.4898732

Ah you are one of those people who recently flew in from reddit

You see, on 4chan we do appreciate free speech, but you are kinda making it obvious with that barrage of buzzwords you are new here

>> No.4898764


this is weak bait

>> No.4898797

>promoting sharing

What has this world come to?

>> No.4898820


Wageslaves have the ability to escape the wageslave life but not everyone wants too. There. Does that make it easier for you?

>> No.4898835

Will you share in the risks of my investments? No, no you fucking won't. You already have it your way. It's called tax.

>> No.4898900

Alright, now try to look at a broader scale

I know it's difficult for you because you have a very small brain, but just try

What if ALL those wageslaves escaped? But didn't you just say this world needs wageslaves ?

>> No.4898944

I dont even understand this post
Why is it bad that I make money

>> No.4898966


You're asking, what IF they did. Now ask yourself how realistic that scenario is.

>> No.4898981

>tfw too stupid to sit on your ass
typical commie

>> No.4898990

I wish I was making thousands, I'm sitting at a net loss.

>> No.4899000


>> No.4899022

If only we lived in the communist utopia, then we could all be equally poor!

>> No.4899032

You are free to share all that you own equally to others around you. But you won't. Because you are a communist and what you really want is fame, power and wealth and seek those with deception by talking about peace and sharing and caring.

That's why you don't share what you own, but demand that all the others share their wealth. To you.

>> No.4899034


Whats my income limit before I have to submit it to the state for redistribution?

>> No.4899038

It's not bad that you make money, but the fact that you make more money than you actually need while there are people out there starving, is bad

>> No.4899104

Fuck off, I slaved 60hrs / week , no one gave me shit. Remember that very well to fall for this BS

>> No.4899122

I agree with the premise but wealth redistribution introduces its own array of problems, both moral and pragmatic.

I'd rather do away with capitalism.

>> No.4899135
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>> No.4899136

money doesn't convert into resources just like that you absolute retard. Zimbabwe made everyone a TRILLIONAIRE and that didn't help.

I swear on mi mom commies are something lower than mold when it comes to brains

>> No.4899150

I wish
To answer you questions
In that order.

>> No.4899166

Best commie is dead commie

>> No.4899188


Have anything to say back?


>> No.4899272

Can you explain how exactly this is my fault?

>> No.4899314
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If only m-mu-m-m-mmmuh Ancapistan were real than EVERYONE would see just how GOOD™ and FAIR™ muh free market are. Charlie Kirk is a poopy diaper man and capitalism will fail. Also God never existed.

>> No.4899330

>Don't you feel the need to share?

>There are people on this world who work 60 hours a week just to survive
They should have studied

>> No.4899364

>Do you feel good about yourself, anon?
Yes, extremely.
>Don't you feel the need to share?
Absolutely not.

>> No.4899416
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alpha males don't share with worthless cucks and communist whores

>> No.4899444

I am actually a communist gay niggerjew

>> No.4899480

Communism sucks, who cares. They're just going to work to support the leaders as cattle.

Capitalism provides a competitive marketplace and incentive to learn how to crypto-trade, etc

>> No.4899504
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I was a commie when i was a nocoiner too

now fuck everybody else, accumulate bitcoin

>> No.4899516
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Underrated and checked

>> No.4899631

lel underrated

>> No.4899698

They are spending it, OP.
Most popular adresses
1dice8EMZmqKvrGE4Qc9bUFf9PX3xaYDp (SatoshiDICE 48% ) 3192185
1dice97ECuByXAvqXpaYzSaQuPVvrtmz6 (SatoshiDICE 50% )

On crabs, on the internetz.

>> No.4899755


>> No.4899765

I am by no means rich, I'm barely middle class, but I would certainly be more financially generous of it weren't for daddy gobbermint taking anywhere from 15-35% of my fucking wealth each year.

And yet, I bet brainlet op's answer is more gobbermint and more taxation. Fuck off.

>> No.4900422

hey, as a matter of fact, 'wageslavers' do not have fine education, competitive knowledge, open-ended thinking process, or positive outlook in life to stop "surviving" and start "living". All what's need to be done is to fix mind, which they cant and wont. And it's really safe to assume you can't either. Dont feel bad about this, especially when you cant do shit. World's fucking shit, was even worse before. Just live and stop baiting

>> No.4900672

the computers are.
mining at least

>> No.4900792

some people need sexual release, don't you feel the need to share your holes?

>> No.4900836

No, fuck you
>You made money so I’m entitled to it
Is what you’re saying.

You’re suffering from tall poppy syndrome.

>> No.4900911

National socialism is the endgame. We're just hoarding money to fight ZOG.

>> No.4900952
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>trying to shill communism in /biz/

>> No.4901068
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>average millennial "communist"


>> No.4901071
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>voluntary trade is a bad thing
I will never understand commies.

>> No.4901112

internet communists...

>> No.4901140

Money is nothing but information about value of things. That's why I come here, OP. To share information. And you're a faggot.

>> No.4901663

if america ever became a communist country i would literally kms

>> No.4902131

Would those people feel sympathy for me if I invested in confido?

Yeah, that's right bitch. I take the risks and I take the rewards, fuck you.

>> No.4902167
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>> No.4902205

The higher IQ lower time preference class deserve to sit above the peasantry.

>> No.4902294

I do share, just not at random

And I dont feel bad because I openly say and explain what I do but they don't
A) save money
B) have the time/balls/brain/whatever to do it themselves

Many have said "I'll give you money and you can do it for me!" ...

>> No.4902639

I have serious plans to leave if this happens.
>wouldn't you stay and try to fix it?
America is rigged

>> No.4902874

Bad anon. Do not kill yourself, kill the commies instead.

>> No.4902972

We live in literally the easiet time to make money. Want money? Create value. Sure... biztards are making meme money trading but if we are going to talk about poverty, internet capitalism is the solution. If you haven’t made money on the internet you’re lazy or stupid.

>> No.4903099


>> No.4903501
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Y'all niggas biting like hungry fish, go spend some time on /pol/ and learn to transcend being triggered. This shit is like baby tier bait.

>> No.4903513

>dismissively calls you a name
tell them to write you people some new scripts, jesus fuck

>> No.4903912

Get a job and buy your own buttcoins, like everyone else here.

>> No.4903939
