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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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489756 No.489756 [Reply] [Original]

Im NEET and have an interview for a decent paying job Monday. I'm anxious as fuck though.

wat do /biz/

>> No.489759

>Research what the business does
>Look at what skills you have, what they want, and sell it to them
>Give examples of problems you've encountered, and how you've fixed them
>Small talk, ask how their day was
>When they say "Do you have any questions?", always say yes and ask them a few things. It shows you are interested in what they do.

>> No.489761

relax so you don't come off like a psychopath
be genuine and enthusiastic about your intentions
think of some good lies about shit you do in your spare time

>> No.489767


what kind of questions do you suggest?

>> No.489774

depends on
>>Research what the business does

>> No.489783

lean into it

>> No.489804

Research the company and use that information in your answers.

>I want to work here because it is a growing industry in <field>, proven by its 12% increase in revenue under CEO <name> the past few years.

Your end of interview questions should have to do with the company, field or position. It should not concern pay, vacation or the like. An example of something you should NOT ask:

>How many vacation days should I expect each year?

Make sure you're clean shaven, have a clean appearance (trimmed/clean nails, etc.), and dress appropriately. Sit up straight, no gum, shit like that which an 8th grader would know.

Just a fyi, if it's decently paying, there's probably a ton of non-NEETs they're interviewing who have the experience they're looking for. Just don't be too disappointed if you don't get it, but good luck.

>> No.489819

try and make up for the fact that you have been doing notiong for awhile. Say you tried to start a web design business or something. Or have been working on a project.

Dont try to hard it will be obvious you haven't been doing much

>> No.489919

Good stuff.

>> No.489930

Not OP but I have a similar situation - Is it always ideal to be clean shaven? I have a younger looking face and I keep a very closely shaved beard to make me look older/respectable.

>> No.489943

As anti-anon as it is I'd say post pics on here or /fa/ to get the most solid advice possible.