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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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489596 No.489596 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings /biz/

>mid 30's
>no graduate HS
>know a little about a lot of things
>self-educated for the most part
>uneasy around new people

I'm just going to throw my hat in the ring here and see what kind of tips and/or spit I can receive this weekend. Like the info above says, I am worth less than nothing in terms of money and education. I do hold a broad array of interests in varying subjects and fields (STEM, capital markets, economics, logistics, int'l events, history, music, guns, art, soc. psy, general psy, non-verbal communication, and more). Dropped out of HS for home schooling because I was placed in “special classes” (IEP) for being a jerk-off all the time. (they weren't teaching me anything new.)

I am open to any and all suggestions (yes even those, because I know where I am)

I am by NO means looking for some stupid GRQ scheme. Just some ideas, pointers and perhaps direction towards something I haven't stumbled upon yet.

>> No.489601

>no graduate HS
Get your GED at least if you haven't already.
>know a little about a lot of things
This isn't the Renaissance. Find one topic and become an expert.
>uneasy around new people
Get over it.
Get a job and pay it off, going from high interest to low interest.

>> No.489642

Nobody will hire you if you dress like that jesus christ.