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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 500x506, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4895028 No.4895028 [Reply] [Original]

Any reason at all why this isn't pumping to 20,000+ again? It's already hit it briefly, this is the bottom of the dip, soon it will shoot to 22k where it can settle for a bit. Same thing happened when it breached 10k.

Get ready for another altcoin wipeout very soon anons.

>> No.4895063

Why are people so excited by a 25% gain potential again?

>> No.4895070

Lightning network release will utterly kill all altcoins. Bitcoin will have no transaction fees or waiting times.

To your first point, what makes you think this is the bottom of the dip? I think it could dip to 15k before making the next big push.

>> No.4895119

Ah yes,
Lightning Network, Taking the block and chain out of blockchain

>> No.4895273

>t. bought it at 16-18k and expected it to push over 20k
It won't happen, you lost money.

>> No.4896283

It's going to bleed to 11-12k over the next few days then pump back up to 20k

>> No.4896317

So a bulltrap and return to normal?

>> No.4896319

Because it is the king and if king doesnt eat nobody doesnt eat.

>> No.4896336

No it wont, you can choose wether u want to use ln or onchain.

>> No.4896367

That's what I'm thinking. Might be another
"flippening" to shake off the new investers.

>> No.4896431

I want it to pump again so I can buy the dip this time. I had a fucking exam so I didn't feel comfortable buying the dip when daddy could moon again. And I only have 1.5k dollars invested, I'm a stupid cuck fag

>> No.4897463

Obviously. The new network type will make transactions cost less, which will give the currency more value. Buy in a few days.

>> No.4897509

>hits 5th ATH in 1 week
Being this fucking stupid

>> No.4897521

>Alts moon when BTC is stagnate
what did he mean by this

>> No.4897567

Elaborate I bought at 19k, I come here from /soc/ /map/

Never knew these parts existed on this site

>> No.4897580

You fucked up

>> No.4897615

What goes up must come down

>> No.4897648
File: 18 KB, 320x320, 20181176_441529776227021_5428796777622929408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My opinion is that there is a ton of bottle neck with these exchanges.. People new to this crypto shit still have to wait weeks before transferring their capital to coinbase or other exchanges. Not to mention the limits these exchanges put on you when it comes how uch you can buy and transfer. The infrastructure is still weak.

>> No.4897652

But people are saying it will be a million each?

>> No.4897692

Be prepared to lose some money anon. This thing's going down by Monday and then potentially again following week

>> No.4897720

>Why do people like seeing their portfolio gain 25%

Are you dumb?

>> No.4897721

That won't happen because Bitcoin is founded on outdated technology and will eventually be replaced. Should've done your research.

>> No.4897731

yea in 10 years, it will go through cycles just like every market

>> No.4897748

High IQ. I see it too, man...

>> No.4897750

Welcome to /biz/. Trusting us will sometimes give you gains, but usually give you major losses. glhf

>> No.4897917

ZERO SUM GAME - Wallstreet Whales going to beat on you oldfags like niggers playing the drums. Your little trading memes will no longer apply.

>> No.4897976


There is upcoming hype, which means there is no reason for it to crash hard while these listings are around the corner.