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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4891464 No.4891464 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4891504
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Just bought another 350REQ, sitting at 1.1k now, a-am I gonna make it Anon?

>> No.4891508

>literally BTFO by ING
>'muh req marines! t-to the m-moon!'


>> No.4891529


>> No.4891530

no u cannot, its just shitcoin

>> No.4891536

We're recovering from the retarded dip today
You'll definitely make your money back, its easy going back up to a 700 floor today

>> No.4891622
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Most of you are retarded and give shit advice, but should I buy now or wait a couple more days and hope it continues tanking? I predict it will continue tanking until the 11th at least.

I parked some funds in NXT to try and earn more sats for REQ, since NXT has an airdrop and that means guaranteed moon.

>> No.4891649

dead cat bounce is what I'm hoping for t b h

>> No.4891659
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>> No.4891670

Its already recovering you missed the dip bru

>> No.4891679

good buying opportunity coming in 2 hours discord.gg/MPaWK6k

>> No.4891702


>> No.4891708


It better not be, I really think people will continue selling. The update was shit. God I hope so, pls bring the price down, weak hands..

>> No.4891709

they released weekly update, looks they ahead of schedule. nice update


>> No.4891732

if you really belive in the project you shouldn't mind, it just means more cheap req, that's all i want anon-san

>> No.4891740

If most of /biz/ owns all of the REQ it will have no choice to go up. Its a foolproof plan.

>> No.4891744

Look at those buywalls m8, it might dip a bit again but it won't be near what we saw earlier today

>> No.4891750

You already missed the dip, I sold at 710 and bought back at 630, it went down to just under 600.

>> No.4891797

Okay, for once and for all, lets clarify what that statement meant:
Just as YCombinator selects teams, ING selects teams. Their team won from 65 other european teams, which is a big deal. So why is ING asking for this? Moneytis (their first project) was not an ico, whereas Request, is an ICO. Why is being an ICO such a big deal? Because of the uncertainty of the european laws concerning ICOs. Does that mean their team was suddenly not the best over 65 others? No. Does that mean ING doesnt believe in them? No, the laws for ICOs are just not there yet.

On 21 September, the three startups (ONE BEING CURRENT REQ TEAM) will begin a six month journey in the ING Innovation Studio in Amsterdam together with three internal ING teams selected via an internal innovation contest. The six teams will work to validate their ideas and business model and create a viable product that is ready to launch. They will be supported by mentors and coaches with different expertise and skills, coming from different ING business units and external organisations.

PS: How about you all stop being so reactionary? Would you all have sold when ETH dipped from $3 to less than $1, where it then stayed for fucking months? Would you have believed the FUD with everyone was calling ETH, DETH? Y'all don't make any money by FOMOing in and out of positions.

"but muh 10% increase/decrease". Who gives a fuck when you can just hold for a 5-10x or more?

Time in the market > timing the market.

Also, reminder request didn't dip when bitcoin went on a tear a few days ago when EVERYTHING ELSE was down 20% or more.

>> No.4891810 [DELETED] 

Well get in here for an upcoming pump in 3h https://discord.gg/vvVWXeV
thank me later desu

>> No.4891816

How the fuck is that promising. They say they're no longer allowed to add the ING logo to their shit because they don't want to deal with those who have done an ICO

I've got 6k req but still that aint good

>> No.4891883
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We are back into safe territory marines, a moment of silence for those with weak hands who got REQd today

>> No.4891955

>whine and cry about omgs hyped partnerships
>drop ing

>> No.4892075


unironically this

i bought 10eth worth of REQ on this dip. holding for 2 months and expecting a 3-5x return

>> No.4892152


>> No.4892581

I'm still waiting it out. NXT is a guaranteed return until the airdrop. If I bought in right now I wouldn't get the amount I want (have 10k want 20k), so even if it doesn't dip to my desired price I'm holding NXT in hopes of it outpacing REQ, so I can eventually get as much as I want. FUKN sucks it started mooning the day I wanted to rearrange my bags to double on REQ when it was still $0.05, and now daddy BTC is making the gains scarce.

>Also, reminder request didn't dip when bitcoin went on a tear a few days ago when EVERYTHING ELSE was down 20% or more.
This, it's hard to find a better spot to park satoshis right now, NXT also is holding up well tho.

>> No.4892737

>selling in the negative
Weak hands deserve what they get
Sitting comfy at 100k REQ desu :3

>> No.4892768

I have 500REQ. should i buy some more?

>> No.4892797

I would say REQ is a pretty safe buy, its still in a dip.

>> No.4892800

you know the answer anon, but I would hurry up as we are currently rising

>> No.4892844


>> No.4892896
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what's the 1mo ceiling for it? I'm pretty new to alts.

>> No.4892950

People are gonna shill you but in all honesty no one knows :) Most req-marines just believe in the team because they are so fucking active, and we have high hopes for the currency. Could go REALLY high, but could also go moderately high. Best of luck, private.

>> No.4892971

Q1 2018 with the release of 'Request Great Wall', I wouldn't be surprised with $1+

>> No.4892996

They are ahead of schedule because they are just devving, with proper marketing this could be real big.

>> No.4893009

I had to sell. The embarrassment of the ING thing was too much.

>> No.4893019

Nice fud, but you missed the dip m8. If you buy you'll still profit some though.

>> No.4893028

Your average REQ holder. hnnnnnnnhhhjgh

>> No.4893050

>drops 10%

what a major hit how will we ever recover

>> No.4893063

Just couldn't hold on to the bags one more day anon? I know it hurts, but let it go.

>> No.4893083

Expecting a 10x from a solid project, how dare I.

>> No.4893128

hnnnnnnnghhh I am retarded REQ is going to $1 hnnnnnnnnnnnghg

>> No.4893145

Coin is shilled so hard here who ever buys is holding another wojacks bag

>> No.4893159

>poorfag anxiety, the post

>> No.4893221

good ol dead cat bounce
this shit is going to the center of the Earth
strap in everyone

>> No.4893245

I hope so, really wanted to accumulate 100k

>> No.4893251

Already at 100k over here, in the green and sooo comfy :3

>> No.4893272


You're actually fucking retarded if you don't think $1 per REQ is ludicrous.

>> No.4893294

I only have 5000 but it'll do.

>> No.4893295

Oh? Lay it out for me. I can take it. Bet you've got about 0 reasons other than 'muh FUD'

>> No.4893309

you have no idea whats comming

>> No.4893348

$700m marketcap. That's the reason.

Mate you're fucking poor if you only have 100k HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. You must be a third world shitter.

>> No.4893392

>t. software architect in nothern europe
Nope :^) Just wary with my money, no crypto is a sure thing.
>it cant go over 700$ market cap!!!
Literally 0 things in the world support this shite tier argument. Why do you want the prices down so bad? Can you not afford it now? Or are you legitimately so dumb you think REQ won't rise?

>> No.4893453

I hold almost 8x as much REQ as you do and $1 is laughable.

I never said it wouldn't rise, I'm just saying a $700m marketcap is wishful thinking and borderline retarded.


>> No.4893517

Sure you do buddy. Send 10 req back to this wallet.

>> No.4893544

Look at the fucking gyazo you mutt.

>> No.4893565

Nice 'proof'
In any case, whether you have them or not is not relevant to your argument.
>It's laughable
>It just is, ok?
That's you. That's how dumb you sound.

>> No.4893678

> laughable
why is it laughable for REQ but not OMG or populous?

>> No.4893703

Because REQ just literally CANT INTO top 30!!! OK!! THIS ISNT FUD!!!!

Retards man, I swear...

>> No.4893817

You can deny it but deep down you know it's enough proof.

How about you provide your reasoning as to why $1 is not laughable?

I'll start with one as to why it is:
The major use case of REQ assuming it goes well is simply sending and requesting. This function can be integrated into upcoming wallet apps which will be much more convenient.

>> No.4893861

Here's a reason: It would only put it at top 30. Which isn't impossible, and definitely not laughable. It's not a certain thing, but seeing it as otherworldly is just too stupid to not be pure FUD.

Either that or you're actually a brainlet who got lucky in what he bought.

>> No.4894098

I'm pretty sure it being laughable has no implications of it being impossible.

It's funny because it's ridiculous, and I don't see any reason for it to not be. $1 is a literal 10x from the current price, and it isn't a project with a huge team or huge backing, incubation schemes excluded.

Don't get me wrong, I've done my research on REQ, and have DCA's since it was available on ED. I will sell long before $1 because I believe it won't breach $0.50. If it does, other current projects will probably 20x.

>> No.4894205

>other current projects will probably 20x.

what are these projects?

asking for a friend

>> No.4894271


The major use case of PAYPAL assuming it goes well is simply sending and requesting. This function can be integrated into upcoming credit card/banking apps which will be much more convenient.

>> No.4894398

I'm a proud owner of 285 req tokens. Fucking coinbase took 12 dollars for transferring to another wallet. I would have 300+ otherwise

>> No.4894422

That's not coinbase that's bitcoins transaction fee.

>> No.4894448

DYOR because unless you convinced yourself it's a good investment you'll probably panic sell when shit goes whack.

Go on bitcointalk and look around for promising startups but dig deep and make sure they're not a scam.

For example, this is a project I've set eyes on:
>Combined team of three universities
>Decentralised information database for resources
>Low fundraising cap, like 2 or 3 million?

Initial pump will be glorious but it will go the POWR road and die down after a while, because hype can't last forever.

>> No.4894521
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>> No.4894535

I got 3.5k bags. Will I make it?

>> No.4894633


thanks, heading over to bitcointalk to read up on some new coins now

>>Combined team of three universities
>>Decentralised information database for resources
>>Low fundraising cap, like 2 or 3 million?

are there any other indicators besides these ones you look for in a new coin?