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File: 136 KB, 877x1296, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4889971 No.4889971 [Reply] [Original]

One day, very soon, all these 15-25 year olds who are putting their spare money into Bitcoin are going to wake up and ask:

Why am I paying $15K for one unit of internet monopoly money?

Right now the only reason people are buying bitcoin is because of the classic Bigger Fool theory:


It has no utility as an asset. It has no utility as a store of value, no currency whose value fluctuates by more than 5% on the daily is going to be useful to any serious business to do any serious volume with. People are purely buying it speculating that someone else is going to buy it higher to sell it to someone else for higher, but nobody is actually using what they are buying.

If you made a profit, cash out now. At some point you run out of bigger fools.

>> No.4890043
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>> No.4890836
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The appeal of bitcoin is that it's safer than any particular central banking currency

We're making money off of cynicism toward government and economists. It's a renewable resource.

>> No.4890847


Such a shitty shop. Look at the hat brim. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CweJlx4UkAE4liC.jpg

>> No.4890871

remember when we used to send letters in the mail lol then we used email and ims and imageboards

its like that but were replacing dollars with a more convenient representation of value

>> No.4890879

Thing is, on that chart the y-axis starts from 10k. Bull trap hasn't even started yet. We're still transiting from denial.

>> No.4890912
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>we rich now
stay poor no coin nigger

>> No.4890963


Agreed. I'm staying far, FAR away from BTC.

>> No.4890999

I agree, but the longer chain wins.

>> No.4891468

Eventually it will stabilize.

The ultimate goal of BTC is to replace fiat in internet transactions, and maybe even most day to day transactions. The value of BTC is going up because of the limited supply of BTC, which makes sense. It’s probably too inflated now, and will one day decrease, but eventually it will be stable.

The problem is this price is going to crash one day and everyone will lose faith in it, even though they bought in for all the wrong reasons

>> No.4891572

>Tfw we're in the bear trap right now
500k by 2020

>> No.4891589

Short it then

>> No.4891915


Will never happen. IT'S TOO FUCKING SLOW.

>> No.4891963
File: 29 KB, 600x600, Consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people really this stupid? It fluctuates rapidly because it hasn't reached mass adoption and use

If a crypto reaches that point it would largely stabilize in value, and would still be used even if it wasn't going up because of the convenience its technology brings

>> No.4892001

it will never reach stability because people only hoddle it for gains (they call this "storing wealth")

>> No.4892054



>> No.4892100


People should only hold BTC for gains, it's a piece of shit as an actual currency and will die off eventually. That doesn't mean all cryptos are destined to be that though

>> No.4892115

My god this fucking picture again. Its literally posted every single time bitcoin goes up, faggots only do this because one day they'll be right and claim they fucking called the top.

>> No.4892118

if you want more crytonopoly money join the pump https://discord.gg/mu3kJRB

>> No.4892125
File: 1014 KB, 3264x2448, 1393303624344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is hardly safe. The exchanges are all shady as fuck. The volatility in the market means you can lose tons of money in just a few minutes. You guys are just too deluded and greedy to see all the faults of crypto.

>> No.4892172


> Be me, be MBA student, be at lecture today
> Prof tells the whole room of 500 students: "Don't buy into Bitcoin. It's crashing next week."

>> No.4892212
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>exchanges are a legitimate criticism of bitcoin

>> No.4892228
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It won't ever stabilize unless it's completely crashes to nothing. There won't ever be mass adoption as it's too volatile and it's hoarded to the point even if some place accepts it no one will ever use it. The high priced transaction fees also don't help adoption.
Currently, all cryptos have the exact same problem as Bitcoin right now. They're all just get rich quick schemes.

>> No.4892280
File: 31 KB, 1080x497, 20171208_113950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off faggot

>> No.4892289

Using the 1 week chart to show us a "bubble" ZOOM OUT NEWFAG LOL

>> No.4892329

That's even worse.
>$6k - $20k in a month - $15k

>> No.4892330

We've had fags like you at 100$ then at 1k then at 5k then at 10k you always say the same shit nocoiners get BTFO every fucking time also i love how you're on the 1 week timeframe and dont even realize it

>> No.4892352

>You guys are just too deluded and greedy to see all the faults of crypto
deluded? barely
since it is first decentralized bubble that means everyone of them has to pull their weight by shilling to new suckers
greedy? yes
thats the only reason they haven't sold everything yet

>> No.4892355

crashes next week...
makes me believe he lost money on it. sure it will crash, but thinking the ending is upon us is just rationalizing your own losses

>> No.4892358

almost nobody knew about bitcoin when it hit 1000. now every idiot in my facebook feed is talking about it. welcome to delusion.

>> No.4892373

What, a lot of crypto such as XRP, XLM, XMR and FCT get real world use.

>> No.4892377

nice just shorted 100k
Seems like this is it for BTC until 2-3 years.

>> No.4892507
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>> No.4892553

That's why you use cold storage idiot.

>> No.4892589

You know what happened to the boy who cried wolf? The wolf finally showed up.
Just because the bubble hasn't popped yet, doesn't mean it won't.

And shilling in new suckers isn't a great market strategy in the long run.

That greed will get to you. You don't want to cash out with everyone else as by that time it's too late. You'll get goxxed.

>> No.4892592

lol of course all this shit will come crashing down. If you're sitting here thinking that BTC will ever replace fiat you're dreaming. Just keep trading and make some virtual gains until the end