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4889887 No.4889887 [Reply] [Original]

I dare you to fight my logic on this, but IOTA will moon in next 2 weeks, and it doesn't even matter from news perspective:

I have been thinking since yesterday where is IOTA going. I'm not a HOLDer, so I'm just gonna post my thinking and please feel free to critique/contribute/discuss.

My thinking: IOTA was on a huge run for the couple of last days and the inevitable dip came, followed by the dip and fear of BTC, which caused even more panic and price drop.

IOTA hit bottom at 21010SAT during the dip of BTC and is slowly on the run ever since then. There was a nice correction yesterday, after BTC regained strength after dip.

We can see it formed nice ABCD pattern yesterday and then dipped again.. it was stagnating until todays morning when Europeans woke up.

It's still regaining strength and BTC fear of dip is also over, which will most likely result in BTC slowly running up its price again, until it will reach critical point in pressumably next week. When BTC will reach critical point is just an assumption.

So during this week I believe IOTA, IF BTC won't scare people off again, will gain momentum and run up again, towards 5$, then 6$, maybe even 10$ and correct back to 8$, if BTC won't fucking things up.

I don't know about IOTAs upcoming news or partnerships, this is just my point of view AS A TRADER.

Please feel free to contribute your own insight and thinking around where IOTA is going. If there are positive news coming, that's even better, but as I said, I'm a trader, not HOLDer.

December still has a lot of good things comming that will let it fly on the news.

>14th is the meetup at microsoft
>whatever the fuck Q is, it's supposed to be a big deal (don't believe it too much but ok)
>new wallet incomming in the next two weeks
>masternode code public since yesterday which will stabilize the network quite a bit

HODLing is a very safe bet, even if the swings are tempting and predictable

>> No.4889898
File: 38 KB, 1166x483, IOTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something big is going on. Since the bottom of the dip, the people that sold the first time ATH are accumulating again. They will accumulate for next few days and try to keep the price down as much as possible. They know there is too much volume in and they will buy as much as they can, as cheap as they can. Once the rumors will began, they will start to pump it up even more and then stop at certain point, to let the people and momentum do they work for them and dump onto those people. Basically they will sell the news.

>> No.4889924

I swear I saw these posts today already. You making a pasta here or trying to manipulate brainlets?

>> No.4889998

I'm making a pasta, because the last discussion wasn't really productive. Everybody said I was thinking right, only one guy was saying it's basically shit coin, bla bla.. I don't care what it is desu, I'm just looking this from logical point of perspective and the fact that there are some good news supposed to come in and cause even more hype.

>> No.4890007
File: 292 KB, 900x600, Kimchi-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably both
>tfw my shitty news breakdown made it into the pasta

FWIW we're up 30% and the Asians are inbound within the next 2 hours, so get ready for the daily kimchi spike

>> No.4890136

I actually want to slap myself for being imaptient. I bought dip yesterday and sold ATH.. bought today in the morning after correction and sold ATH.. Then bought dip again and waited whole day and saw price being manipulated on 4.10$, sold at 4.10$ one hour ago because I thought this isn't going anywhere anymore..

Then the chinks woke up and price started rising again. I checked previous bullruns and what the time was, ofc it was the same time the chinks woke up.

Now I re-bought at 4.24 and won't even consider selling until 8$. Everything I said is matching up perfectly. I don't even have to think about news, you can just use the logic of buying the dip and the fact there is the biggest volume in this alt and it should correct to at least 6$. And from 6$ up to even more, given the BTC correction and its inevitable bull run again.

Please disprove my logic, I dear you.

>> No.4890248


>> No.4890274
File: 79 KB, 1164x824, IOTA on Mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you guys should be scared is if BTC starts crashing. And the fact that there are going to be daily dips when normal people sell. I believe whenever chinks wake up for the next few days you can expect a big run up and then when they stop buying and people dumping, the price will go down ofc..

So, just be patient and wait for chinks to pump this shit up.

>> No.4890284

>until 8$.
we'll definitely see big resistance at 5.5'ish from the bagholders selling for break-even

After that we're on hourly ATH course again

>> No.4890296

sorry, brainfart.

>> No.4890347

Yes, also keep this in mind. But I assume there wasn't a lot of them, people probably didn't buy a lot after 4-5$, since the dip was near?

+Some sold into loss probably. So yeah, I wouldn't say big resistance, but definitely a resistance.

>> No.4890388

Good post. We need more of that here

>> No.4890428

the only thing that makes me skeptical is that on Coinone the price has been around 5,200 for the past while. when iota was 3k on binance it was like 6k on coinone during the big pump... last time it pumped on binance and buttfiness it was soaring on coinone so im waiting for it to pick up some traction there but so far it hasnt. https://coinone.co.kr/exchange/trade/iota/

( you can monitor the price just dont click any asian words or itll ask you to log in and you wont be able to see it)

>> No.4890465

I think there was a LOT of normie FOMO going on last time near ATH. I scour reddit and some comparatively popular crypto comparison websites and people were going apeshit at the time. I think there are many bagholders rn.

>> No.4890474

you can also just take a look at the list here

The koreans usually trade at 10-50% premium for whatever reason (tax I believe?) and are ahead of the curve by 30min-1h

>> No.4890535

After making 500% in a few days it seems to have settled at 400% of it now.
It will rise a bit but i think there is no major happening coming but the Microsoft talk and Q.

If both are nothing then iota will have a tough time. If it is serious Business it will moon to 15-20 at least

>> No.4890549

that is true but it lags sometimes on current price and you might miss volume increases and bull / bear signals there so i try to look at the live exchange prices

>> No.4890574

I wont be buying NSA coin personally

>> No.4890592

By the way, I'm trading for 2-3 weeks now. I want to join a discord group or w/e where people make analysis/researches and think like me. I'm really new, but I've gotten a few good grasps of logic which resulted correctly in my prediction. I don't know if I'm just good at predicting and seeing through these things, but I don't find them quite easy. If anyone wants me under their wing or team or w/e, please by any means leave your discord group info and I'll join tomorrow, because I don't have time for this right now.

>> No.4890599

>newest FUD
so after ISIS the NSA is joining in now? cool, they at least got some money

>> No.4890601

It's coming with or without you.
Might as well make some profit.

>> No.4890608

>still hasn't released a stable, usable wallet
>not a shitcoin


>> No.4890609

I was about to sell at 4.00 (bought at 4.00 and thought that was end of but BTC carnage continued and it dipped to 3.00. Wish I bought then Fuark.

I was about to sell today at 4.00 as I didn’t think there was enough buy pressure but let’s see. I do think the next day or two alt activity will begin as the intense rally is over.

However, I’d keep my finger on the trigger to see what will happen when BTC futures start trading. That’s on the 10th right?

>> No.4890629

The real future currency will not be a speculative commodity
It will have a stable trading price because stability is the greatest thing a currency needs

IOTA is basically everything a currency should be except stable. Which is why it's so close and yet so far

I think the underlying technology is perfect, but the fact that you're investing in it expecting it to rise in value immediately kills it

>> No.4890655

be honest, the only reason why you are in this is because of money. I doubt 99% of people would be interested in this technology if they wouldn't be able to gain financial benefits from it.

sure, researching companies for free and jerking off to their technology must be so interesting when you are a wage cuck and can't gain a thing from it.

I do get hyped when I find an interesting company that has a working product in certain economy and learn about something new, but there's now way it'd be doing this for free.

So if fridge is gong to want to kill me 10 years from now, I couldn't give less of a fuck right now.

>> No.4890671

14th and 18th (on two exchanges respectively, can't remember which ones tho)

Escpecially if the mircosoft talk on the 14th is big, we are in for a treat

>> No.4890674

I don't care if it is a shit coin as I've already mentioned.

>> No.4890683

Bought 10k MIOTA at 12500, didn't sell a single one yet. Kind of feel like buying more..

>> No.4890697

go for it to be honest. unless the whole market takes a nosedive when bitcoin does it's thing it's a safe hold

>> No.4890907

>blah blah TA blah blah tl;dr

Doesn't IOTA have a backdoor or something?

>> No.4890917


>> No.4890918

There is also the new wallet coming in the next 2-3 weeks.
And people are speculating on a possible bittrex listing not sure about that though.

>> No.4890976

more liek you have backdoor for niggerdicks up your ass you massive faggot

>> No.4891080


Why do you people come here complaining and arguing about what IOTA does?

I'm here to make money, as everyone is and I just pointed out why I think trading a certain crypto will make you money.

Please go cry about your killer lightbulbs and IOTA being a shitcoin somewhere else. I don't care what it is, I'm just explaining why it will make you money. And if my logic makes sense, people are going to agree with me and if not you don't have to buy in now and miss a potential money gain.

>> No.4891082


You sure showed him anon


Yeah they have an 'intentional' bug with the authenticator because they don't want people taking their stuff in their supposedly open source project. It's fucked up

>> No.4891103

>itt news from 6 months ago
jesus just shove it up your ass already and stay poor

>> No.4891475

>stay poor

Now that's a convincing case for why something should be bought

>> No.4891497

listen faggot, we're not here to make YOU rich. Believe whatever you want but don't complain or FUD random coins. Don't you have anything better to do?

>> No.4891521
File: 13 KB, 353x352, 19cl2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When iota pumped I quickly went all in and had 1k miota. Due to panicking and bad trades and bitfinex fucking me in the ass with the transfer time i'm down to just 250 miota.

Make me feel better and give me hope please

>> No.4891565

there it goes

Make me rich IOTA gooooo

>> No.4891617

>Don't you have anything better to do?
Is this what you consider valuable use of time?: >>4891565

>> No.4891618

i dont understand why people prefer to talk about the fiat price, you're literally losing BTC by selling at $5.5 now.

>> No.4891632

literally up 5000$ on the day

go fuck a dildo faggot

>> No.4891634

Which other sites do you visit? I only know about biz, reddit and LOLBitcointalk

>> No.4891678



>> No.4891696

join this if you want to get the right buys discord.gg/MPaWK6k

>> No.4891712


What does good investing have to do with cheerleading posting on the shittiest board on 4chan (maybe not the absolute worst now that the mods are killing off the beggars)?

>> No.4891733


Guys please keep this discussion reasonable and smart. I know it 4chan, but I know you guys can act like gentlemen if you forget about all the faggotry attacks on each other.

Discuss the thread theme, not people in it.

>> No.4891741

I see you're taking my advice to staying poor to heart and started focusing on the real issues

>> No.4891792

is there good IOTA pump groups with over 10G requirements to join ?

>> No.4891901

You will probably need more than that. I see the mass flow is being stuck at 30-40k walls, which is 120-150k.

>> No.4892010

dude I was there last thread you ignored good arguments
there's no "them" and why do you pretend you know the people who sold are the ones buying

also it's not /biz/ and our 100btc we have together that will pump this so you can cash out

>> No.4892038

what makes you think BTC's possible bull run won't keep IOTA's price down/make it plummet?

>> No.4892131

I had a good argument to disprove you, and that was that EVERY SINGLE TIME BTC dropped or pumped up in FIAT price, IOTAs fiat price stayed constantly at 4.10$.. That's why it went intraday from 29kSAT down to 26kSAT and it stayed completely safe at 4.10$. It was constant adoption to BTC price move.. and I'm not exaggerating when I say that it was done in the same 5 seconds BTC moved in price.

So what else, than algo trading or a group manipulating it is there that kept it there at 4.10$ while BTC was swinging up and down like crazy? Any other alt followed the trend of BTC up or down, IOTA was doing reverse. = Manipulation.

Then the chinks woke up and it shoot from 4.05$-4.10$ to 4.30$ in less than a hour. Sorry, but that speaks something.

>> No.4892180

Same trend happened in previous run up to 5$. However, I can't be for sure ofc.

Maybe it can, given what I just said here

Remember, I'm not trying to argue with anyone. Let's have a smart discussion please with good arguments.

Sorry if I came out as douche, but I don't see other reason why. You can say it is your team or w/e, but that's just like me saying it's my team. I won't believe into some strangers claim on internet, unless he has black on paper to prove, not just his words.

>> No.4892204

But you should also keep in mind that IOTA has risen about 80c since last 24hours, when the BTC dip stopped. So you know, it's probably going up with him.

>> No.4892262


>> No.4892619

The price is related to usd because most of the volume is a iota/usd pair.