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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 800x450, universa_share.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4884641 No.4884641 [Reply] [Original]

The ETH killer is coming get your coins while your can

-Faster than ETH
-Cheaper than ETH
-Focused on fixing problems
-Russians are behind it
-CEO is not a pedo
-Coins are right now 0.0125 each
-McAfee is on adviser board because he loves it (This might be a con though if you don't like my main murdering man McAfee)
-How to be a millionaire 101

Buy this now or forever regret. This industry is so knew that the coins of the future are still being invented. This is one of those coins.

>> No.4884894
File: 34 KB, 633x758, 9iLu5tu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw created a lot of emails and facebooks accounts for this shit

600 UTNs here

>> No.4885006

Thanks, forgot about it!

>> No.4885023

I trust Mcafee, he knows whats up

Did you know he ran a yoga retreat? But then he got crazy bitches and got paranoid asfuck

>> No.4885066


I bought $200 worth which is 16k

In theory (theory being this beats ETH in a year) then I'm a millionaire.

This is a low risk high value coin. Be a man and put some bills down on it if you want millions

>> No.4885090
File: 37 KB, 712x256, Screen Shot 2017-12-08 at 13.54.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are about to get fucking rekt

CEO is a marketer
CTO has 0 real experience

do you even check LinkedIn profiles before you throw away $000s?

>> No.4885111

Lets pray buddy

>> No.4885127

Me no care, me can afford to lose

>> No.4885213


> first implying that having the CEO being a marketer is bad lmao
> CTO has a heavy background in cryptography and idgaf if he were to have literally no "real" experience. Pretty bad example but did vitalik have any "Real" experience?
> I did check the linkdin kekadooledoo
> Nice screencap FUD

Read the whitepaper and stop FUDding just to FUD

>> No.4885295

Looks interesting specially since McAfee is involved. What's the max suppy of this thing?

Stop samefagging so obviously please you rusky cunt

>> No.4885355

Lmao I know ceo in person, universe is a piece of shit coin and the ceo is a Web 1.0 marketeer who doesn’t know shit about crypto and is probably making these threads, hey borodich! Remember Acronis? I know what you are up to kek, you are not going to make it.

>> No.4885669

Proof or bad LARP. No better than the my dad is gaben meme.


Max supply is yet to be determined because all coins not bought during ICO are getting destroyed.

>> No.4885714

>knows ceo of 20m company...
>sits on /biz hoping to make .5btc

>> No.4885833

Nice concept.
how many tokens have you sold?

>> No.4885850

hi pajeet

>> No.4885950

Where do I buy this coin?

>> No.4885960



>> No.4885974


make a account here > https://universa.io/
and then you got 50 coins here https://universa.io/

>> No.4885980

this ICO is not even close to getting sold out.
buy it on ED for a discount after whales and weak handed pajeets have dumped their bags

>> No.4885989


i mean here > https://icobacker.com/

>> No.4885999

>The next ETH
Lmao your guys are delusional, even their white paper is trash.

>> No.4886047


If you mean bought I have 16k of them for $200


Whitepaper isn't even bad it's not AMAZING but if you look at some altcoins whitepapers this is a solid B.

>> No.4886077


All non sold coins are getting destroyed silly

>> No.4886109


i registered by FB and i didnt get any token.
>Confirmed scam

>> No.4886126

We will get the free coins from icobacker? Will they ask for ETH address? I know they will have a placeholder ERC-20 token while they release their own blockchain and wallets.

>> No.4886149

>min 125$

>> No.4886150

I tried with gmail and didn't get anything either. Yikes.

>> No.4886202


i even shared their advertisemnet in my profile, got zero

>> No.4886565


Signing up with gmail doesn't give you coins

>> No.4886591

What's the token supply and circulation supply?

>> No.4886595

did facebook and got nothing, do people actually have to click on the commercial for us to get tokens?

>> No.4886720

It's not working for me. And there is a minimum $1250?

>> No.4886768
File: 22 KB, 401x423, shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how do you get tokens, because the website doesn't really make it clear? Also, sharing their bullshit nets you absolutely nothing too. The CEO being a marketer really shows.

>referral links

>> No.4886798

I have $1000 in ETH waiting to process but am /nocoin/ until then. Fuck I wish I could buy in now.

>> No.4886842

Free 50 coins. Help me help you.


>> No.4886879

What proof? I know half the team of universa and am russkie. Also idgaf invest all you want in n this piece of shit that’s not even decentralized. I also know how they got Mcfee, just watch other companies that will tout mcfee soon, it’s very easy, he does that for tokens and then dumps them

>> No.4886902

What’s pajeet about what I said kek? Learn how the language you borodich minion faget lol

>> No.4886916


>> No.4886923

Minimum is $125 but I'm hesitant to put that much in

Thoughts on the future of this coin? the whitepaper is not solid imo

>> No.4886949


hey Mike, how do i get free tokens?
i click under your balance but nothing happens

>> No.4886967

Huh? I’m not investing in this scam. I know the ceo is an illiterate crypto marketeer hoping to make a buck. Any faget can be a ceo these days, remember cfd? Universa is not a scam, that’s true. But it’s not a decentralized blockchain tech that makes sense or is useful in any way that’s all I’m saying.

>> No.4886986

Tried registering with google, facebook, and mail, neither gave me 50 free coins as promised. This is a scam.

>> No.4886990

It’s a ridiculous piece of shit that’s not even decentralized kek

>> No.4886992


Register with this code to get 50 UTN for free

>> No.4887008

>Max supply is yet to be determined because all coins not bought during ICO are getting destroyed.
you're an idiot for sharing it then.

As for the ICO it looks pretty shitty. The whitepaper is an absolute joke.

>> No.4887040

>create a lot of emails
>create a lot off facebook with thsese emails
>create a account here > https://check.universa.io/-3T7YWK#_=_
>repeat with your link to gains 50 + 2.5
>hold for 2years
>sell your 1000 UTNs for 5000 trumps

now you will have 5 000 000

>> No.4887061


after the first one you have to hide your ip
use some vpn

>> No.4887117

we don't even get the first one!
we don't get ANY

>> No.4887168

"After the first one" there is no first one. I've sat for two days by now, with 0 in balance.

>> No.4887185

225 here

>> No.4887222


>create a email
>create a facebook with you email
>install this vpn: https://www.tunnelbear.com/
>go here: https://check.universa.io/-3T7YWK#_=_
>and sig in with the facebook account
>now your can check your new coins here: https://icobacker.com/

>reapeat with your own referencial link to won a 2.5 bonus

>> No.4887264

yea wth minimum 1250$
what is this jewing

>> No.4887283

Why should I buy this instead of cardano?

>> No.4887309


you dont need to buy, just create some accounts and hold your free coins

>> No.4887672

No minimum on here, got mine in a few hours

>> No.4888144 [DELETED] 


>> No.4888869
File: 36 KB, 906x493, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally it fucking worked. This vpn is kinda odd though, fucking bears. Also only 500 mb a month.

>> No.4889386
File: 2.89 MB, 280x280, 1512216189648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smells like an awful scam. Just look at their CEO

>> No.4889636


>> No.4889702

how do I buy this in the ussa

>> No.4889742

I have 50 UTN will I make it?

>> No.4889795
File: 56 KB, 568x372, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah look at that scam https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/938541749164748801

Same who is predicting 1 million dollar BTC in 2020.

>> No.4889916

Yeah this speaks volume, if it doesnt. Then I dont know what else will.

>> No.4890464
File: 163 KB, 1259x666, univ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit will go hard.

>> No.4890482

I have 50000 and I don't know if I Will make It, so...
But I think It is a good coin, 2-5% easy

>> No.4890914
File: 50 KB, 320x240, 1511833099424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i smell hackery and ico scammery...

>> No.4891814

Its a solid proyect and they give you 50 coins free!


>> No.4891929

>tfw have to use crypto to buy crypto

Why can't they just accept Paypal or some shit

>> No.4891959

It's pure shit. - that is all.

>> No.4892283


>Already a chad meme

Buying 100k

>> No.4892568

So how do I get the coins?
Is there a wallet?

>> No.4892608

So every Anon saying that BTC will be worth 1 million in a year is a financial analyst. Ok.

>> No.4892620

50 free coins for registering here:

For sale with no limit here:

>> No.4892646

>cant even spell universal correctly

>> No.4892684
File: 349 KB, 1080x1277, 1512582106621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Robert

>> No.4892694

Im going all in on this. I consider checking out Ventuga Network too, their upcoming ICO will have a marketcap of only 600k.

>> No.4892724

>not having 10 gmails under different names
Boy do you think I'm really named hoodooman?

>> No.4892988

Retarded question, how the fuck do I even send these?

>> No.4893052

Yeah and how do you get the coins?

Just because it says I have some coins doesn't mean I have some. How do I send them?

>> No.4893065

Read it's another centralized pos. Truth to it?

I've been researching too many shitcoins today for another one.

>> No.4893066
File: 27 KB, 512x512, lena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF. I signed up with my Facebook, shared to Twitter and shared in Messenger. Still 0 coins.

What the fuck do I do? What is this shitty SCAM

>> No.4893086

get the right trading signals here I made 2x in 2 weeks discord.gg/MPaWK6k

>> No.4893107

Try with Gmail maybe. I have my 50 free and 2.5 for starting an alt account (both Gmail). But I don't know how I can send them between accounts.

>> No.4893288

I just used a gmail sign in

>> No.4893315

They say, Email=no tokens...

>> No.4893332

what happened to unsold tokens faggots? I see 15 billion tokens, its fucking red flag ? also in their roadmap it says

Cryptofund for
Token Sale @Universa

is it another token sale next yr?

>> No.4893346

The Google account option I mean, under Facebook. That one worked.

>> No.4893367

You mean sending an email after signed in with fb?

>> No.4893418

Tried it, still 0 fucking coins. I've tried everything to this point

>> No.4893430

Try my referee link with Google


>> No.4893458

Alright I clicked it, checked mine, still 0.

Here's mine https://check.universa.io/-dazwNu

>> No.4893476

just another shitcoin with minimal market cap

all you need is eth and ada and youll be fine

>> No.4893484

Delete this thread, plebs doesnt deserve 1000x gains

>> No.4893512

pump of better shitcoin starts in 1 hr


>> No.4893551
File: 194 KB, 1418x1966, Capture+_2017-12-08-15-35-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll need to make a new account via Google (or FB but you said that didn't work).

>> No.4893578

Also, "Q4 2017" it'll be tradable?

>> No.4893674

Unsold tokens simply won't be created.

>> No.4893735

I tried with gmail last night. Nothing. Fucked around with a VPN. Tries my fb profile. Then my 2nd work fb on a different IP address. Nothing.


Sick of fucking around. Spent an hour in between jobs trying to opt in but no reward as promised. Have kicked it into touch.

>> No.4893776


Ethereum killer

>> No.4893799

i created account in icobacker account and they asked me to send to some eth address. so I need to use my MEW to send to that address ? also how I receive the coins ?