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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4882696 No.4882696 [Reply] [Original]

It's kill.
Press S to Short

>> No.4882719

Went short at around 17k with 100x leverage. GG just made 100k

>> No.4882721


>> No.4882734

Lol where is this faggot that called me weak hands at 19k looool

>> No.4882736

post proof or everyone knows your a poser faggot

>> No.4882737


>> No.4882741

It just went below 14k. RIP

>> No.4882742

gib 19ekYt9bvNbEzYmtbaJKL8ZSMwhXZHTpSK

>> No.4882755

That's just the bitcoin maximalist.
If you sold at $19k you are smart money.

>> No.4882765

If you don’t have the balls of steel to sit through to 100k you’re a PUSSY

>> No.4882799

Its never reaching a 100k, a competitor will get there before BTC can

>> No.4882813

>thinking bitcoin will ever reach 100k

>> No.4882834

Banks start shorting this weekend, going to skyrocket

>> No.4882839


>> No.4882855

>It'll be 100K by spring

>> No.4882856
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>banks start shorting this weekend, going to skyrocket

You have no idea what you're saying, aren't you.

>> No.4882870

finally a correction
crzay ~48 hrs from 12 to 18

>> No.4882883

Yeah I do, normies will see banks have started shorting and climb on board, realising they’ll have a small bit of time before BTC truly does tank

>> No.4882884

buy now as much as you can faggots, 20k before christmas and it's the last moment to get on that bandwagon

>> No.4882885

Nice, enjoy your meme currency

>> No.4882893

There will be slight push towards 14.5k but once amerimutts wake up its gonna be bloodbath euros literally crashed this shit.

>> No.4882900

More like 8k before Christmas

>> No.4882902

yep but back to 8k first.

>> No.4882905






>> No.4882931

Shorting means the banks make naked sells on bitcoin you absolute fucking retard. It means the price goes DOWN.

>> No.4882932
File: 52 KB, 564x691, DQf0_IgUMAArcTZ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t.buy high sell low

>> No.4882943
File: 18 KB, 300x200, boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at 18K

>> No.4882944

Welcome to /biz/

>> No.4882959
File: 454 KB, 608x461, martha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i.. uh..

>> No.4882974
File: 94 KB, 866x900, 1512693342180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies get what thet they deserve

>> No.4882991

Hodl you stupid fuck it'll go back up in a week

>> No.4882997
File: 8 KB, 208x147, 1424340971280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute mong

>> No.4883030

It means they WANT the price to go down, not that it actually fucking will you mong. Almost every stock and commodity on Earth is shorted one place or another, and they don’t all go down all the fucking time. Do YOU know what you’re talking about?

>> No.4883031

why does no one on this board know what shorting is seriously. It is impossible to short btc atm as there is no exchange that offers it. To short something you borrow it, say 1 btc at 10k then you sell that btc and buy it back at 9k you then return the bitcoin to the person who borrowed it from. You therefore "shorted" 1k (less borrowing costs) which goes straight into your pocket even though you never owned any bitcoin.

>> No.4883043

You misspelled 2 years

>> No.4883048

h to hold

>> No.4883055


It's reached normie critical mass and has nowhere to go but down

>> No.4883064

>no support slide to 13k
get ready for a ride of your life

>> No.4883070

Don't worry it'll go to 20

>> No.4883083

Normie here. Why do people go full retard over buttcoin? I've put about $10 from each paycheck I get into it for the past couple years, and it was at about $39k the other day.

It's lower now and I could give less of a fuck, because I didn't go full retard on it. Gonna hold on to it and see if it rallies even higher at a later date after the bubble pops.

>> No.4883088

I don't think you understand.
Let's say a bank shorts 100MM worth of btc.
That means the bank is actually SELLING 100MM worth of btc they don't own.
If you don't see how this massively tanks the price you don't understand demand/supply.

>> No.4883117

>there are actually retards who sold and lost 20% of their money

>> No.4883125

Maybe I’m wrong then anon

>> No.4883140

>he is still hodling
poor soul

>> No.4883155

Its gonna stabilize around 15k until amerimutts wake up and some whales start to short it. Then its floor time

>> No.4883162

m8 for every seller there is a buyer. The bank sells 100 MM, someone else buys 100 MM.

>> No.4883176

Shhh. Find out which coin is getting pumped today right here: https://discord.gg/4MhJjpX

>> No.4883198

please read my PSA >>4883031 about shorts because almost all of you seem to have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.4883228


>> No.4883229

Isn't that the point of this game? To dump your bags while somebody is still buying at this price?

>> No.4883251

Its fucking back to crashing with no survivors on bithumb

>> No.4883291


>> No.4883322


IT IS NOT, FAST sell your alts for btc, until their satoshi value hasnt dropped yet

>> No.4883328

it going back up lads

>> No.4883362

No they don't, because the futures they will be shorting are cash settled and never touches bitcoin at all

>> No.4883392
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>> No.4883393

How is this a "crash"? 18 to 15? Seems like some people are taking their profits out in fiat and paying off bills. I did that at 10. :) HODLing 21 BTC until the moon.

>> No.4883448

Only in the mind of a demented shitcoiner is 16% drop in an hour not a crash

>> No.4883450

You don't know how big the correction is in the bigger context. If you "zoom out" on a timescale, there are a few patterns that could follow, including some that would imply further corrections downwards.
A "crash" or correction (the terms are used freely here) doesn't happen within a few minutes, it can take prolonged periods of time.

>> No.4883452

There are pros and big retail all over GB shorting it via IG Index right now.

>> No.4883460

Link ?

>> No.4883468

Why did that one autist buy like 200 BTC?

>> No.4883469
File: 99 KB, 600x800, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold half of my BTC at 13950 EUR

>> No.4883482


get the fuck out of here

>> No.4883483

t. Bought at 19k $

>> No.4883502


>> No.4883503

huh genuinely didn't know IG offered that but so they do fair enough, doesn't stop the rest of my post being accurate

>> No.4883509

because it's the weekend dip, you dolt. be fucking happy, tards like that drive the price up

>> No.4883750

not a normie

normies wait till ath and then go full retard

>> No.4883904
File: 36 KB, 629x504, 32796F74-C68D-44E6-8628-E160F45AF887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related: you

>> No.4883942

niggers are buying in
its time to sell guys


>> No.4883991


Leave my alt holdings alone, piece of shit.

>> No.4884062

Can someone tell me what is Satoshi.

I know someone by that name is rumored to be behind BTCs creation

>> No.4884116

>Went all in on bitcoin a few days ago
>Went into tether (I know) at 16.5k as I knew this was coming

It's beautiful. Since the crash started though I've bought some ETH and MUSIC (don't ask).
The next month is going to be a good one for some of us boys.

>> No.4884135

70% of my portfolio is still in tether rn though. It's a house of cards but today is not the day it's going to fail.

>> No.4884166

Holy shit. Are in the "shoeshine boys give you stock tips" phase guys? Plz, give it to me straight.

>> No.4884176

If you want to the moooooon! Pump n dump guys!


>> No.4884238

>Are in the "shoeshine boys give you stock tips" phase guys?

We are. Women and niggers are investing in bitcoin... the end is near.

>> No.4884361

Kill yourself

>> No.4885057

Yea probably, only hold solid alts / BTC now and wait. Even if we do crash hard the good coins will remain

>> No.4885123

Nice and thanks for that. It didn't occur to me/ fractional reserve Bit Coin. They gonna naked short the crap out of it

>> No.4885211

That's CFDs.

Not complaining or anything. I use everything that I can, wallets, mining, cfd's, options and binaries.

>> No.4885227

its already going back up
fuck bitcoin
and fuck this fucking market

>> No.4885254

> its already going back up
were you dropped on your head or something?
its crashing harder then cias plane

>> No.4885293

Have fun missing out on the dip.

>> No.4885322

>no buying power to go through 50 coins from 500 to 16k
>no support up to 13k
>j-just buy the dip
are you stupid?

>> No.4885400

It's going up on european exchanges. £ 14,800.00

I do not think the other poster knows how to make money from that tho. maybe.

>> No.4885523

take this S