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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4882280 No.4882280 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't bought this massive Ark dip then you're heading towards impending doom in your cryptocurrency adventures.

Ark is the only coin out of the top 10 that's destined to moon and moon hard.

Now is your chance to repent and board the Ark.

Not a single warning will come again. Good luck.

>> No.4882312

literally NOBODY can explain what the shit it does

>> No.4882337

>stinky Linkie fudding the Ark


>> No.4882392

because youre fucking morons
the whitepaper is on their website ready for yor eyes
and you dont need to be a rocket scientist to understand it

>> No.4882449

>sold at 23700
FUCK me.

(just my day trading coins)

>> No.4882485

<1% of the retards here read any white paper.

I honestly believe a large amount of people here base their financial decisions on /biz/ memes.

>> No.4882490


Ark will never hit this low ever again

>> No.4882502

I'm still holding my investment calm down.

>> No.4882508
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>> No.4882511

Competitor with ETH

>> No.4882549

By that logic we would all be arkies and link marines.

>tfw when I'm heavily invested in both these cryptos because of meme magic belief.

>> No.4883489
File: 3 KB, 89x125, ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to the based nip

>> No.4884343

jk lol I bought this shit at 30 cents.

>> No.4884379
File: 45 KB, 286x400, 1512640109824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahaha what is this, fud for ants?
here ya frickin gomer, this is the last time I post this

>> No.4884423

Reminder that ARK is going to be worth $10,000 each.

>> No.4884434

10,000 zimbabwean dollars maybe

>> No.4884444


>> No.4884907


i really wanna hop onto this shit but i aint got cash to invest and the faucet is fuckin dry so rip

>> No.4885042

The Zimbabwe dollar has been formally demonitized. That meme is obsolete.

>In June 2015, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe began to formally demonetise the Zimbabwean dollar, to officially value the fiat currency at zero, in order to complete a switch to the US dollar by the end of September 2015. The Zimbabwean government stated that it would credit 5 US dollars to domestic bank accounts, with balances of up to 175 quadrillion Zimbabwean dollars, and that it would exchange Zimbabwean dollars for US dollars at a rate of 1 USD to 35 quadrillion Zimbabwean dollars to accounts with balances above 175 quadrillion Zimbabwean dollars.


>> No.4885135

I don't know man. recently bought ARK but not much faith in it. Same with VTC and XMR. Still holding on though

>> No.4885167

Honestly the more I read about it, the more bullish I become. This looks like a great project, just don't know if it'll ever get adopted.

Should I buy?

>> No.4885296

Will see sub 10k ark as soon as btc pumps to 20k again

>> No.4885321

>the faucet is fuckin dry so rip
yeah what the fuck is up with that? does that usually happen?

>> No.4885407

Fuck if i know my dude,first time seeing tihs shit

>> No.4885408

smartbridges, ecosystem, click-deployable blochcains familia,

>> No.4885431

Memes are real dumbass

>> No.4885469
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>> No.4885584

I've seen it happen twice so far. I guess if enough people get lucky in a day it runs out, I'm guessing it gets topped up each day and doesn't just have 'infinite' supply so they don't bleed dry.

>> No.4885621

Kek,damn. but yeah that makes sense.
tho i dont get it,if you're not a voter or delegate or anything,literally broke ass 0 ark nigga. does the payout happen once you reach 1.1ark?

>> No.4885650

>If you are one of our voters, your faucet rewards will be added to your pending balance and paid to you once you've accrued over 1.1 Ark.

It's on the page.

>> No.4885711

Oops left out the other line.

>If you are not a voter, faucet payouts happen daily as long as you've accrued over 0.2 Ark.

>> No.4885869

and here we go.

>> No.4885951

Ive never rolled the faucet. Might have missed "couple" of coins. :I

>> No.4886027

I want off bitcoins wild ride, fucking die already

>> No.4886040

>wallet down for maintenance on Bittrex


>> No.4886268

>an entire ecosystem of linked chains and a virtual spiderweb of endless use-cases that make ARK highly flexible, adaptable, and scalable.

They have all the best buzzwords. The 1994 logo is enough to put me off.

>> No.4886305

How does Ark actually plan to be scalable? It can only do like 5transactions a second. What will make it not succumb to the same fate as Ether & Cryptokitties if anyone actually starts to use it?

>> No.4886313

Its on its last leg, the actual users of crypto not the clueless speculators are the ones who matter.


>> No.4886314
File: 5 KB, 313x250, ark-welcome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u realise the gif OP posted is fan made ?
<--- this is their default logo
how is this 1994 lmao
its just an A

>> No.4886476
File: 3 KB, 352x277, 348732432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I realize the logo isn't an animated gif. Would you not call that design 90s?
Also the first thing you see on the site is a squashed logo, without design consistency I'm not sold.

>> No.4886501
File: 110 KB, 1370x947, wat1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks fine for me lmao

>> No.4886529

It can only do 5 tx/s because the devs set that as the limit.
ARK is based on a DPOS consensus system which means it could theoretically do 100,000 tx/s on current computer hardware.

Things like CryptoKitties would have their own chain on ARK.
One of ARKs main points is scalability.

>> No.4886547

why the fuck would ARK moon?

It's not LINK, it's not BAT....

who the fuck would invest in this garbage unless they're eating shit all day and pooping their brain out like wha tthe fuck dude are you living under an igloo?

>> No.4886550

Your browser is broken dude.

>> No.4886607

your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.4886628

You're not going to care about 1 day of not getting your stakings.

>> No.4886659

it has the biggest potential of all altcoins. It basically LINKs everything together. Are you retarded or something? Why wouldn't you jump in on that.

>> No.4886670

>windows font rendering

>> No.4886706

>stinky linkies lurking ark threads
shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.4886710

>2man project
>1 slack janitor
>MIA since months (presentations dont count)
>no updates to the repository
>theyre redoing everything
>mainnet not ready until 2018
>"muh it links everything" a fucking erc20 token
if u believe in this coin great for you its been shilled to death you can shut up now

>> No.4886714

Fine for me too

>> No.4886724


holy shit kid fix your resolution, thats embarrassing

>> No.4886727

nah im memeing. But BAT is definitely p good.

>> No.4886732

>Due to maintenance on another exchange, we can not trade or sell this cryptocurrency


>> No.4886773

You don't need to read you just need to buy

>> No.4886804


>> No.4886848


>t. BAT and ARK hodler

>> No.4886871

Hey there boys,
teach him about me

Jarunik> biz_ classic,
Blood Poo

>> No.4886929

Quiet, so quiet.

Jarunik>biz_ classic,
Blood Poo

>> No.4887014
File: 282 KB, 670x408, 99553A9F-B2BA-4CF4-B9E9-0A640D4838D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

131/1926 here, strapped in

>> No.4887055

enjoy that shit stability, have fun not forging, might as well keep your ark on an exchange.

>> No.4887070

javascript:alert('hi mom');

>> No.4887098

now with more ark arkies biz jarunik dr10
javascript:alert('hi mom');

>> No.4887103
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>> No.4887130

701 repoorting in
>tfw uviversity poorfag

>> No.4887172
File: 228 KB, 900x579, arkiesdeluded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sub-ICO levels incoming. You'd think arkies would have given up by now

>> No.4887176

Here's tl;dr for newbies:
You stake your coins and earn 10% each year. You dont need to have the software running to stake. Literally the best system.
>Push button blockchains
Create your own blockchain with the push of a button. This will significantly reduce the cost of starting a blockchain and allow much more innovation. Also, starting a coin off the Ark blockchain wont add bloat to the Ark chain. One of Ethereums main issues.
Smart contracts on the Ark blockchain.
>Smart bridge
Ark can interact with any other coin. All this requires is for the chain Ark wants to connect with to insert a small piece of code.
For those who don't put in the code we can use ACES to interact with their chain.
>8 second transaction time
I don't need to say anything else about this.
>Registered as a business in France.
The first crypto to register in the EU. No one cares about some shit coin that can register in some shit Asian country. This also opens up the door to actual partnerships and provides liability.
>Best wallet in crypto
The best desktop wallet and their mobile wallet is almost out.
>Various smart card
I can't tell you much about this but i bet it's going to be cool as fuck.
>Ark core V2
Complete overhaul of Ark code. This will make the whole blockchain better than ever. Already 25% done.

if this is completed on time, I wouldn't be surprised if we see $100 at least by EOY 2018. Also ARK investors are encourage to stake, less more incentives to hodl rather than to sell.

>> No.4887192

gotta start somewhere senpai, at least you're onboard

>> No.4887324

Does anybody have a link to the Ark_Network/Biz_Delegate discord?

>> No.4887325


5k reporting in, with close to 500 neo to boot.

>tfw university poorfag using student loans for wealth generation.

>> No.4887674

Look, I can see not being fully confident in ARK or VTC. But not believing XMR will go the distance is just retarded.

>> No.4887743

All LINKies should be perma banned and publicly executed.

>> No.4887970

Well, he's right. XMR scales like shit and the scaling solutions are limited since the blockchain is encoded.

>> No.4888054


>> No.4889057

faucet is back up boyos

>> No.4889179

Five. Days.

Blood Poo

>> No.4889188

Is this NepNep going to be the Arkies cumdump when we make a voyage to Pluto?

>> No.4889450
File: 81 KB, 480x640, swiss-graphic-design-133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only buy stuff with the purest Swiss style logos to maintain my wizard powers

>> No.4889697

on our way up to $5 today, boys. i hope you bought that dip.