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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4881277 No.4881277 [Reply] [Original]

Yep its that time again.

Let's have a serious talk about bitcoin.

>> No.4881278

Tulips. /thread

>> No.4881279

my dad bought bitcoin today. end is nigh.

>> No.4881280

These are unlike tulips my friend.
Bitcoin is the future of currency.

>> No.4881281

Isn't it so funny how many shills are trying to shill against bitcoin right now. Jews must be in a massive state of paranoia.

>> No.4881282
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>> No.4881283
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/ saged thread

>> No.4881284

it's not funny at all. I hate these fucking rats.

>> No.4881285

oh you mean jewcoin OP? Don’t fall for the krypto jew anons.

>> No.4881286

normies have heard about it thats why its blowing up, they what to get rich like (((them)))

>> No.4881287

I just want to say fuck Trump it was her turn

>> No.4881288

Decentralised currencies will never be allowed by the dominant paradigm. Enjoy your crash.

>> No.4881289

its not too late you can still get in on bitcoin before it goes to the moon

>> No.4881290
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You have to find the right investment opportunities like Bitcoin and penny stocks.

>> No.4881291

If it was even a hundredth the threat you think it is to real money the Jews would have already taken it over or shut it down.

>> No.4881292

Is this real? I thought normies still didn't have any. If your dad legitimately owns even 0.0001 Bitcoin I'm going to sell everything.

>> No.4881293

You can't take it over OR shut it down.

>> No.4881294
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>> No.4881295

Released from prison two years ago and now I manage a car wash and have turned my life around. Raising a 3 year old little girl as her mother is a deadbeat. Already have some money in BTC and equities; I'm going to make something of myself. Invested in SYF, Brk.b, SIRI, and SWPPX. Great return so far this year but looking to push it higher.
1PjXVLHeoGXL8kV hHYMWXLnzuUmm7naSmx

>> No.4881296

>Bitcoin is the future of currency.
>224711 Unconfirmed Transactions

>> No.4881297

Sure you can. Take it over by buying it up and removing it from circulation (it's bought with money that's made from thin air after all). Shut it down by requiring that only government backed noted are accepted by businesses, eliminating all legal services right there.

>> No.4881298

When the apocalypse happens, bitcoin will be the punchline

>> No.4881299

>Bitcoin is the future of currency
>The future of currency is a currency nobody accepts.
Wew !

>> No.4881300

No thats ethereum (maybe). Bitcoin is old and outdated technology that is holding everyone back and is only relevant because of a massive commodity bubble.

Bitcoin needs to die so that better cryptocurrencies can take its place

>> No.4881301

BTC can be augmented by Litecoin or Etherium as outlets for kikery
If you try to corner all currencies, someone will just pop up with a new one using the same infrastructure as old ones

I'm not saying BTC is the future of currency, just that its a useful outlet around FIAT currencies

>> No.4881302

Let BTC take the punches for now
It has name recognition with normies and is helping raise awareness for cryptos

Once it collapses due to jewish tricks, better currencies can take its place

>> No.4881303

So basically it's not a threat at all and just something weirdos, criminals and people in dictatorships will use.

Well, at least you don't seem delusional about it being an investment. Thinking of money as an investment in itself is quite dangerous for investment.

>> No.4881304

My dad has 77 bitcoins now and he actually tried to get me on buying early, mining, and freebitcoin and I wouldn't listen lmao. Fuck my life

>> No.4881305

You where just being rational anon, no one in their right mind would have predicted what happened with Bitcoin. Mainly because no one in their right mind caused it to happen.

>> No.4881306

> 77

>> No.4881307

Is Facebook an investment? Twitter?
Value is perceived, usually based on utility. Social media is valued as an outlet for convenient communication
Cryptos are valued as an outlet for escaping FIAT regulation

You're betting on how much people want to escape FIAT currencies, and the betting is good

>> No.4881308


so smart.

This guy is Legit.

>> No.4881309

>Thinking of money as an investment in itself is quite dangerous for investment.

>> No.4881310

>Is Facebook an investment? Twitter?
Technically yes but a fucking stupid one given Zuck's selling Facebook stock for a reason and Twitter's never made any profit.

There's a reason why most places that trade bitcoins and similar cryptocurrencies fall into 3 categories: luxury item retailers, criminal organisations/groups/individuals, and places trading said cryptocurrency. I'll believe it's an "escape" from fiat when I can go down to the corner and buy a 6 pack with it.

>> No.4881311
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>inb4 red wojaks

>> No.4881312
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How come cointards believe that all this cryptoshit is actually fighting the Jews?
Are they just going to expect Jews to say "Yep, we were ruling the whole economical system for hundreds of years, but now some millennials defeated is using the powers of crypto and friendship, time to pack or stuff"?
If anything, Jews are in the head of this thing, and they are going to crash it's soon.
Are you sure you can cash out in time, little goy?

>> No.4881313

I was more thinking in terms of currency trading rather then interest, since you aren't getting any actual interest on Bitcoins and just hoping the value will go up.

>> No.4881314

>Are you sure you can cash out in time, little goy?

It's what, limited to 2000$ withdraws per day? Most people with any noteworthy amount of coins couldn't make a bank run on that.

>> No.4881315
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>tfw I have 83 bitcoins.

>> No.4881316

Yeah ok enjoy those outrageously high transaction fees

>> No.4881317

It's already on the moon

>> No.4881318

nocoiners on literal suicide watch

>> No.4881319

Jews work by bleeding you dry
Cryptos aren't going to kill the jew, but much like the reichsmark, the more public backing it gets the more it sucks away from jewish funds
Like >>4881310 mentioned, it's biggest issue is lack of tangible backing, but it could thrive with better support

>> No.4881320
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barter system
6,000BC - 600BC

gold / coins / shells
600BC -- 1017AD

fiat currencies
1017 - 2008

decentralized p2p digital curreny
2008 - ?


>> No.4881321


which places accept bitcoin though?

does amazon and newegg still accept?
what happened? lol

>> No.4881322

silk road


>> No.4881323

Yes goyim, not that it supports drug trading, tax evasions or money laundering. I'm sure BTC has a blight future goy. :)

>> No.4881324

Does the annual volume of global cryptocurrency exchange actually amount to anything when compared to national currencies? It certainly anti's no greenback, blueback or syrupback.

>> No.4881325

oh I have bad news for you
>silk road

>> No.4881326

How do I convert my gold n silver chekyls into btc?

>> No.4881327

Steam is out.
(((They))) know its time.

>> No.4881328


Not anymore, Valve stopped due to fluctuations in the value being too great.

Not that it matters, can't get anything off of steam you actually need to survive unless you're a video game addict.

>> No.4881329


Ill have you both know I once bought a pizza with bitcoins.

>> No.4881330

I tried to buy $100 of bitcoin like 3 months ago and my bank didn’t approve it and cancelled my credit card wtf was that about

>> No.4881331
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>Does the annual volume of global cryptocurrency exchange actually amount to anything when compared to national currencies?
Not yet, but here is a clone of the m1 index with bitcoin on list

BTC is ranked top 20 M1 right now.

>> No.4881332


Are you that guy who got pizza from Dominos with some coins that would only a few years later be worth millions?

>> No.4881333

I'm not shilling its just not money

>> No.4881334
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>Bit coin will never take off and it certainly wont have any value.
>I don't need it.
>I won't invest it it.

>> No.4881335

The IRS is gonna be shut down soon. Right next to the FED.

>> No.4881336

That's a lot of "if"s in there

>> No.4881337
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coinbase, but you need to sell the gold for fiat first :P

>> No.4881338

Commodities expert here. Can any of you fags tell me how long it's taking your buttcoin trades to settle or even filled? This meteoric price increade is classic price manipulation. The bottom is going to fall out of this thing, hard.

>> No.4881339

Let's have a serious talk about >>>/biz/

>> No.4881340


They say its 2 weeks and chances are most wont be able to cash out during the panic sell.

>> No.4881341
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why would so many people continue to hold worthless fiat?

seconds, what do you mean? Bitmex exchange did $4B in volume last 24 hours

>> No.4881342

well it does red pill normies on where their money comes from the federal reserve, many still can't handle it and lash out. they will learn.

>> No.4881343
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Pretty intense

>> No.4881344

does this actually work?

>> No.4881345

>why would so many people continue to hold worthless fiat?

Because fiat can get you shit now, when you want it, when you need it, no one refuses to accept it as a means of payment, and people are smart enough to realize that whether it's fiat, barter, metals or cryptocurrency, it's all just a means of exchange that's worth exactly as much as those making the exchange agree it is so it doesn't even fucking matter what's backing it.

>> No.4881346

>I'll just cash my 2 bitcoins for $20G

No one will cash my bitcoins. Getting sick of coffee, VPN access and vidya

>> No.4881347

Hahahahahahahaha people with no understanding of liquidity and Jewish price manipulation are going to get BTFO 2 weeks for a trade to fill. Hahaah holy shit. Hahahahahahahah. Just wait until January when the CME and CBOE start listing buttcoin future contracts. Or when the US government redefines what a bank is to include buttcoin and starts regulating the fuck out of it. Hahahahahahhahahah.

>> No.4881348

Question. Govts can shut the internet down, which kills BTC access in dire times. Contrary to gold which you physically have and can spend in an apocalypse scenario. is there a way to get decentralized internet, not dependent on government or internet provider?

>> No.4881349
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agreed. that is why i am waiting for the U.S. fed to enter a hyper inflationary event during the next crash making U.S. worthless sending bitcoin 2 da moon. how much longer do you think central banking can work?

>> No.4881350

I tried to buy $100 of bitcoin like 3 months ago and my bank didn’t approve it and cancelled my credit card wtf was that about my shit would be worth 4x now

>> No.4881351

This makes no sense. Do you actually think Jews who control most of the world's wealth aren't heavily invested in BTC for some reason?

>> No.4881352

No. One of the main problems with buttcoin. No power, no transaction. Disaster strikes, no power, no ATM, no cash, how do you trade your imaginary buttcoins for a can of beans?

>> No.4881353

>how much longer do you think central banking can work?

Like any other form of currency exactly so long as society chooses to agree that it works, and not a day less.

>> No.4881354

They have no control over the production. Their whole monetary system lies in printing money out of thin air and then loaning it to governments and receiving the debt + interest.

>> No.4881355

In an apocalyptic scenario like that paper money becomes worthless aswell and good like water, food, cigarettes and lighters become money

>> No.4881356
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>is there a way to get decentralized internet, not dependent on government or internet provider?
the problem with current infrastructure is that it greatly relies on third parties like govt. or ISPs. you can send BTC transactions over SMS and through radio signals i believe. blockstream currently has satellite actually so you can send BTC transactions without the internet. since we screwed up in the early days and made current internet system sort of centralized, idk how we can decentralize it.

but kim dot com and a few other people are working on it right now


>> No.4881357

In the apocalypse would you trade food for green money?

>> No.4881358
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so then what is the true value of 1 btc?!?

>> No.4881359

You are stupid as fuck. There is already a confirmed shadow group that controls 10% of ALL bitcoin. You don't see a problem with that?

>> No.4881360

If by "true value" you mean its actual value as a thing, nothing. It's actually pretty ironic that one of the defining "problems" with fiat that it's supposed to combat is one that's intrinsic to it.

>> No.4881361

Not going to happen. The IRS has no legal basis to shut it down, and Trump is in charge of the IRS anyway. The Fed can't shut anything down. Law enforcement is limited in what it can do against an entire currency.

>> No.4881362

I didnt say apocalyptic, I was thinking more along the lines of a huge regoinal natural disaster. My point was commodities like you listed would be used for barter instead of invisible buttcoins.

>> No.4881363

Whatever somebody is willing to pay for it

>> No.4881364

There's a shadow group that controls 100% of ALL MONEY.

The Jews.

>> No.4881365

People who short bitcoin for any significant length of time are going to lose everything. I mean everything. No one in their right mind would short it unless they had a lot of experience and had been following bitcoin price patterns for a long time.

>> No.4881366

real interesting... godspeed to best fat kim

>> No.4881367

You can still buy steam games with bitcoin from places like G2A

>> No.4881368

Thing is: bitcoin itself and it's cult of lobo-followers getting in on the hype long after smart money went in are going to crash market. It's a self-fulfilling prohecy.

>> No.4881369

Sick and tired of this derpcoin shit. Humanity has lost sight of what really matters. Food, water, warmth and companionship. THAT is literally all that matters.
Cash is a tax on the progression of bringing these items in abundance to everyone. Bitcoin is just another faction of the same tax structure, ALTHOUGH... as much as I think cash is a hindrance, it does represent a common means of trade between labor, material, and land.
So answer me this derpcoiners, WTF does Bitcoin represent other than a direct assault on the current currency system? Who benefits from Bitcoin as a whole? How does someone EARN Bitcoin from the exchange of materials that bring either food, water warmth or companionship? Because anyone that has a logical conclusion worked out about this bullshit it's nothing more than a pyramid scheme.
I'm not saying it's going away, but if you've dedicated your time effort energy and investment into this as opposed to creating an environment for yourself that brings food, water, warmth and companionship to yourself and fellow man, you're nothing more than a dirty scheming kike... just like the ones running the current monetary system.

>> No.4881370

Thanks to derivatives I don't have to short buttcoins. I can purchase future put options and significantly reduce my risk. Screenshot this and post it 1 year from now. People that short buttcoins will be making bank.

>> No.4881371
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I agree, bitcoin has funded my bugout land & prep. I will laugh watching the no coiners starve.

>> No.4881372
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>shitcoin is literally dying in a fire in real time
>people have already killed themselves over this.
>people think outdated shit will be the new world currency.

>> No.4881373

Hope you're already 95% done cashing out then

>> No.4881374

>Jews openly promote bitcoin just so they can victimize themselves

This is one of those retard things up there with

>Jews invented Jesus just to deny he ever existed and so they could be victims
>Hitler was actually a Jew and planted by Jews to murder Jews that didn't exist to garner pity for Jews
>Trump is the new Hitler who will do all of the previous post because Jews need pity so much

You aren't fooling anyone kike.

>> No.4881375

You thiccest of mongs. Financial elites have been pouring into BTC when you didn't even heard of it.
They moved in 2015/16 at latest.
The ebbil joo doesn't mine himself, he buys bitcoin when it's cheap because he has enough money to invest, you dumb plebbo. Back then markets were overvalued and rich fucks were desperate where to move that money. The very elites buying into bitcoin may very well be one of the reason for that massive surge after markets had filled themselves with cheap QE money.
All you are doing is fill the elites pockets once again, they will be among the first to sell at peak and you will be left bitterly dissapointed having once again handed over your money to dee ebbil joo. The butthurt will be epic anon.

>> No.4881376


>> No.4881377

Taken enough gains I could careless what happens now tbqh. I don't see anything changing anytime soon, so 10-20k a day sell off through exchanges & regular gold buys is fine with me until it explodes. Volatility is heaven...

>> No.4881378
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its not a currency its a gamble you fucking idiot

>> No.4881379
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Can this shit coin just get btfo already? I cashed out of alts when btc was 7k and now if put it in alts i want I'll lose money because this dinosaur coin keeps mooning.

>> No.4881380
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>dying in a fire in real time
Wtf are nocoiners talking about it's up past 24 hours. Pic related my entire portfolio history. Shit like this happens all the time. Also how come nocoiners handly ignore the existence of other cryptos.

>> No.4881381
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so if money is just a language at it's core, can bitcoin succeed?

>> No.4881382

It's a currency. It's a currency with it's own distributive ledger and no sovereign backing. Pretty cool if you're into the emergence of currency.

>> No.4881383

He didnt buy the dip, lmao classic loser polanon

>> No.4881384


>Food, water, warmth and companionship

yes, but you are defending not food water and companionship, but fiat money

>as much as I think cash is a hindrance

not only hindrance, but also centralised control mechanism

> WTF does Bitcoin represent other than a direct assault on the current currency system?

attempt to avoid human factor in economic relations

> Who benefits from Bitcoin as a whole?

Those who do not have monopoly on emission of fiat currency

> it's nothing more than a pyramid scheme

fiat money are pyramid too, but centralisedpyramid

>> No.4881385

I made 6 grand since mid november in dickcoins nigger!

>> No.4881386

The bubble won't pop until it hits at least 60k.

>> No.4881387

it just goes up and up and up no end in sight no coiners better call the suicide hotline asap

>> No.4881388

>wallstreet offering futures on bitcoin within weeks
>"nobody accepts"


>> No.4881389
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but anon i can make payments with my fiat currencies...

>> No.4881390

"Hhahah" "hahaha" "hahah"

Dumb no coiner

>> No.4881391

It's just a speculative asset. No one is using it as currency.

>> No.4881392

>Bitcoin market cap larger than JP Morgan
>Nobody accepts

>> No.4881393

12/7/2018. Buttcoin back around $800. Check em.

>> No.4881394

>Compared to 7 days and several hundred dollars to transfer funds out of a national bank

>> No.4881395

>No one is using it as currency.

Not while it's undergoing rapid deflation, adoption, and value discovery. Give the S curve some time to level out and the currency aspect of bitcoin will become active again.

>> No.4881396

Have you seen the fees and transaction backlog? Not to mention the power consumption approaching the size of small countries

>> No.4881397

1 hype.

>> No.4881398

Get in early with ripple... its all about transaction speed!! Can't wait two hours to buy a beer... gold is a better store of wealth... or property.

>> No.4881399

Yeah I'm sure this fuckin dweeb has all the answers.

>> No.4881400

this account is for niggers with coins only pay in and get sheckles raining from the heavens, and maybe, just maybe il release some info on special projects for the usaf of retards and niggers.

>> No.4881401

Hey guys, I'm interested in this bit coin thing.

But one question: how do you cash out?

Hard mode: legaly

>> No.4881402


How did you cash out?

Did you actually make six grand? Or did you make 6 grand worth of bit coins?

It's a very different thing.

>> No.4881403

Dumb noncoiners: it will never take off!
Noncoin shills: its a ponzi scheme!
Neutrals: i don't have the money and idk how to install a wallet

Stupid niggers

>> No.4881404

Shoot me the link to sign up as soon as it can't be traded in for anything fiat. Once it is taken off the fiat market it becomes more than a derivative, it becomes true currency.

Anyone buying it as an investment is banking on that happening, and of course it wont unless the powers that be decide for it to be so.

Might pan out in their favor, but I'm taking the prudent track and investing in something that has the support of people who do nothing but think about currency and how to use it to get rich.. they have incentive to keep it alive and the resources to do so.

Intellectual Mexican out.

>> No.4881405

Coiners: dumbest of them all when retail steps into the shark tank with the market movers do the biggest pump and dump in the history of trading and shitcoin is reduced to the shit or a coin that it is.

Fucking fools walking happily into a trap that gets played out a thousand times a day on the futures market.

Enjoy being broke faggots.

>> No.4881406

Okay now I'm out.

>> No.4881407

dumb asshole here with some money to invest; should i throw it all into BTC? is it really going to balloon?

>> No.4881408

I've noticed you shitting on these idiots mexibro, keep it up. If you spare one person's life savings you'll have done some good.

>> No.4881409

>Fees and Transactions Backlog
Lightning network. Hundreds of transactions per second for cents. Tests passed yesterday.

>Energy consumption

Solar Power, Hydro Power, Clean Coal. No problem.

>> No.4881410

why is it "taking off" any serious data analysis behind it? Taking off implies flying you know, flying implies 2 things: it has to land, or crash if you will and the other - leaving into at least near earth orbit ( not an earthly thing then). Either way something is not right in the slightest, forget even pretending to have any foundations. Just my 2 sheckels.

>> No.4881411
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>> No.4881412
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>I'm involved with cryptocurrencies

>> No.4881413

fucking this but please post link.

>> No.4881414

don't throw it all in, but definitely buy some

>> No.4881415


You don't know me though... I'm at a point in my life where I don't need money. I use it, I benefit from it, and I don't mind the exchange that occurs between transactions. Fiat currency is not the hindrance... interest is. Cryptocurrency is not now, nor has it ever been backed by food, water, warmth, companionship, or the labor that brings those items into ones life. Alternatively, fiat currency HAS been backed by everyone of those things since inception... Arguably it is the sole purpose behind those necessities.

Derpcoiners are nothing more than lazy wannabe kikes that are trying to get something from nothing. That is the entire scheme that Bitcoin supporters push. Something from nothing. Literally zero effort, zero wealth, zero material, zero labor... At least the kikes are backed by gold, silver, jewels, raw building materials, land, etc. Bitcoin is backed by what again? The ability to remain anonymous? IMO, Bitcoiners are worse than kikes. You niggers are stealing wealth while offering nothing in return.

>> No.4881416
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>I'm involved in cryptocurrencies


>> No.4881417
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>> No.4881418
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>Tfw known about bitcoin since 2011 at prices like 1 dollar
>still haven't got any

why am i such a loser

>> No.4881419

wtf i love crypto now?

>> No.4881420
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Oh hell yes I just found an old wallet with 0.00400000 BTC in it. I just made $65.00. Not exactly getting rich but I guess I can wait to see how far bubble grows before it pops.

>> No.4881421
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Its just a highly volatile tradable asset. If you don't understand how to make money at poker or blackjack you shouldn't expect to make money with bitcoin or any other tradable asset.
Shit isn't rocket science. Just wait until the price has peaked, then put all your money in. then when it starts going down freak out and sell it. Then tell everyone you know how its just a scam and that your going back to selling Amway.

>> No.4881422

cause you're a conservative investor and you dont feel comfortable making money off the greedy retards who will inevitably burn their fingers in the near future

>> No.4881423

So whats the cashout process like? You go to an exchange, say you want to cash out a coin, you get a check for $1,500 or direct deposit instantly?

>> No.4881424
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Got in a few days ago, if kikebase would credit me my fucking coins I could make some gentile scraps before it tanks

>> No.4881425
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>number of unconfirmed transactions skyrocketing
>businesses like Valve stop accepting butcoins due to 20 dollar transaction fees
>electricity costs skyrocketing
>alternative cryptos are available without the Bitcoin problems

Bitcoins will replace all currencies lads, you heard it first on a Vietnamese autorepair shop forum!

>> No.4881426

here is whats going to happen.
Bitcoin market cap atm is about $300B.
By the end of the year it will reach $500B at least once.
By the end of Q1 2018 it will hit $1T and by the end of 2018 it will hit $20T. Cap this shit.
What then? Then it will crash properly, wiping away 25-50 % of its value. Then a few major institutional investors like pension funds, banks, wall st. investment banks will panic sell and bankrupt eachother. Bitcoin will remain flat for a while and the world will enter a new major financial crisis as overleveraged people get margin calls.

>> No.4881427

>I'm not saying BTC is the future of currency, just that its a useful outlet around FIAT currencies
This anon gets it. Fiat won't be replaced by a deflationary store currency.

>> No.4881428


So is US currency. Paper money is backed by what? A promise?

>> No.4881429

But we've been predicting this for years.

>> No.4881430

>The future of currency... It takes 20 dollars worth of electricity and 7 days to pay for a 1 dollar pack of chewing gum.

>> No.4881431

All lf this is bs. Bitcoin is done. Just look at the market, the media, the problems. Look at the perma bulls buying for no reason at all.

An asset is only worth as much as the fundamentals and compared to other cryptos, Bitcoin is weak. Why are all ICOs using ether aand other cryptos and never Bitcoin? Let that sink in.

>> No.4881432
File: 801 KB, 250x195, hitler_Nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought 0.73 BTC when it was 4k$, wont buy anymore. I dont trust a commodity this fucking chaotic, and the Rick And Morty watcher nature of its cultists are not helping at all

>> No.4881433

No. By debt.

>> No.4881434


I was doinf well flipping a few coins a day making fat stacks thinking imma need me an accountant a CPmotherfuckinA, when I logged into my account and I saw this blurb:
If you are from the State of New York you can no longer use LocalBitcoins.com to trade due to regulations put in place by blah blah suck my dick you fucking CUNTS.

>> No.4881435
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 1497550587862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fool and his money is soon parted

>> No.4881436

I think at this point the government might fuck it up. Bitcoin is drawing a lot of attention and according to American Gangster, that's what gets you killed.

>> No.4881437

And segway was the future of transportation
>Segway company owner rides scooter off cliff - World news - Europe

>> No.4881438

Once all the pedos get caught, it will tank hard.

>> No.4881439

You retard. It's backed by the most dynamic economy in the world, the US.
Every asset, debt, bonds, certificates, real estate, mortgate is listed in US dollar.
You can buy EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE in the united states with a dollar.
You cannot buy a single chewing gum with bitcoin.
As of now.

This meme of muh there is nothing behind US currency by uninformed mongoloids like you needs to stop.

>> No.4881440

Fuck. 10 minutes in and he's dropping major redpills.

>> No.4881441

>If you are from the State of New York you can no longer use LocalBitcoins.com to trade due to regulations put in place by blah blah suck my dick you fucking CUNTS.
Sounds like Cuomo or Schumer. Probably trying to rape you with taxes. NY is incredibly hostile for making money.

>> No.4881442

Tulips: Perishable, lack of uniformity, indivisible, virtually unlimited supply. Tulip mania lasted 3 months. Confined to Dutch Republic.

Bitcoin: Created an entire asset class. Built in scarcity: Only 21 million will ever exist, many are already burned. Bitcoin has been around for nearly 10 years and has been rising for over a year now. Global phenomenon that anyone can buy into

Good luck buying drugs with a tulip or hiding all of your tulips inside of your brain or on a chip the size of your thumbnail.

Tulip Mania is a blown out of proportion tall tale that effected a small amount of people.

>> No.4881443


>> No.4881444

good luck buying a chewing gum with bitcoin.

>> No.4881445

And yet Bitcoins have technologically be made redundant by alternative cryptos.

Think about it for a second, if cryptos would all be launching right now, which would succeed? Bitcoin? Nope, not a chance.

>> No.4881446

get $100 worth you'll feel better

>> No.4881447

Can someone explain what the point of crypto currencies is?

Maybe if they were truly anonymous I would understand, but that's hard to do for most people. As it is there's literally no reason they should be better than using your regular bank account to pay for shit online, you still have to pay transaction/conversion fees similar to if you wanted to buy some dildo priced in USD using £ or € , and BTC takes so much more time (even ignoring the volatility)

I wish I had a time machine to get in on the hype 2 weeks ago but I still just don't see the point

>> No.4881448

>if you forget your wallet pin number there is no way to get another pin number....you lose everything...Caveat Emptor.

>> No.4881449

>NY is incredibly hostile for making money
They said it was "odel legislation" with the expectation other states would follow. So far I think only New Hampshire has also prohibited sales. You can find people to sell them to you but now I;m the black market and there is a premium. So there is no money to be made.


>> No.4881450
File: 53 KB, 630x448, 5realities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the past, gold, silver, raw building materials, land, weaponry, food, water, and the labor to supply those things... but is currently attached to the energy sector. "Petrodollars."

Now that your idealistic and uninformed approach to currency has been obliterated, please inform me what Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are backed by... other than the "promise" of gathering wealth without adding wealth to a monetary system, of course? Pic related.

>> No.4881451

I said that 8 months ago.

>> No.4881452

Bitcoin has attracted major institutional investors.
If we had access to the database you would see governments owning major chunks of it.
Russia and China in particular.

>> No.4881453

This guy gets it.

>> No.4881455


At this rate I don't think it will be. I mean Value just dropped bitcoin from steam because of the $20 transactions and it's crazy spike in worth.

>> No.4881454

You can book a trip on expedia, rent a car, get a sensual massage in Hong Kong all with bitcoins. The blackmarket needs a better currency than cash...it's too easy to watch.

>> No.4881456

Why in the fuck would u do that? Bitcoin is almost no better than fiat. Keep your metals

>> No.4881457

>tulips: perishable
>bitcoin: many are already burned

>> No.4881458

I don't care because I know if I had bought them at a dollar I would have spent them all on heroin and psychedelics before they ever had a chance to hit 200 dollars.

>> No.4881459

Then don't fucking lose it retard, write it on a note and keep it in a safe deposit box at the bank if you're so worried about yourself being such a massive autist you'll forget your fucking pin number

>> No.4881460

>Can someone explain what the point of crypto currencies is?

Illegal transactions, drugs and money laundering on the one hand

The hope for universal currency not controlled by the US, the EU or China on the other hand.

I can get behind the idea of a universal currency, but Bitcoin isn’t it. Ethereum isn’t it either. Bitcoin cash isn’t it either. etc.

Transaction fees need to be extremely small, global verification electricity usage moderate, transactiom verification needs to be 5 secs max and no unconfirmed transaction queue etc.

Bitcoin fails at every single requirement for a global currency with the exception of the two characteristics of every crypto: limited supply and decentralized control.

>> No.4881461

its just a hype, like Pokemon Go. Just imagine for a second if PG artificially capped limits on its wild poke appearances and allowed pokes to be traded online.
Pretty soon a pikachu would be selling for $12k a pop and then people realise these digital pixels are worth fuckshit and the whole thing crashes.

>> No.4881462

>ecnomies are doing too good for the jews
>jews make a grand scheme to kill all economies and make more money
>jews make bitcoin an electronic currency noone believes it at first sounds like a ponzi scheme
>jews over hype it bunch of paid possible actors and fucking nerds say bitcoin is the future
>bitcoin goes up and down like a roller coaster jews wait till goys make it go up and then sell a huge percent of the market everyone loses there money besides the jews and rich dogs
>b-b-b-b-but its gaining value your a hyporcite
your falling for a ponzi scheme the jews sell then buy the dip over and over again, you fueled the endless fire to kill our economies.

>> No.4881463

>You cannot buy a single chewing gum with bitcoin.
Wanna bet? There is a chewing gum to bitcoin exchange rate somewhere...like Romania...
>Chewing gum has been stolen regularly from British supermarkets. It is being used as currency in Romania.

>> No.4881464

Even if there weren't transaction fees a deflation currency is a terrrrrrible idea.

>> No.4881465

Frees you from the forced inflationary pressure of the federal reserve. They have been printing money for the past 8 years at an unprecedented rate, and people really don't understand the implications. Every asset is now a bubble

>> No.4881466

>chewing gum to bitcoin exchange rate somewhere
You get a medal in Special Olympics, son.

>> No.4881467
File: 135 KB, 1024x512, 94DDA40C-98B5-418C-8D31-6FBF20EFE986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? We have no data whatsoever how much smart money and how much dumb money is in Bitcoins.

We only know of the problems there are and the companies dropping legal transactio support for Bitcoins and the dark net markets switching over to alternative cryptos.

But you may want to continue to ignore these undeniable facts and just buy, despite knowing that alternative cryptos are just better cryptocurrencies technologically than Bitcoins.

>> No.4881468

Can u say bubble

>> No.4881469

Who do you think bought (and is buying) all these bitcoins? Haven't you wondered what's making the price climb so artificially?

>> No.4881470

>bitcoin goes up and down like a roller coaster
I wish I could drink a beer that made me as fucking outside reality as you exist for a few minutes.

>> No.4881471

I dont like bitcoin, I just think it will go to the moon and the money printing by FED and ECB will be behind it on the way there, followed by a major bust and recession.
Tell me your top 5 shitcoins/altcoins, I am a nocoiner faggot.

>> No.4881472
File: 70 KB, 581x510, FBFA3B58-1C1D-44D2-ABEB-754DEB5E16C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, look at pic related. If dumb money isn’t flowing into Bitcoins, then I really wonder why there even are alternative cryptos.

>> No.4881473

Don't kill the messenger, I' thinking there is a bitcoin to Tide detergent exchange rate too. I know the big bottle is worth five dorra or a 10 dorra crack rock. Tide's the shit yo.

>> No.4881474

Any asset you can buy through your bank you can buy with BTC
>Any kind of financing

>> No.4881475

None of those shitcoins have the 10 year record of security and name recognition Bitcoin does. Brand and faith matter to people. I won't be surprised when some of them start seeing greater adoption, but don't expect any of them to kill off Bitcoin any time soon.

I'm not some faggot gum chewer. If you're implying I can't spend Bitcoin anywhere, you have to know that's bullshit.


Are you really dumb enough to equate burnt coins are the same as perishable organic flowers? The bitcoin still exists, it just isn't accessible. Some were locked away on purpose, some are lost due to incompetence. If you aren't retarded and secure your private key properly, your bitcoin doesn't decompose.

>> No.4881476


>> No.4881477

Dude its fucking hard to get your hands on monero, fucking crypto-kike sellers on bittrex want ~%35 pure profit for their monero

>> No.4881478

It's not that it's a deflation currency. Everything is based on population growth. It has simply thrown away monetary policy. It prevents it. And instead of monetary policy It has a processing power related supply. Odd but interesting. It mimics precious metals, i guess. Sudden changes in tech will lead to upheavals. Right now it's just a weird hype move.

A friend gave me 30btc to settle a $7 debt a long time ago. I laughed. He showed me that 30 was totally 19bucks. I kept it on a thumb drive. Long fucking gone. I missed out but this insanity is interesting. If i had it i woulda sold at 500 or 1300 or 6000 anyway.

>> No.4881479

It's going up too fast. It's good only for those who have them or mining them or speculating by them.

>> No.4881480

it's a way to have your money outside the banking system and not have to hoard cash. can cross boarders and transact with paying exchange to change currencies. it is also deflationary, meaning this is the US dollar crashing rather than bitcoin going up.

>> No.4881481

>>if you forget your wallet pin number there is no way to get another pin number....you lose everything

Welcome to personal accountability where you rely on keeping track of your own personal belongings instead of requiring a third party to hold your hand.

>> No.4881482

>, fiat currency HAS been backed by everyone of those things since inception...

sorry, i stopped reading here

>> No.4881483

Peter Thiel and the Winklevoss twins have bought a shitton. They are the whales.

>> No.4881484
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>> No.4881485
File: 156 KB, 720x1280, photo_2017-12-08_00-08-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin will die because the transaction fees are too high

why not get DigiByte?

>> No.4881486

Fine. I have been into cryptocurrencies ever since I read about them in 2010. I made quite some money in it. You may believe Bitcoin goes to the Moon, I believe it is literally worthless because of technological redundancy.

As to my top “shitcoins/altcoins”, I do not like any of them. Some are 10 times better technological than Bitcoins like ethereum or are just better a few times in one aspect (Bitcoin Cash) etc., but none are sustainable long term.

We haven’t actually seen the true crypto which will be the global prime crypto for use by everyone, But I am certain this crypto will emerge at some point.

>> No.4881487

Rothschild are already stakeholders.


>> No.4881488

I ripped people off for a few grand selling Dogecoin on Ebay. I was selling 1,000,000 MILLIDOGE = 1K Doge. I stated it as fact 7 times in the ad that they were getting 1K Doge, and picture showed 1K but still they bought it. Paypal called me on my landline to tell me knock it off, but they paid the $2,400 first. Reddit had a whiny post about it :D

>> No.4881489

Thats fake no one would put that sign up it's self evident. If they DID accept however...then the sign makes sense. Im thinking that's shooped.

>> No.4881490

Fucking Thiel. In on all the hot shit.

>> No.4881491

A currency that can't buy anything anywhere...?

>> No.4881492

>Brand and faith matter to people.

That is what they said about GM, about PanAm, about pocket calculators, about Yahoo, about MySpace etc.

Bitcoins are technologically inferior. That would not matter if Bitcoins were working properly, but they aren’t. You really think Valve dropping bitcoin transactions isn’t a sign even normies should understand?

>> No.4881493

>A currency that can't buy anything anywhere...?
Are you not paying attention? You can get anything, there is a copany that will order you a pizza, you pay them in bitcoin and tell them where you areand they send you a pizza. You can literally get ANYTHING. I bought a cat.

>> No.4881494

>money itself is an investment
>he doesn’t game exchange rates
Lol, enjoy being poor

>> No.4881495

This seems good to me. Governments competing to control means none of them have control.

>> No.4881496
File: 3.91 MB, 270x263, Any Day Now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations. You've graduated to kikedom. KYS.

>> No.4881497

1. don't buy in if u don't know what ur fucking doing
2. it probably hasn't peaked. but that's because normies are rushing to buy bitcoin..

3. the only way ur gunna make decent money off bitcoin is buying in dips and selling in spikes.. that's the only way.. and that takes skill and practice which u probably don't have

>> No.4881498

Bitcoins as payment for normal things is being dropped everywhere due to high transaction fees.

>> No.4881499

>because of technological redundancy.

Apple has sold technologically inferior phones for years at jacked up prices. People recognize the brand, so they buy.

>> No.4881500
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1...2...3....ahAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHA cash is king

>> No.4881501

I agree.

>> No.4881502

Until better crypto technology comes along, which there already currently is

>> No.4881503

What alternative currency do you recommend? I haven't bothered with bitcoin because besides looking like a bubble the transaction takes way to long to be useful.

>> No.4881504

This. As to why Blockstream/Core refuse to increase the blocksize, this provides a possible explanation:

>> No.4881505
File: 49 KB, 660x371, MW-ES193_thiel0_ZQ_20160721214219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how you know shit will go to the moon. Them fucking make it. All these people with broad money will be able to move it into cryptocoin to liquidate easily.

>> No.4881506

Monero is a good coin.
There is also Bitcoin Cash, but this one is risky and is basically aiming to restore Bitcoin's functionality. If Blockstream ever get booted from Bitcoin Core Development, BCH will likely be unnecessary as Bitcoin will probably then be 'allowed' to scale.

>> No.4881507

Whoever didn't sell by now is an idiot. You gotta lock in those gains, you can't expect to hit the absolute peak.

t. in@4k, out@ 14k, first time playing

>> No.4881508

around the middle of the year I had 1k eur to invest aside from my savings and I had a choice - bitcoin or a minor project on the side.
I chose the project and so far ive made 50 % of my money back and the shit I bought has increased in value by 300 %. If I bought bitcoin I would have made more.
The other side of this is that the project brought me 2 days of worry and months of joy as I was developing it and learning. The bitcoin would have given me sleepless nights and a heart attack.

>> No.4881509

>comparing the west to Zimbabwe

I know Sweden is mostly african but the rest of the west is a majority white so we don't have to worry about 60 IQ nigger leaders mass printing currency to the point of 11.2 million percent inflation.

>> No.4881510

Doesn't really matter if Bitcoin is used for holding and cheaper coins are used for small transactions. BTC will still be held as the standard.

>> No.4881511

>Bitcoins as payment for normal things is being dropped everywhere due to high transaction fees.

>Doesn't know about lightning network.


Instantaneous transactions, nearly free. Passed 75/75 integration tests yesterday.

>> No.4881512

This, also keep an eye on Iota, but personally not sure if their protocol is spam resistant.

>> No.4881513

It won't be like they've told you it'll be. And their intention is to force it on you. Welcome to Jewish Banking 2.0.

>> No.4881514

I bought a painting worth 1K 35 years ago. It's now worth 1.5 million. I can't do anything with it. It's a store of value. Just... Like... Bitcoin... And no one is denying Sotheby's are they. Bitcoin is no different. Actually once mom and pop business it will be more like buying and selling a percentage of a piece of art. Bitcoin, Ripple and Ethereum are legitimate.

>> No.4881515

If you had invested into the Aumann IPO at the beginning of the year, you would also have made 200 percent return.

“would have”, “could have”. As I said, ai have made quite some money in cryptos, from Bitcoins, Litecoins, ethereum etc. And I still tell you, in my view the technological characterists of Bitcoin means it is not the way forward and isn’t worth anything. It is literally worth as much as MySpace (which was worth billions just 10yrs ago).

Cryptos are the future of currency, but as with any technological advancement, if it is possible to build a better mousetrap, that will be built and it will replace the old ones.

>> No.4881516

wah, like you need the bitcoin in light of unprecedented bubbles all over the place - bond market is ath like 5k years ath, reserve currency needs replacement, ss all over the western world insolvent and brown people ain't gonna fix it, longest expansion in history in S&P on nothing but cheap money, everything and anything levitates in twilight zone devoid of any foundations, pure financialisation,
>but I'ma gonna make predictions pulling numbers out of my ass

>> No.4881517

You don’t know much about how the Bitcoin blockchain works, do you?

You can build whatever network on top of it like you want, the fundamentals of the Bitcoin blockchain are not changeable. You can do forks, but again, this isn’t changing the original chain.

>> No.4881518

why did bit coin people become so insecure and start spamming these threads ever since major companies announced they would be dropping bitcoin such as Steam?

>> No.4881519

crypto is just another outlet for the insane money printing, feel free to kys

>> No.4881520

they want neets to give away their real tangible neetbux for internet e-shekels, the way these people prey on peoples desperate feelings makes me want to find every "coiner" and murder them all in broad daylight

>> No.4881521

>major companies

>> No.4881522

>You really think Valve dropping bitcoin transactions isn’t a sign even normies should understand?

>“We may re-evaluate whether Bitcoin makes sense for us and for the Steam community at a later date.” - Valve

Bitcoin is going through an adaptation phase as the network grows rapidly. It makes sense that vendors are having trouble accepting it with the volatility we're seeing. Once we hit the top of the S curve, we'll find more stability. Also, most of the fees Valve was incurring was from the exchange channel they were using.

>You can build whatever network on top of it like you want, the fundamentals of the Bitcoin blockchain are not changeable.

Who said the fundamentals were changeable? The fact is, people are going to be using lightning to transact off chain, which will take load off of the chain, reducing fees on chain.

>> No.4881523

Seeing /pol/ normies talking of BTC means we the bubble is coming, my stop loss and shorts are ready.

>> No.4881524

Because ripping off retards is a bad thing

>> No.4881525
File: 102 KB, 1280x1154, 1507320696716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After being overtaken by crypto, /biz/ is now spilling over in to other boards.

>> No.4881526

How's it outside the banking system though.. do you mean anonymous? Cause I'm trying to sign up for one of the many coin wallets and it's asking for a scan of my passport and a bank statement with my address. Maybe you can meet in person and trade coins for cash (lol) but you're always connected to the System in some way

>> No.4881527

It will be 17-22K $ when the CBOE starts trading paper coins (not really there)

>> No.4881528

i disagree, i think a deflationary currency is a great idea.

>> No.4881529
File: 31 KB, 1161x456, OVERTHECLIFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else getting comfy?

>> No.4881530
File: 991 KB, 233x369, 1510482581752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting in the smartest thread up on /pol/

>> No.4881531

I'd freak out there. that double bottom from the high 15,000ish level didn't hold worth a shit.
Bit coin really really needs to consolidate.

>> No.4881532

>have sex

>> No.4881533
File: 56 KB, 956x978, 1jpwx76h8l3z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forget pic

>> No.4881534

>paper profits
Their not real profits bro, bet you aren't even pyramiding.

>> No.4881535

Currency can be exchanged for goods.Thats not really the case with bitcoin. Bitcoin IS gambling on a commodity that has a value, just a new resource that may not even exist in 10 years..

>> No.4881536

How many larger companies accept bit coin?

>> No.4881537

bit coin exists to offer a stable currency to the markets. Is it stable? If not, then how long before the crash?


>> No.4881538

that picture always reminds me of the jean luc picard song

>> No.4881539

someone give me or link me a quick rundown on how to start investing in crypto

>> No.4881540

Not so much due to fluctuations as the transaction cost. If transactioncost was like 0.10$ fluctuations could be corrected for. But they're not. They're about 20$

>> No.4881541

Very few leaf. At present, it has very little viability as a currency that can actually be used and is acting more as a "store of value".
I'd like to point out that this was not the original intention of Bitcoin - Satoshi's whitepaper intended it as a P2P currency that would scale as necessary but, in 2014, Blockstream started taking over development and muscling out the original developers (revoking their commit access).
Gregory Maxwell, Blockstream CTO and defacto leader of Bitcoin's development, refuses to increase the blocksize because apparently most people's internet cannot handle > 1MB every ten minutes (apparently most people are still on 56K) and increasing the blocksize would then lead to centralization.
Nevermind that Blockstream's solution to scaling (The Lightning Network - which isn't a bad thing in and of itself, but shouldn't be forced onto users through a ridiculous on-chain fee structure) cannot actually function in a decentralized manner as touted, but requires hubs of capital to operate, representing a structure similar to the banking system we have today.

This isn't a slag on Bitcoin's fundamentals. Bitcoin was a genuinely revolutionary currency in its inception. And Bitcoin is still preferable to conventional fiat because it cannot be inflated at whim. But, like most things that threaten (((them))), they co-opt and turn it into controlled opposition.

>> No.4881542

It's not necessary for a business to accept bitcoin. You can use bitcoin debit cards that operate on the VISA network and simply convert to USD at the moment of transaction.

>> No.4881543

>go on Coinbase
>buy BTC
>move them to Bittrex
>exchange them against Bitbeans
>wait 2 years
>good job, now you are a millionaire

>> No.4881544
File: 41 KB, 637x307, 2-andresen-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct:
>Not so much due to fluctuations as the transaction cost.
Bitcoin currently has around 220,000 unconfirmed transactions and the average transaction fee is around $10USD.

>> No.4881545


>> No.4881546

but just 12 hours ago shills were all "LE BUBBLE BORSTED" and "PONZI BTFO" what happened?

>> No.4881547
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It's all part of the usual cycle

>> No.4881548

> supports drug trading, tax evasions or money laundering
as if people don't use any countries currency for those things, and don't try to hide their gains and avoid taxes already
seriously, you can't be this retarded, boy

>> No.4881549

duh, you sell it to someone when you want to cash it out. stop being retards please

>> No.4881550

Market manipulation. Whales cause a panic, sell, price lowers and trends downwards, whales buy up while cheap, repeat.
This is a regular occurrence.

>> No.4881551
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Quick rundown on bitcoin for brainlets:

1. crypocurrency used to buy drugs.
2. people think it can be used for other things.
3. you can buy tacos with it.
4. there's a few atm's for bitcoin.
5. initial normie surge, price jumps to £600.

6. "the goyim want to compete against the dollar!"
7. *hearty jew laugh*
8. "why don't we invest?"
9. "let's buy a huge percentage of the total bitcoin and sit on it"
10. "the goyim will buy more shekels...i mean...coins.. and we get the profits!"


13. bitcoin hits 17k
14. jews pull out en masse.
15. goyims were baited into a trap and it worked.
16. can't even pull out because coinbase are jews and stop the graphs when it starts to fall, and probably hinders selling to some degree.

get ready for a few months of it getting to 17k, tanking, recovering (but less) getting to 16k, tanking, and that'll repeat a few times until people pull out and realise that this is the biggest fucking ponzi scheme in 2017.

>> No.4881552

It's not deflationary. You're just used to fiat who's currency supply is ever-exploding. Bitcoin expands more slowly.

Btw you like how electronics get more powerful and cheaper? That's deflationary.

>> No.4881553

Then why do people even care that Steam dumped Bitcoin, or were even using Bitcoin in the first place if the fees have begun to cost more than the bitcoins value?

>> No.4881554
File: 175 KB, 1920x1079, nocoiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you read one Reuters article on bitcoin

>> No.4881555

Correct. If you don't have a sell signal for Bitcoin right now you're a moron. When my normie gf shows up watching a BuzzFeed video on bitcoin, it's time to quietly exit.

>> No.4881556

Because it's price is reliably growing.
By holding your money in BTC it's value is constantly going up, which more then makes up for the transaction fees.
Nobody gives a fuck about steam.

>> No.4881557

This defeats the purpose of Bitcoin.
The idea of Bitcoin was to ESCAPE the infinitely inflating fiats. If you're wondering why this point is important, you should go read Ellen Brown's Web Of Debt or watch a documentary on how conventional banking actually works.
Also, I wonder who owns those banks and why the other book touted along with Mein Kampf in WWII was titled "Breaking the Interest Slavery".

>> No.4881558

>This defeats the purpose of Bitcoin.
Quite the opposite, it's a temporary measure that serves as a gateway to it's wider acceptance. That said, I don't believe BTC will replace fiat. Some blockchain-based crypto eventually will, but it almost certainly won't be bitcoin.

>> No.4881559

Fiat's money supply is balanced by it's necessity so as to not have deflation that drives illogical HODL. No mechanism for BTC, major fuckup. The banks do a great job of balancing fiat as the monetary supply in a functional economy should vary according to purchasing and production power.
Electronics are not a good comparison as they do become obsolete at some point (basic inflation), and they have other uses that transcend their commercialization.

>> No.4881560

Jews invented bitcoin. It was a jewish plot from day one.

/pol/ is retarded and thinks that a public ledger with anonymous ownership is anathema to the financial elites- but in fact this is the very system that they have been trying to implement since the invention of fractional reserve banking, a currency that exists purely in the realm of software, where there are theoretically no limits on how it can be abused.

>> No.4881561

5.5k now

>> No.4881562


This. A girl I used to hang out with a screw years ago texted me out of the blue today to say "hey man, are you getting on the bitcoin train?? seems like right up your alley, I'm putting some money into it"

I laughed and said no, but watching the show is entertaining at least. The normies are all piling in and the exit doors will close soon so the sheep can get sheared.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

>> No.4881563

>a currency that exists purely in the realm of software, where there are theoretically no limits on how it can be abused.
Except that same public ledger is what prevents it from being abused.
You can't just type in a number and create magic money out of nothing, as can be done with fiat.

>> No.4881564

Oh my sweet summer child. If you think that fraction reserve banking is the only form of financial abuse, you clearly have much more to learn about jewish tricks. I merely used FRB as an example. Your precious public ledger is meaningless in preventing abuse if the accounts themselves are anonymous.

>> No.4881565

>Jews invented bitcoin. It was a jewish plot from day one.
That's bullshit. Read the Whitepaper and look at what's happened to Bitcoin since then.
Bitcoin's being tailored so that it's beneficial to them, but it was co-opted out of necessity to protect their conventional forms of fiat. Had it followed its original roadmap, it would've been kike-cryptonite. Could not inflate, could not control.
They've had to cripple its utility to destroy it.

>> No.4881566

>cancelled my credit card
so you're expecting from the bank to cover your ass? Buy bitcoin with money you own

>> No.4881567

Fiat cannot be made/unmade without consequences on the market. It's the balancing mechanism of today. Crypto has no mechanism of balancing, hence the Ponzi. Bank also impose strict laws regarding frauds and theft, executed by authorities. With crypto you can have market manipulations, frauds and theft and none does anything about it.

>> No.4881568

>Your precious public ledger is meaningless in preventing abuse if the accounts themselves are anonymous.
No, because it ensures that money cannot be created out of nowhere by the financial institutions who run the system.
Even if you don't know who owns an account, you do know that any money on it has either been transferred there from another account, or has been mined, which is an energy intensive process.

>> No.4881569
File: 76 KB, 606x530, 1509260627609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People mentioning Steam
How fucking cucked can you be? What excuse do you have for paying for digitally distributed games?

>> No.4881591


No its not
its utterly slow

>> No.4881600

$31 fee and 6 hour tx time. Shit needs to be fixed.

>> No.4881615

Most physical copies just give you a link to download the game.

>he cant afford to buy games on steam
Lmao poorfag

>> No.4881636

So he's the one who bought at 19K

>> No.4881856

can confirm, normie af fuck here, just bought bitcoin

it's crashing today boys

>> No.4881899

enjoying your $160.000 pizza?

>> No.4881906

I just wanna say you're a retard democracy isn't a game of uno, we don't take turns

>> No.4881944

People who think Bitcoin is the future currency should try paying with it for once before saying somelike like that.

Even shitcoins like XVG are 100 times better than Bitcoin as forms of payment.

>> No.4882096

Are you retarded?

>> No.4882243

biz_classic will die, jarunik is king. Moonman just blood poo

>> No.4882321

>this new thing is not as good as an established thing thats had decades to be perfected.

You could work for CNN with breaking news like that.

>> No.4882341

Can someone please make it stop bleeding

>> No.4882354
File: 724 KB, 1280x544, 155f75fc647477200c99460a34a9e9f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the plan lads.

Next week when cash settled futures trading on bittcoin starts our team will begin to load on up on shorts. I'm talking 11 figures.
Then we will flood the network with microtrades. Right now we have enough wallets in our automated system to do thousands per second.
This will DDoS the network to death.
People will panic and try to sell. But they can't. The price will fall into black hole and our cash settled futures will pay off very handsomely.

>> No.4882363

GDAX headed sub 15K

>> No.4882370

>It won't be the future of currency
>Just look at the demand for transactions!
Fucking dipshit.

>> No.4882394

>tfw forgot about 0.07 butcoin you had until today
Feels good bros. Just in time for my trip to vegas.

>> No.4882402


>> No.4882486
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>> No.4883343

>how do i get a loan
