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4870467 No.4870467 [Reply] [Original]

if i had 100 bitcoins how would I go about cashing it out=?

>> No.4870468

same way you have sex with imaginary gf

>> No.4870469

>Go on newegg
>Buy 100 bitcoins worth of products
>Pawn the products for cash

I recommend buying iPhones since they hold their value well

>> No.4870470

Make a Coinbase account, transfer there and then sell.

But if you really had 100 BTC you wouldn't be asking.

>> No.4870471

you can't goy

>> No.4870472

Invest it to a safe investment, like a gold or a property.

>> No.4870473

dont banks accept bitcoins in your country?

there are atleast 4 banks and some apps that accept btc to real money
dont you have something like western union or something?

>> No.4870474

>buying metals
>>>/biz/ off with you

>> No.4870475

Break it up into 75BTC in some normal currency or metal. Something stable that won't fuck you. Put some in savings pay off some shit, etc.
Take the remaining 25BTC. Cash in 15 into savings regardless of the above.
Use remaining 10BTC for whatever the fuck you feel like for a month. Buy a 3d printer and some tools to smooth the models, make molds and sell dildos as a small startup.
Shouldn't be too costly to operate a webshop or lean 3d modelling

>> No.4870476


If you don't report all transactions and value gained or lost from any trading ever, and pay the 15% fee along with a finely detailed tax form come tax season including like-kind conversions, volatility changes and the specific amounts bought or sold, on every transaction, you are probably fucked.
>withdraw lotsa money to your bank after your crypto moons
>bank has no idea where this came from, and sends a silent alert to the IRS that you're doing weird shit
>you didn't report to your bank that you are withdrawing gains from crypto trading, and have no transaction history
>IRS is VERY interested in where your money came from
One of two things will occur
>you'll pull those tax forms out of your ass and pray to God they're perfect with no sloppy math or work
>you will go to jail for either money laundering (felony) or tax evasion (also bad)

You DO have detailed transacting and holding records along with a continually updated tax form for fur crypto.. right, anon? I sure hope you aren't going to commit felonies just to be able to tell the federal government you hate them.
This doesn't apply to non-US countries and Utah.

>> No.4870516

>getfucked by the irs
sell them to organized crime syndicates irl

>> No.4870565

Welp... looks like we've arrived at this point again. Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it. You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat. All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank? Those are scams, the deposit never goes through. All those people saying it isn't a scam? They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

>> No.4870595

Why not Utah?

>> No.4870632

Depends, do you want to cash out 100 at once? Or just live off them.
You could reach out to various sites that sell it and become a broker for their sales, you could google bitcoin ATM near me and go take out the max from there daily.
Sell local bitcoins website and to friends.
You have lots of options.

>> No.4870666
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>> No.4870684


You dum a fuk m8.
There's several ways to cash out. Even big buys you can find someone to take it off your hands.

>> No.4870732

Invest in film in a state with Tax Credits to help minimize taxes.

Louisiana and Georgia are good states.

t. Film Producer who is looking into Tax Laws

>> No.4870751

Oh yeah this is mine for tip,
If you can come to my province there's 6 btc ATM in 2 blocks. They have a max daily withdraw of 2900 cad without putting in any info.

Take it back to where your from and claim it as gambling proceeds.

>> No.4870765

wtf is wrong with your head

you are too dense to use the internet but come here to write horseshit like that

>> No.4870943

holy shit the amount of legal activity discussed in this thread

>> No.4871111

Not enough anons know about how deep you get into it when you start trading crypto. I'm just trying to keep people out of jail

>> No.4871139

I can't quite remember which state, but either Utah or Arizona is exempt from crypto taxes via state legislature

>> No.4871143


>> No.4871280
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send here and I will take care of it for you


>> No.4872151
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