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4868835 No.4868835 [Reply] [Original]

whens next financial crisis bomb ?

>> No.4868857

basal III january 1st 2018

>> No.4868860

about 3 months or so. bitcoin will cause it

>> No.4868950
File: 435 KB, 795x1022, smokepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think that sign is still out there somewhere? Does anyone own that?
Fucking rare collectible, I'd pay $5k for it

>> No.4869456


any good sauces out there for a good sit back read??

>> No.4869607

who owns the lehman brothers sign now?

>> No.4869869

basal is going to constrict the economy through changing banks liquidity, capital and leverage requirements purposefully crashing economy
bankers will be blamed and there will be calls for financial overhaul

bitcoin will crash hailed as biggest bubble of all time, government will say blockchain technology can help above banking problems but we need a regulated crypto to avoid bitcoin bubble again

xrp will moon

US dollar will be pegged to xrp at a rate that devalues it against gold by 50x

>> No.4869913

wait wtf, why has it taken so long for this shit to be implemented? i guess most banks already satisfy the capital requirements anyway

>> No.4869977

basal II was what caused the 2008 mortgage crisis as they forced banks to hold more mortgage back securities than a free market would've allowed. The banks were fully aware of the real value of the securities and that's why they shorted themselves.

the thing is everyone is lead to believe that its wall street bankers that are responsible for financial crashes, when it is really the imf and bis purposely engineering crashes so they can inflate the currency and keep us working

>> No.4870049

Starts on Monday when institutions trading BTC futures on the CME short the fuck out of it.

>> No.4870052

Why jan 1st? how do we make money off it?

>> No.4870198

Am also interested in next financial crash so bump

>> No.4870357
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because they were waiting for the blockchain technology to be ready

the most fucked up thing is all of this inflation is necessary to stop 1/3 of the worlds population from dying. If you were head of the bis you would be doing the same evil shit. If it doesn't work we'll see WWIII.

pic related
do not have any debt. You will never pay off debt if you have it when this shit goes off
measure your portfolio in gold ounces to know the real price of things over time. Gold is the value datum of teh universe
we're talking about the end of individualism, ownership and capitalism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_21
universal income, global warming, driverless cars, the sharing economy all that shit is the final blow to your god given right to individual sovereignty and ownership. The people who do not own precious metal and real assets without debt in the next financial crisis will never own anything.

buy precious metals but they may become illegal for like a decade
buy xrp but never think it is decentralised money. XRP is going to programmable to stop you buying certain things etc

>> No.4870411

Probably worth more than that if they auctioned it; one of the most famous photos of 2008

>> No.4870457

They owned themselves. But really, the nips own them now

>> No.4870518
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I'm not going to argue with your minor points, but just a quick redpill: democracy is soft communism and liberalism (and I mean classical liberalism) was a mistake. The world will eventually be governed as a privately owned enterprise, either materialistically as a capitalist corporation or as a more spiritually/kinship oriented monarchy. There is a basic contradiction between the idea of the capitalist entrepreneur and the collectively-managed state. Capitalism/monarchism will win out over communism/democracy/egalitarianism.

>> No.4870711

isn't inflation good for debtors? pay it off with cheaper dollars.

>> No.4870717

I completely agree but we'll have to go through WWIII before such a system can be established the world population has been overgrown on the back of keynesian economics. The Bilderberg group is trying to avoid WWIII at all costs even if it requires making every human on earth a permanent debt slave

>> No.4870762

debt is best measured in hours of work. if you have debt when this happens the hours of work you will need to pay it off will increase past a normal human lifespan

>> No.4870998

So wages will go down? But for professionals whose wages rise with inflation they should be hunkey dorey no?

>> No.4871114

no ones wages rise with inflation. in 1913 the average salary was $3000usd and the price of gold was $20 an ounce that means the average salary was 150 ounces or around 200k usd today.

>> No.4871159

>tfw bitcoin is the world currency

im scared

>> No.4871199

I have never heard someone talk so much out their arse in my life. You think you are red pilled but really you're just an idiot.

>> No.4871261

I really am curious what it would do to btc.
The desperate search for yield is most likely the main reason any real investor is putting money into it right now.
When yields go real negative not the current negative when accounting for inflation, I could only imagine the stampede into btc for the yield regardless of the volatility.

>> No.4871266

Makes sense. What did you mean above when you said gold is the datum of the universe?

>> No.4871428

value is always determined by relative exchange rates i.e the price of something is always in something else. A datum is something that does not change relative to everything else. Gold is the value datum because every other material changes relative to it. It is chemically inert and its supply is constant across the universe because it is created by colliding neutron stars.

This is the reason gold develops as money in all civilizations independently. It is the only way to price something through time because it is does not change with time

>> No.4871572

It's not inflation you have to really worry about.
It's deflation.
If the cost of all assets goes down due to affordability, oversupply, or what have you.
Then you owe 200k on a 50k house and whatever other assets you have and you will get pay cuts and layoffs across the board leading to even more problems.
This is why the fed and other CBs are printing more and more.
They know all their assets are on the way down the shitter and are trying to protect them at these nosebleed levels.
As you should know, currencies are all about confidence.
This is why the play all the accounting games and schemes to distract from the fact they are just printing money.

>> No.4871593

That makes sense, doesn't it also apply to silver and land?

>> No.4871611
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nice delusion

>> No.4871636
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>basal II was what caused the 2008 mortgage crisis as they forced banks to hold more mortgage back securities than a free market would've allowed

oh come on. snek flag please go

>> No.4871648

he is taking snippets of facts and then pouring shit all over them.
Don't listen to this idiot.

>> No.4871702

less so because silvers supply is much less constant than gold and silver is not as chemically inert, but it is second to gold.
the cost of land is dependent on many things and pricing things in land would be ridiculous

>> No.4871722

Got it, inverse biz is in play here.

>> No.4871759

there would never have been a housing bubble if banks weren't forced to hold a high percentage of housing assets

forced capital requirements are a way of reducing debt to gdp ratios https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_repression

>> No.4871841

So what happens when the average person realizes this? Seems like a guaranteed revolt to me.

>> No.4871964

You've got to be kidding me, these trades especially the early ones will be hedged.

>> No.4872028
File: 24 KB, 512x288, ford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one will realise because they will think they are getting a good deal when the dollar is pegged to a crypto currency

say trump right now said fuck the bankers every usd is redeemable by 0.000003311022 satoshi he would have instantly revalued the dollar against gold by 50x while everyone believed their money was now free from evil bankers. This is exactly what happened in the 30s when the government bought all the gold at market price and then inflated the dollar

>> No.4872132


> doesn't talk about xmr

Week lad you're no where close to red pilled.

>> No.4872229

redpill me then

>> No.4872846

Without researching, that sounds reasonable. Were there people calling bullshit back then? I would think there were. What happens when those people have a global platform, like the internet, to voice their concerns? I think that was a part of what got Trump elected in the first place, and might work against him in this situation.

>> No.4873127

anyone that knew about it knew they would immediately become wealthier than anyone holding their wealth in us dollars

other currency resets:

>> No.4873370

Thank you for the info, but I need to go to bed. I'll read these and form my own opinion tomorrow. Thanks for the opinion and potentially good guidance. Maybe I'll make my own post if I think you're just a regular biz faggot, but you seem sincere. Perhaps I'll be selling my crypto/stocks and buying gold tomorrow. Time will move on either way.

>> No.4873540


all good bro

>> No.4873571


>> No.4873966

I'll tell you exactly what's going to happen:

>market realises it's overbought, bull run has gone too long without fundamentals backing it.
>everyone rushes for the exit.
>government goes on another round of money printing/issuing debt
>government debt continues ballooning
>continued money printing leads to higher and higher inflation
>faith in global reserve currencies becomes lower and lower
>markets look for inflation hedge/safe havens
>BTC and gold/silver are bought like crazy
>money begins to pour into BTC as the stock market has lost confidence, and government bond rates continue to go higher and higher with no end in sight.
>BTC quickly overtakes the Euro and Dollar as global reserve currency
>cost of crude/copper/corn/etc now measured in satoshis
>fiat currency BTFO eternally as the government pays back their insane level of debt with freshly printed bills
>global currency returns to the gold standard, only this time, it's measured in BTC and the vault is the blockchain - auditable by all.
>blockchain saves the world from the 'fiat experiment' as it comes to be known in finance textbooks.


oh, and if you want some 'test cases' - take a look at Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

>> No.4873999

government debts around the world

ain't gonna be no bailouts probably at least 20 years away they'll try massive devaluations or inflation first

>> No.4874122
File: 40 KB, 163x225, 1428329466635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs and trips
hyperinflation confirmed.

>> No.4874285

lol how do you think economics works buddy?