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File: 23 KB, 200x200, litecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4867656 No.4867656 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to buy 5k of Litecoin simply because it's on Normiebase and it's marketing and perception will lead it to at least 200.

>> No.4867692

I bought about 900 worth, honestly it's been dancing around 100 so long it's gotta budge soon

>> No.4867749

Budge downwards it will. it was $2/coin back in march.

>> No.4867868

it's very low right now vs BTC

thinking of buying some myself but it seems to be maintaining that $100 value

>> No.4867917

Why does Litecoin seem to grow alongside BTC while others fluctuate more?

>> No.4867980

it was an early mover and has a cap of 4x bitcoins supply and historically has maintained a range mostly within 0.01 - 0.02

>> No.4868013

It may go up a bit once everyone stops dumping it for btc

>> No.4868027
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>>Bought one at 127 CAD
>>now its 116 CAD

Please tell me next year it will moon.

>> No.4868128

Wait a few weeks for BTC to crash. It's still profitable to invest into bitcoin.

>> No.4868164

i bought it on that basis, after a normie friend was bragging to me about how he owned one whole litecoin. hasn't done shit since i bought it

>> No.4868189

I'm not buying bitcoin at these prices and unlike other people I want to be level with the IRS so short term capital gains tax is thing I consider for trades.

>> No.4868215

wow never knew a hundredaire like your friend

>> No.4868255

digits say yes

>> No.4868446

i bought 500 last night, made over $600 scalping them on the small swings. Pretty sure I'm gonna hold for the btc:ltc ratio correction.

>> No.4868499

>digits AND green ID
screencap this

>> No.4868599

retard detected

It wont moon but will creep up slowly as BTC cools down

>> No.4868883

Let me redpill you guys on this coin.

1) TA: Litecoin is one of the first altcoins. As bitcoin grows, the massive gains of early bitcoin adopters flow into litecoin. Just look at the fucking chart and accept this fact. The ratio consistency is beautiful compared to any other coin.

2) FA: When lightning network kicks in you will see the true realization of litecoin = silver, bitcoin = gold. these two will be atomic swapping like a motherfucker to realize satoshi's true vision.

>> No.4868989

You dont know jack shit about TA if you think this coin isnt going to 76$ before starting the next leg

>> No.4869187
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>he doesnt support my opinion that a coin that was $3 in January went to $50 and back to $3 then to $100 will continue on its upward trend
>he must be retarded
fuking normies

>> No.4869275
File: 44 KB, 320x480, hQEmv03omqxTU0H_JC8s4n0-Ue1QRyHnVWnrEe22BkI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
