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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4859040 No.4859040 [Reply] [Original]

I guess we're having an altcoin party upcoming after btc calms the fuck down.
Where should I put my money in?

>> No.4859071

LINK and REQ, they're /biz/ coins for some reason

>> No.4859076
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Unironically ELIX

>> No.4859094

Nuls. Will 3x after yellow paper release. Then roll some of that into chainlink before their December news. Sell half your link stack after it moons and accumulate monero. Monero will get to the number three marketcap in 2018.

>> No.4859104


you are welcome

>> No.4859116 [DELETED] 



>> No.4859118


>> No.4859120


XRP will be the only boat floating by EOY, cap this.

>> No.4859137

Iota and LiteCoin

>> No.4859184
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I am new to crypto, I want to put 200 in ETH, 150 in Iota and 150 in EOS

Is this good if I just want to make some extra dosh while not touching my wallets for a year?

>> No.4859187


>> No.4859202
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NXS has probably the best low marketcap/high interest combination right now. Still about 100mil marketcap and there are like 15 coins that are at a billion or more

>> No.4859219

Yes, this is what I do

>> No.4859244

90% xmr

>> No.4859333

Eth is garbage and 2018 will reveal that

>> No.4859342

XMR is the only useful coin now.

>> No.4859446 [DELETED] 

alt festival is 24/7 on this group

>> No.4859470

After einsteinium rise, syscoin will follow the next few months. It's real cheap sat wise now. GL.

>> No.4859492

>after btc calms the fuck down

You best start saving for your pension somewhere else, cause that shit ain't happening soon. BTC is in full FOMO mode, as the normies are coming in hot.

>> No.4859543

Should I unironically buy a bunch of XMR? I'm currently still holding IOTA I think we're either seeing a correction or panic sells but I think it will rise again.

>> No.4859570

Doge for memes

>> No.4859574

If ETH goes it will take all those tokens with it.

>> No.4859634

Buy IOTA or XMR or REQ?

>> No.4859677

nah... I'm afraid the altcoin rape will go on... at least the USD value is going up, right?

>> No.4860016


>> No.4860094

Ethergreen https://www.ethergreen.org
Low token supply and large community.
We got a community forum coming soon. Join the green team. https://mobile.twitter.com/EtherGreenPage/status/938808296374525952

>> No.4860168

Yes. XMR, ARK and OMG. But when is bottom of this alt crash?

>> No.4860207
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>> No.4860220

Why do you believe those are the way to go?

>> No.4860244

XMR will rebound so hard after the dip that I unironically expect to earn at least a month's salary in at least a week when it happens

>> No.4860301

XMR has real world use and will only get bigger as people realize btc isn't private. ARK has a ton of potential with smart bridges and deployable block chains. OMG because they have a company behind them (Omise) and are going to grow in Asia which is much more likely to mass adopt crypto then the west.

>> No.4860403

Is it time to buy XMR?

>> No.4860405

Which is dumb because they are going nowhere.

Never buy premined coins. Bitcoin variants, Eth, and Monero made me rich. I'm not changing course for some shitty shilled coin.

NEO, XMR, BCH, ETH will see large gains in the coming years. XRP is still very much vaporware.

>> No.4860429


>> No.4860530

Neo already outpaces omg with developers and progress.

If you don't already have at least 5 ETH you are doing it all wrong. I'm buying $2k of Monero next paycheck.

>> No.4860581

>not buying the obvious coins of the future

>> No.4860707

I'm super pissed I didn't buy Monero earlier, when would you recommend buying? Wait for BTC to drop?

>> No.4860739

Why not buy Monero with your BTC now that the exchange rate is all fucked up

>> No.4860779

When is this? I'm still holding some and seems solid but not up to date on telegram stuff

>> No.4860810

Bought more XMR at 1550k already up to 1700k

>> No.4861070
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>> No.4861391

I'll re-buy NEO, WTC, QASH and REQ.

>> No.4861836

I'm sitting on 1500 XLM right now, do I trade some of it for XMR or IOTA?

>> No.4862061


>> No.4862089 [DELETED] 



>> No.4862218

ETN and B3, if you have the huevos

>> No.4862341
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Converted almost all my BTC into XMR at 15K. Now BTC is stalling and XMR is entering Stage 2. And mom made me chocolate chip cookies. Life is so fucking good.

>> No.4862734

I've got NEO, OMG and LINK as a wildcard.

If I were you I'd get some XMR and maybe ARK / IOTA.

>> No.4862782

I pretty much just see alts getting beaten to hell when BTC corrects. Fiat is the only safe haven

>> No.4862798


>> No.4863180

Doge is unironically a really solid hold. Its really stable relative to BTC, easy to flip, has no fee and 2 minute transactions.

When BTC goes up doge generally still goes relative to the dollar and when BTC goes down , doge goes up relative to btc. I'm 90% in doge and have 20x my money in the last month

>> No.4863824

Are you trading or just hodling?

>> No.4864114
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XMR and ETH, the rest are useless meme coins.

>> No.4864206

+1, buying 2K worth of IOTA tonight

>> No.4864339

post portfolio proof faggot or no one cares

>> No.4864391
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What's special about IOTA?

>> No.4864449

No transaction fee, doesnt use blockchain, processes faster, basically bitcoin on steroids and it's only just blossoming

>> No.4864461

Is now a good time to buy for a first time buyer of crypto? I'm only looking to start small, so I figure that BTC is too volatile to get into.

>> No.4864523

BTC will rise to 50k so there's nothing to worry about.

>> No.4864533

Funfair is at an all-time low in terms of satoshis, and considering that there's news coming between the 19th-25th, getting in now would be the best thing you could do.

Vertcoin looks dangerously low despite the halvening next week.

>> No.4864545

NEO trust me Asia news will be crazy.

>> No.4864561


>> No.4864623

When has this ever happened OP?

All I've ever seen is:
BTC pumps - alts crash
BTC crashes - alts crash

They just never really seem to correlate with btc activity. They either get PnD'd or they just slowly grow over time before being fucked up by yet another BTC scandal.

>> No.4864669

Literally back in the MAY bull run, when btc went down alts fucking burned through the sky.

Nufag detected

>> No.4864700

Where do you buy iota?

>> No.4864753

Cardano 100%

>> No.4864811

Made good profits off this year, but alts still rarely corerlate with top 3 activity. They are mostly manipulated via hype or just grow slowly and off the radar. In both cases, they eventually crash hard, beginning the cycle again.

>> No.4864819

I wish I could go back to March/April/May. Fucking great times. Seemed to turn south for me in June.

>> No.4864836


The other part of the equation is:

BTC stabilizes - alts rise wildly

>> No.4864855

You got to get Bitcoin first then buy the Iota using bitcoin on sites like bitfiniex

>> No.4864865

Literally all I had to do was fucking hodl bitcoin.

Why did I do anything else?

>> No.4864959

This. I just don't know when BTC is going to stabilize. Doesn't feel like a safe time right now to me. Be fearful when others are greedy....

>> No.4865031

No-fees, speed, businesses and privacy. I guess that's all bases of demands covered.

>> No.4865040

If you want to invest soon, I'd recommend buying it when BTC starts dropping. Which will be around Christmas.

>> No.4865172

you, i like you

>> No.4865208


but yeah weve been saying alt party for like 2 months straight

>> No.4865235


>> No.4865253

Exactly, either way its a gamble though. I currently went into WAVES. I hold IOTA, WAVES, ZRX.

>> No.4865303
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IOTA is the only choice, anon.

>> No.4865309
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>calms down

>> No.4865335

People that hold XMR, are you bagholders. Be honest for once biz.

>> No.4865339

The only problem is the market doesn't seem to give a shit.

>> No.4865357

Binance is the only option if you're American, afaik.

Use 11682017 as your reference number since I'm giving you this gr8 advice.

I've had good experiences with them so far. Bought a ton of IOTA

>> No.4865381

>market doesn't seem to give a shit
>iota has gained like 400-500% in value over the last week
>it's pausing for a breather during btc's insane bullrun

Give it time, anon. By the end of the month I believe IOTA will be worth at least $10.

>> No.4865439
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>> No.4865653

I don't use blockfolio it takes too much work to enter every trade and I could make it up anyway so who cares.
I trade every day.

>> No.4865740


>> No.4866001

Guess I've been spoiled a bit, I know better but I somehow stlll feel gloomy when seeing suboptimal numbers.

>> No.4866354

Is there any use in day trading with super low fonds.. like 200$? probably not, huh?

>> No.4867020

Can I do this in the UK?

>> No.4867256

this pic rules

>> No.4867283

>binance only option

isnt it on bitfinex?

>> No.4867301

Nah, bought in at $103. Still feeling bullish for the next year or so.

>> No.4867385

here here

>> No.4867399

wait 1 week. btc will increase another 20-30%

>> No.4867636

>tfw holding 120ltc since 45/coin

Idk what to do

>> No.4867667

XMR gains are going to be pure filth

>> No.4867806

god damn I'm not ready yet

>> No.4867811

POWR having a huge dip, project still looking solid and moving forward, has government support

>> No.4867882

What are you guys using to track the dips and surges?

>> No.4867937

I had 10k in doge a few years ago. I don't even know where my wallet is. is it still useless?

>> No.4868022

Ride the BTC train to the top. Everyone is buying in right now and it's showing no signs of slowing down.

>> No.4868051


>> No.4868069

Pretty much yes

>> No.4868075

how can i buy into it

>> No.4868090


VTC for the halvening

>> No.4868162

Bitfinex does not allow American customers

>> No.4868212

I personally would suggest IOTA. The blockchain seems a bit outdated to me, since I read about the tangle.

A cryptocurrency nowadays needs more than just a great team behind it. It needs an unique selling proportion.

With using tangle instead of blockchain IOTA has this unique selling proportion.

Compared to other cryptocurrencies IOTA is the superior technology.


>> No.4868214

Yes, I think so. Binance is based on Hong Kong.

IOTA is the only coin I know of that escapes the blockchain scaling problem. It uses something called the Tangle, a directed acyclical graph, to scale indefinitely. This solution introduces other problems of course but I'm still verrrry interested in where this technology could go

>> No.4868227

Alts are going nowhere anytime soon. Bitcoin is running up to 50k

>> No.4868231

Held on since 40$ and is my only longterm other than btc.

>> No.4868269

(you) are correct
>implying that would be a thing to do ironically in the first place

>> No.4868276

sure sure

>> No.4868334


IOTA will come to bittrex soon. Then it will go skyrocket.


>> No.4868443
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This is cheap now and it realy has potential, I have 1k there that I got cheap.
I don't promise you the big dollars but I'm sure you'll have good gains.
Also Link seems to be a fine option.

>> No.4868467

Thanks man, I actually just signed up for binance. I'm glad I have you guys around to answer my retarded questions

>> No.4868578

You think I trust something that spells "COMMING"?

Yeah daz a no

>> No.4868841

I'd appreciate any honest answers for this. I've made and gotten a verified account on Binance. now how do I add money to my account to buy, I've been navigating the site and can't seem to find out how to.

>> No.4869005

You can't deposit fiat. You gotta buy eth, Ltc or bitcoin from somewhere like coinbase and then send it to your binance wallet that corresponds to the coin you're sending.

>> No.4869006

Hover over 'Funds', then select 'Deposits/Withdrawals'. It'll bring up the total list of currencies. Navigate to the one you want, and select 'Deposit'. It'll then give you a receiving address, which you send BTC/ETH/BNB to, from whichever wallet/site you have your BTC etc in.

>> No.4869100

PS. DO NOT send the wrong currency to your Binance wallet, or you'll lose it. Only send BTC to a BTC receiving wallet etc.

>> No.4869159

thank you very much, appreciate it

>> No.4869204

is anyone honestly expecting a btc dip any time soon? if you look at the graph it definitely looks like one is due

but with nromies just getting into it it looks like itll keep rising

what is it /biz/? bitcoin or alts? i only have around 500 to spend too

>> No.4869243
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Its a meme that has centralized nodes that are responsible for processing transactions. Since there are no fees those nodes run on "donations" aka optional fees

What other tech let's you bring down iota spamming 0 value transactions?

>> No.4869253

Okay, now that i have like half a BTC, i want to move on to XMR and, after a surge up, to IOTA (when is it coming to any major exchanges, btw?)? Binance - how good is it at actually taking USD/EUR out on a real bank account?

>> No.4869373

can you describe what happened then, not a newfag but was busy and complete out of crypto then

what lead up to the alt run?

>> No.4869548

If you aren't buying XMR during this, what are you doing?