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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4857275 No.4857275 [Reply] [Original]

Why is reddit so cucked

>> No.4857329

Why shouldn't you pay your capital gains tax?
It's like you wanna get audited.

>> No.4857355

>don't commit a felony

wow great advice from reddit

>> No.4857360

800 people have reported tax on crypto. 800. thats it. fuck reddit

>> No.4857366


Do not respond to this post. This is just a honey pot to get anons to complain about taxes then the gov't will track down your IPs.

Sage goes in all fields.

p.s. pay your damn taxes idiots.

>> No.4857387

>bend over so they don't bend you over
You're right though. From a rational individual's perspective, bending over and lubing your butt is much preferable to being bent over by the state and brutally baton'd.

>> No.4857465

>implying I have money to even turn a profit to pay taxes
fuck the Jews str8 out from the underground, they think they have the authority to Jew a minority

>> No.4857504

Good night reddit

>> No.4857996

I don't think you understand how hard you will be raped by the government if you're caught. people on biz seem to think it cant happen. my old roommate was audited a year ago and his life fuckin sucks now.

>> No.4858073

>why is reddit so cucked
because it's reddit.

>> No.4858150


wait till someone launches a website that sells high liquidity products with XMR. good bye capital gains.

>> No.4858171

OP is retarded

>> No.4858180

It's more like:
>take a punch to the gut to avoid a bullet to the face

>> No.4858188

Don’t fuck with the IRS

NEET’s who HODL since 2015 will pay 0% capital gains tax anyway, it’s fucking obscene

>> No.4858202

Make enough where it barely matters how tight their grip is on your neck.


>> No.4858257

isn't it 15% if you hold a year or more?
I think you can claim losses to reduce taxes as well, so one could theoretically claim they got Confidoed

>> No.4858276
File: 25 KB, 770x415, ancap_taxation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD bullshit; fuck paying your taxes just wash your crypto through monero and localBTC and doing less than $10k transactions. (((They))) will never find you and it's more expensive to investigate your transactions than to just let you go as long as you don't have red flag txns like >$10k at once. If you keep paying your taxes you're admitting monopoly money fiat is legitimate, fuck the man and fuck taxes.

>> No.4858289

Fucking retards. The government aka the rich elite control the money flow and everything else in the world, you think they aren't in on bitcoin? They will regulate it, shut it down, recreate it, spike it or do anything else they please with it at any given time they please. End your miserably lives uneducated cretins.

>> No.4858294

in my country you get punishment tax if you forget to report it, its another 40%

capital gains tax is 30%, but if you cheat it becomes 70%

>> No.4858314

Cap gains tax is lower. If your AGI is low, under 10k a year (NEETS) you pay zero capital gains tax

>> No.4858369

i hope everyone gets fucked big time on taxes,

>> No.4858370

I thought it was taxed as income if sold within the first year, and then after the first year it changes depending on your tax bracket.
So if they sold off small amounts after the first year they wouldn't be taxed, but if they sold enough to push them into another tax bracket, THEN they would pay that tax.
But I could be wrong.

>> No.4858378


>> No.4858394

you pay ZERO under like $37000 and there's a standard deduction and a personal deduction so almost $50,000 before you pay a cent

even then it's only 15% thereafter

>> No.4858417
File: 361 KB, 858x725, 11B55617-F2A7-4AA2-BBAF-5D3E49651AD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw CPA
>tfw will lose my license if caught trying to avoid taxes

>> No.4858436

Just think /biz/, Trump is going to take a percentage of the money you're making on fake computer currency and use that to build the wall. Doesn't that make you want to pay your taxes?

>> No.4858452


I honestly don't understand the reddit culture/hivemind that makes it so terrible.

I decided to see what r/cryptocoin was shilling. Utter wasteland.

Even when /biz/ is shilling garbage it's funny.

>> No.4858456

is it really 0 under 37k? I heard it was 20k? I've made nothing this year so i'm trying to find out how much I can make before I get taxed

>> No.4858483
File: 45 KB, 640x480, trump_it_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good point

>> No.4858486

if you're in the 15% bracket your long term capital gains rate is ZERO

and standard deduction + personal deduction lowers you into that bracket

you only start paying capital gains for any amount above that

>> No.4858511

The shilling is done at https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/

>> No.4858523

suck a dog dick

>> No.4858530

i don't get it. if i decided to personally sell you my phone for 500$, why would i need to pay 25% of what i earn?
it was my phone.

>> No.4858571



>> No.4858593

what about the short term? Up to 20k is 0%?

>> No.4858763

>get taxed on your income
>buy an appreciating asset and get taxed again
How is this not stealing?

>> No.4858788

How can the government even catch you?

>> No.4858885

Does nothing for the millions of spics already here and not leaving. Fuck you and your useless wall. The West is already dead.

>> No.4858908

How do you go from monero to fiat covertly?

>> No.4858957

if you cash out larger amounts of money via IBAN or something

>> No.4858981
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Might makes right. They have the ability to enforce it upon you.

>> No.4858993

Crypto is worth $0 since you can't cash out and convert to fiat anyway
This is a bait thread

>> No.4859026

>BTC > monero > BTC
As long as you are trading the monero to BTC on a non-domestic exchange, it's next to impossible for the IRS or your local tax agent to subpoena the records of your trading. Even better, get a korean/chinese/american friend and use their account (assuming they're trustworthy)

>> No.4859060

they cant if you sell locally. I found a guy who will buy in cash no questions asked for -3%.

>> No.4859064

>BTC to fiat
Local BTC or coinbase and claim the gains are from mining meaning they're taxed at normal income, and you can depreciate the fictitious mining assets you have against your taxes.

>> No.4859072
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>converting to fiat

>> No.4859114


>> No.4859135

filled with people from these servers https://discord.gg/JVYeMbh

>> No.4859572

If you make shit gains you don't have to worry about taxes. But once you start making real money they will come. Let's say you make it 4 years from now what will you say when they decide to go back to now when you didn't or made shit fains that set you up to make it?