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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4857237 No.4857237 [Reply] [Original]

The dragon stuffs his face, more than he can fit in his stomach. He has amassed an ever growing cache of unimaginable wealth, built on the foundations of his younger years. The speed and stealth he once enjoyed, was once revered for, gone. Replaced by an ever growing hunger. He stuffs his face, bigger and bigger bites.

He has had challengers in past, young upstarts who wished to challenge his might. All had been defeated. He feared no other, all who came up against him had failed, yet this time, this time was different.

Never before had he been so sluggish, never before had he filled his stomach so much. His greed, his hunger, had left him vulnerable.

And so waiting an eager upstart. A challenger from the past, beaten, but not defeated. He had the speed and the stealth of the old dragon's youth. Yet he waited, and watched. He knew that the dragon was unable to stop himself, was unable to control his hunger.

He waited, and watched until finally, he struck.

>> No.4857295


>> No.4857296

jihan should unplug all his mining and switch to bch

>> No.4857300

operation dragon slayer is a meme. You act like bitcoin is a bad thing, fucking pajeets

>> No.4857348

>dragon stuffing his face and getting a bloated belly

There is porn of this, you know

>> No.4857403
File: 1.73 MB, 480x240, 1511535818285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4857436

who /boner/ here