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4847510 No.4847510 [Reply] [Original]

I knew Roger wouldn't abandon me

>> No.4847541

better liveshow at:

>> No.4847600

Why isn't the price reflecting this

>> No.4847632

another one of these for my pokedex

>> No.4848352

It is.

The difficulty increased by about 20 percent.

Kikes pumped the fiat price of BTC to compensate and keep hash power in their chain.

Miners profit. Normies don't notice, and btc slides closer to organic death as it is exsanguinated and priced out of the market by its own idiotic strategy.

>> No.4848430

>Muh death spiral
>Muh dragonslayers?
>Muh difficult manipulation??
Or maybe people are bullish bc soon we will have futures for wall st. fags.

>> No.4848474

>wall street kikes
yeah keep telling that yourself

>> No.4848494
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When is it happening?? I've been staring at the jochen website for hours. I thought it'd happen last time the difficulty changed. I've been holding all of this BCH while BTC continues to moon...

>> No.4848499

Wall Street mainly cares about setting a precedent. Then they are going to make their own coins themselves.
Crypto is basically a loophole around the whole "banks can't have different bank notes" that occurred with the advent of central banking.
You bet that Wall Street is going to make their own Cryptos. Hell Goldman Sachs already has its own Programming language. Are you going to buy Sachscoin goy?

>> No.4848539
File: 98 KB, 512x453, RedHairmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have no idea how all of this works. Just admit it. Buy back into btc.

>> No.4848556

Im talking about The present time you faggot.
Ofc those futures could do mean bear market but wer talking about pre-future pump.

>> No.4848591

Decentralization is still a thing for BTC.
No centralized organization who could freeze your fund.

>> No.4848704
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>> No.4848723
File: 65 KB, 1024x659, jihan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not over.

I beleev in Roger and Jihan.

>> No.4848751
File: 370 KB, 1891x900, muhdragonslayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because nobody gives a fuck about some nigger spamming the network for the millionth time. We are going to $100,000

>> No.4848867

This has nothing to do with that.

It's a simple organic equilibrium between what btc vs bch is paying miners to provide hashing power to the respective chains. BCH is getting the same service level at less than ten percent of the price, and BTC is paying the BCH stakeholders for the privilege of being saturated in their hash rate at more than ten times the price. It is organically very vulnerable to any kind of swing in the price that moves against btc, no premeditated power play or "attack" necessary.

The market moves and miners follow incentives, BTC can die from that, BCH can't. That's really all there is to it.

>> No.4849637

so all btc has to do is never drop.
all in btc

>> No.4849821


This, most people buying Bitcoin are never going to move or send it once, why the fuck do they care how fast or slow it is. It's digital gold now.

>> No.4849994

>It's digital gold now.