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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4836473 No.4836473 [Reply] [Original]

>Spent 9 hours today wagecucking a job I fucking hate for roughly $100 (yes $100)
>Then made $12,000 in under 2 minutes with an crypto arbitraging trade
How the fuck do wagecucks stay so motivated? I want to kill myself. I have no motivation anymore.

>> No.4836501

If you're making so much on crypto, why are you still working your shit job?
>nice LARP

>> No.4836512

/end thread

>> No.4836544

No larp.

I was unemployed after being fired a few months ago and day-trading for rent in the meantime while looking for another job. Finally got a job way worse than my last one and started today. Realized this job is shit, pays less than my old job, and it just suddenly occurred to me that I was making infinitely more money trading than I was wagecucking.

Yet my family and wife all want me to work a "stable job." What the hell?

>> No.4836560


how about you cash some of your gains out and tell your wife to shut the fuck up

>> No.4836591

no >LARP
just >KEK

>> No.4836627

>Cash out my gains
I can't. I'm way too in love with it and spend all day day-dreaming about making millions....

>> No.4836633

I’m not stupid. Where do I learn to do day trade crypto?

>> No.4836649


>> No.4836679
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I had to work 11 hours today but you don't see me complaining. I'll get paid close to $700 for it though.

>> No.4836706

I felt the same way today. I have enough capital from gains so that if I'm able to flip some of it for 6% I already made more than I did working. I just keep telling myself that if I quit my job I'll be solely reliable on making gains. And I'll probably make shittier trades.

I asked for less hours and higher pay. At least try to get more time for crypto.

>> No.4836719
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best way to learn is to just start. put 500$ in, aim to trade up 1% of your balance per active day trading. you'll probably get shaken up by whales for your first couple days, so don't get discouraged

oh, and NEVER, EVER listen to /biz/ posts. 99% of the posts here are pajeets trying to get you to buy into a pump and dump

>> No.4836782

Makes sense. I just realized now after being employed for like 4 months and making money by day-trading....that I really fucking enjoy trading and hate working.

Not sure what to do now except work this job for like 6 months or something and then quit.

>> No.4836834

there's no way you work a job where you make $100 in a day while holding enough capital to make $12k in an arbitrage trade. You don't arbitrage for huge percentages, it's not like you take $10k and turn it into $20k in one trade with arbitrage, you get like 1-5% at most so unless you're swing trading like $250k+ this doesn't even make sense

>> No.4836844

Yeah but your a Canadian plumber so of course your not complaining

>> No.4836898


This is actually correct.

Make a Binance account and a Poloniex account. Watch them both 24/7. And surf /biz/.

Get in on rising coins, sell when they level off.

>> No.4837104

You shall live to see it all go as quickly as it came.

>> No.4837255

>wife and family
ya goofed with that investment anon

>> No.4837329
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tfw practicing now
feels kinda cool
got tomorrow off wagecuck job to practice throwing around 400 bucks.