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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 225x225, request12930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4835177 No.4835177 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4835193
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RequestBurnManager: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x6e51827948f057a354d01ba0a108fdc7843b0d04
RequestCore: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0xb1e8dc9fe1244c881ac23732f871e0c89f3eb1d5
RequestEthereum: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x8b9186213ffe76365167e12c6d9965774e5fed33
RequestSynchroneExtensionEscrow: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x9b6b6fb13bfaf88792016911986359d3c6033762

>> No.4835255

being a poorfag fucking sucks, I want to buy REQ and literally don't have money for it. All I got are muh Linkies. ;(

>> No.4835257


>> No.4835283

I have 10k REQ am I gonna make it?

>> No.4835297

This is it guys
Req will be the 2nd mana of this week

>> No.4835310

if you consider being able to afford 10k lambos next year making it then sure

>> No.4835328

Unfortunately not. Get 100k at least

>> No.4835355
File: 84 KB, 480x360, 1458403416546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 I don't got that kind of money

>> No.4835375

well after this one you'll have enough for the next moon shot :)

>> No.4835396


Literally whore yourself or steal, this is one of the few chances you will get in this life at escaping poverty.

>> No.4835404

and the moon mission begins!

>> No.4835421

67k reqlet here wish I could buy more this shit is about to blow up

>> No.4835427

>anon is in holding being interrogated
>"so you're telling us you tried to rob a bank... to get internet money?"

>> No.4835436 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 240x240, d9d69b20369d6f356b94e096994a71717968f80b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can any of you cool dude donate to a poorfag? I'll take literally anything

>> No.4835450

I once had 9000 REQ

Daytrade failure, now I only have 6000 REQ

>> No.4835477
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>mfw I have the majority of my portfolio in REQ and SALT and managed to avoid getting JUSTed by BTC

>> No.4835488

Should I invest in REQ or in XLM?

>> No.4835500

I have enough bags in link and req just need one to hit it big. If both hit I'll buy lambos for biz

>> No.4835513

req of course are you kidding?

>> No.4835514
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>daytrades something that would have given him 100x-1000x gains by just fucking hodling

>> No.4835564

Is that it? I'd rather hold thx

>> No.4835579

when moon?

>> No.4835609
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>> No.4835612

sold my 6 BTC at the top of the 14.5k pump and diving all into REQ on this nice little dip


>> No.4835618

lets go we climbing

>> No.4835644


Will pay you to shill REQ on Reddit.

Ping me:


>> No.4835665
File: 37 KB, 1913x265, save me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did my part boys, my life savings were just spent

take the wheel from here

>> No.4835668

I would kill myself before I make a Reddit account

>> No.4835730

buy REQ or get REQQD

>> No.4835737

fug it. selling all of my links for this shit, gonna buy more link after req moons and link goes lower... or i'll just buy a lambo

>> No.4835776

i'll shill for you
what are you paying me in and how much

>> No.4835863


I'll shill for 50 cents idgaf. Probably gonna shill on plebbit anywheys

>> No.4835868

I rode the iota train and held too long. Don't want to make the same mistake this time. What price ceiling are we expecting here?

>> No.4835885

gonna get dumped on

>> No.4835898

yeah prob. I am kind of retarded

>> No.4835917


>t. faggot daytrader who sold thinking he could buy back lower

>> No.4835970
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damn bro, relax, its jus a coin

>> No.4835976

gonna buy back lower pretty soon sold at 802

>> No.4836095

Same, waited a little longer and sold at 810 when I bought in at 700. Today felt so shit but feeling good now.

>> No.4836133


are you trading tendie money? The sell orders I just saw at 810 amount to change I would pick up off the street

>> No.4836188

this guys the one who will dump on us

>> No.4836210

It just started dumping lol

>> No.4836212

no point in dumping now when they're going to announce big stuff on friday

>> No.4836246

Get in now you fucking retards
Youll be sucking dicks for 2 reqs in 2018

>> No.4836251

my daddy has big stuff hehe

>> No.4836266

I'd suck you for 0 :3

>> No.4836291

about to explode, hang on

>> No.4836346

Yeah lol, but I did sell in 25% bursts after 800 because I wanted to see how high it would go

>> No.4836359

for how longgg anon

>> No.4836370

hold until when? obama third term?

>> No.4836375

hodl for gainz

>> No.4836393



was a dirty reddit pleb throughout college, i gotchu senpai.

>> No.4836399

Should I buy in now? Or should I wait?

>> No.4836403

$1 by Q2 2018. Buy now.

>> No.4836423


you buy in now.

1000 new reddit subscribers on the REQ reddit in last 24 hours. Most of them still waiting for fiat.

Pump groups will target REQ to coincide with the update which is suspected to be the test net.

And apparently we have hired shills now.

Smug daytraders about to be BTFO

top 75 wallet holder here btw

>> No.4836429

It will dip again soon, Its been low 700s all day, nothing changed in the last hour I don't think?

>> No.4836455

i just contacted a bitcoin great whale. he said he's game.

>> No.4836468

>And apparently we have hired shills now.

>> No.4836562

we pumpin!!

>> No.4836695

yea but are we actually

>> No.4836716

yes we are
if its anything like the pump earlier this week strap in for Mars

>> No.4836733
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>> No.4836739

is it going to go up tonight? i need shekel. tired of being a poor nigger. I'm just waiting for my money to transfer so i can buy some Req.

>> No.4836767
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>tfw in the smart money

>> No.4836882

gonna have over 9000 (xD) of this. not the most of course, but im happy

>> No.4836913



>> No.4836923

Going to blast through 1000 sats like it's nothing. See you all on the moon.

>> No.4836933


>> No.4836940
File: 189 KB, 1872x470, reqmooninggetin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4836945

godspeed fellow REQfags

>> No.4836962

stop looking at it in terms of fiat

>> No.4836969
File: 9 KB, 216x234, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have butterflies in my crotch area.

>> No.4836974

Tfw biz was right about Req

>> No.4836983

4chan always wins m8 one way or another
LINK and REQ our /ourcoins/

>> No.4836988


mate literally what are you talking about dont think anyone has mentioned fiat once in here

>> No.4836999

are you australian?

>> No.4837011

prepping my hands of steel for this one boys...

>> No.4837015

its a fucking eth chart you dingus

>> No.4837020



>> No.4837042

lets fucking break our last high

>> No.4837049

how the fuck do u fuck up day trading with req? it has followed the same pattern 3 times now

>> No.4837065

>tfw 0.12 now

>> No.4837077

false alarm guys
everyone go home

>> No.4837085


>> No.4837089


>> No.4837100

what the fuck you guys I went all in at 908 sats why would you lie to me

>> No.4837111

wait like 10 minutes you impatient fuck lol

>> No.4837113

nice pump retards enjoy those bags

>> No.4837115

>going in on 908
>not waiting for the dip
/biz/ everyone

>> No.4837118

everyone chill

>> No.4837129


If I had just trusted biz back in july with antshares/neo..

Never dismiss the coins shilled in biz.

>> No.4837166

/biz/ is a broken clock, right at least twice a day. It is your job to find out which ones /biz/ is right about.

>> No.4837167

nice play tho the lines crossed and the bots will keep it trading > delta for a while

>> No.4837187


>> No.4837201


>> No.4837206
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call in the whales

>> No.4837207

guys when i sell this do i sell into eth or btc? eth is down but maybe will go up. btc is really fuckin high but now that it hit such highs i think it will dip a thousand or 2

>> No.4837211
File: 17 KB, 247x239, 1498001054482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not ready yet

>> No.4837227

why would you sell a coin that will be $20 by next week?

>> No.4837240

Pls daddy

>> No.4837273


Only sell it for lambos brother

>> No.4837290
File: 66 KB, 577x711, 1512258838724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be the next LINK meme

>> No.4837319

get OUT!!!!!!!

>> No.4837354

Got 40k am I gonna make it?

>> No.4837375

>has actual news
already disqualifies it from LINK meme status

>> No.4837397

but its under the line isn't that bad news?

>> No.4837405

Me too, about half in req and salt, half in ark and monero. Got in kinda late on req and salt but I've seen profits so far. Pretty good

>> No.4837416


>> No.4837448


post your price prediction for REQ tonight or your mom will die in her sleep

>> No.4837457
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1510182160355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tip: Buy on EtherDelta. The price is way cheaper than Binance.

>> No.4837493


>> No.4837503

.6 and obama third term

>> No.4837577

im unironically selling at .2
I might hold longer but as of now, .2

>> No.4837611


Protip: transaction times are 10x slower and the whole thing is an unresponsive mess.

>> No.4837668

How long does it take to go from CoinBase to Binance? I've been sitting here for like an hour and a half and Coinbase says it's pending but Binance don't got shit yet.

Be gentle pls first time buying stuff.

>> No.4837693

there's no pump bois

>> No.4837697

BTC transfer always take forever cause BTC is over bloated and a bit poo
ETH is taking forever at the moment cause of stupid virtual cats
really if you're gonna transfer anything right now do it with LTC

>> No.4837700

It really all depends, it should come any minute if you've been waiting that long.

>> No.4837704

been waiting for 4 hours :^)

>> No.4837706

My experience was anywhere from 1 to 2 hours during high traffic, you should be close

>> No.4837726

dont worry, coinbase is slow as fuck. Protip, when buying through coinbase, buy LTC, send to binance and then change it to BTC. IT can take HOURS to deliver BTC or ETH from coinbase.

>> No.4837739

i did the same thing yesterday and it took 6 hours

>> No.4837778

>people throughout Wednesday saying the potential announcements are "tomorrow" but also on "Friday"

Which is it lads? 7th or 8th? Or are we saying it will pump on the 7th in anticipation of the 8th?

>> No.4837808

>what are timezones
for fucks sake m8 most of the world is on Thursday right now

>> No.4837811

It's sub 0.12 again

>> No.4837818

Everyone and their mother knew this shit was gonna pump thursday-friday, like all fridays every two weeks, why is biz so slow?

>> No.4837823

message on coinbase right now says they're experiencing significant delays w/ btc

>> No.4837845

did anyone see that

>> No.4837848


Waiting since 16:00pm... Cannot sell iota because i can't access them, cannot buy req because i do not have bc..

>> No.4837863



>> No.4837873
File: 48 KB, 620x405, what_sell_wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic
>It's sub 0.12 again

>> No.4837889
File: 117 KB, 1362x802, Screen Shot 2017-12-06 at 11.39.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets do this boyos

>> No.4837900


That includes me, but timezones don't enter into it. All through Wednesday (i.e 12-15 hours ago) people were saying "tomorrow". Nobody would have reached Thursday yet for tomorrow to mean "Friday", unless this place is full of Australians.

>> No.4837924

yeah this place is full of Aussies m8

>> No.4837927

What time does the news get announced?

>> No.4837944


>> No.4837957

you sent IOTA to coinbase?

>> No.4837967

the news is the test net

>> No.4837975

volume is picking up

>> No.4837978

>tfw only 15k req

>> No.4837981

Some pajeet setting up sell walls to prevent our mooning.


>> No.4837997

from bitfinex to binance, bitfinex experiences issues with bc transfer

>> No.4838000

don't worry m8
10k+ is gonna make it

>> No.4838002


>> No.4838006


>> No.4838017

I want to make it sooner. Buying more next week when wagebucks come in.

>> No.4838045

holy shit this volume

>> No.4838048

I don't see this pumping that much, but 2018 is a big year for this coin.

>> No.4838049

i only have enough money atm to afford 500 REQ


>> No.4838051

ITs happening..

>> No.4838053

When the fuck is this news gonna get released???

>> No.4838066

how new are u faggot? update on friday

>> No.4838070
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its picking up bro

>> No.4838083

Yeah, when??

>> No.4838090

Friday...just like every update they've done.

Dude with a 1.2mil REQ buy wall up. Holy shit

>> No.4838094

friday o' clock

>> No.4838105

strong fucking support

>> No.4838112


>> No.4838130

The time?....

If not a specific time: what time do they usually give their update? Their subreddit and website don't really seem to give much info. Otherwise, I don't want to sleep, and get dumped on.

>> No.4838133

someone is scooping up a lot of discount coins

>> No.4838134



>> No.4838136

fomo feeling real strong in the numbers

>> No.4838147
File: 25 KB, 663x378, 1397155766700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the sell news to buy.

>> No.4838162

lel i fucked up and lost a few hundred req xd oh well a small portion thankfully

>> No.4838164

>daytrading REQ
bad move

>> No.4838178

We have breached .00029 ETH.

>> No.4838186

So, you're encouraging most of this thread not to invest in this tonight then?

>> No.4838193

stop fucking speaking in ETH. use bitcoin you faggot.

>> No.4838199

11k checking in, bought at $.075, cant wait for my 1100 to tenfold in the coming months

>> No.4838216


>> No.4838217

Can someone give me a time frame of when to sell? Fucking crypto noob but have 25000 of these things

>> No.4838230

When other people start selling on Friday.

>> No.4838241

dont sell for a good month this is a good hodl, I wouldnt until maybe a ways past a dollar

>> No.4838255
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Ripple provides on demand, cross-border liquidity for your REQ moon mission

>> No.4838258

Almost as much volume as Link now.

>> No.4838274

I don't speak shitcoin, pajeet.

>> No.4838281

Those buy walls are wonderful.

Pajeets running scared.

>> No.4838289

dont fuck with me bitch

>> No.4838298
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>> No.4838353

what? no I mean you buy and HODL

>> No.4838356
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Just moved my IOTA into REQ, only 1,118 but I'm a newbie experimenting. I learned a lesson from NEO. I made almost even from what I lost on NEO buying into IOTA today...This thread is shilly as fuck but I'll bite, y'cunts

>> No.4838376

I don't. I fuck your mother, you dumb soyboy.

>> No.4838401

you are all about to be dumped on while btc hits a new ath

>> No.4838407

you wish you could fuck my big titted mother, you fucking goober.

>> No.4838410

Why didn't you just hold the NEO and make GAS until it came back to your entry point?

>> No.4838438

>only 350 req

rip me

>> No.4838439

tfw you only have 60 NEO and only make 1 gas a month

>> No.4838453

Your mother begs me to drink my cum, you sub-nigger.

>> No.4838477
File: 21 KB, 424x362, a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight /biz/, what price will i wake up to?

>> No.4838508

prob around the same

>> No.4838541


Wouldn't be mad at all desu senpai

>> No.4838552

Take cover lads, BTC is beginnings its charge to 15,000 which will probably JUST most altcoins for a while.

>> No.4838571

she begs you to drink your cum? interesting
do you drink it?

>> No.4838577

too late >>4838552 ouch

>> No.4838598


>> No.4838642

Relax, it's gone down plenty of times only to reach a resistance and go back up, and the resistance has been increasing each time

>> No.4838644

setting my buy order for 650 and off to bed, laughs in the morning

>> No.4838672

this guy gets it

>> No.4838684

Ofc. Cum is rich in protein.

>> No.4838726

we can all agree thats a pretty faggot move

>> No.4838728

Anyone going long on this?

>> No.4838746

but is GAS even worth anything at such a low investment

>> No.4838747

yes you're not the only one, I sold half my NEO early when it hit 20 and its my biggest regret in crypto so far

>> No.4838766

Yes, I'm here for the long ride. Glad I didn't join ICO and got distracted by the forks.

>> No.4838782

Havent looked up whether REQ looks like it's a product that looks like it's going to go long term but i might have a deeper dig and see

>> No.4838798

Am I too late to the party? buy now?

>> No.4838814

is it still below 15 cents?
you're nowhere near late m8. this shit is going to Pluto

>> No.4838826


Long term you're really early, it's just a bit above ICO.

Optimistically, market cap higher than OMG in 6 months.

>> No.4838827

I'm holding 60k, at least holding a year before I take any out. Might go up to 100k.
t. holding eth for 2 years and counting

>> No.4838832

general consensus is it will hit $1 eventually, buying at $.12 cant hurt in the long run lol

>> No.4838839

300k here
it'll hit 100m cap at least if youre looking short term
but most of us are riding this to $1 though

>> No.4838844

its at 12 cents at the moment, at a pretty good dip to go in, its been rubbing up agianst 13 cents here and there

>> No.4838872


>> No.4838882

The party's just getting started. We might hit $0.15 tonight.

>> No.4838912

I have 15k how much more should I buy?

>> No.4838943

Started getting into alts recently. I have a limit to how much money I can put into crypto ($150, I'm a poorfag), and I've already gone through it all. If anyone could send even $1 of BTC, it would be appreciated. If not, I don't blame you. 1AaGWYodSsx5wyvU6xBRzsF2nDW5qP3otB

>> No.4838951

It is. Have a look at their roadmap on the website.

>> No.4838953

Best place to buy this?

>> No.4838960

better PayPal

>> No.4838972

I have 350 but can't afford anyone more. Anyone feeling charitable?

>> No.4839021

I understand that anon, i mean whether it's promising and that it stands above the rest of the similar products. i had a brain fart desu

>> No.4839036

just hand me your private key and i will send you 100 dollars my friend

>> No.4839040

I'd say just stay in bitcoin because of the massive gains it's making, alts get rekt when bitcoin goes up. Although I'm not a veteran..so idk

>> No.4839064

I just sold 30 FCT at $25, 10 more than what I bought it for and $5 less than the 24 hour high but fuck it I'm loading way more money onto this

>> No.4839066

im thinking about the long run

>> No.4839070

I could only afford 1,000. Doesn’t even matter. This shit sucks when you’re poor.

>> No.4839098

HOW I buy? Fastest way to hop on hurry guys I gotta Pump 10K of my normie money

>> No.4839105

everybodies loading thousands onto this and i didnt realise how ham people went

i only managed to get 221

>> No.4839118


>> No.4839159

If you're feeling generous, I only have 200$ at the moment in req since I'm waiting on money to transfer from my banks (freaking a week??)

So any REQs you don't mind sharing would be greatly appreciated ;3


>> No.4839166

I speak for myself but I put $1000 of my savings into NEO at $5 and have reinvested the rest to have around $6000. I should have way more but I will once this fucking moons

>> No.4839174

hah, good try

>> No.4839193
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Just sold at 0.00029 ETH. Thanks for buying my bags, goyim.

Do you really think they will release the testnet tomorrow? Kek. They will save it for their last bi-weekly update in 2017 ofc.

I'll buy back on weekend at $0.09.

>> No.4839209


Req team is based, their updates are extremely professional and their github is one of the most active in crypto. Getting through Ycombinator and getting ING to work with them are also extremely bullish signs in my opinion. They also have formed some strong partnerships like with Kyber and 0x

>> No.4839231

godspeed anon, will be waiting for the mooning to happen too

>> No.4839244
File: 33 KB, 322x232, jala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TA is showing bullish af

considering dumping some bags to get in on this

>> No.4839254

140k REQ here. Gonna buy the dip on Friday and try to get to 200k. Will sell @ $3. Get in faggots.

>> No.4839267


>> No.4839276

TA showing this a downtrend

>> No.4839335
File: 70 KB, 605x586, 1512606459378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't forget to upload the screencap on sunday, anon.

It's almost 7 AM in germany. I'm going to sleep now.

>> No.4839357

What do you think it will dip to?

>> No.4839358
File: 50 KB, 960x516, 1511115258292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, k anon

>> No.4839373

after checking their website just now, it seems solid, hopefully test net goes well, this project is definitely worth some money

>> No.4839511

Where can you buy req at?

>> No.4839548


>> No.4839684

10k will get you about 1 BTC EOY, use that for the next moon mission anon.

>> No.4839916

REQ / ING FTW! (REQ is Moneytis!) ... Cracking .13 cents tonight boys. https://www.ing.com/Newsroom/All-news/ING-announces-winners-of-the-Innovation-Studio-startup-pitch.htm

>> No.4839923

just hopped back on the train at 897, was able to buy 6k more

>> No.4839950

If anyone can spare some REQ:


Good luck to us all brothers, we are the leaders of tomorrow.

>> No.4839976

already cracked

>> No.4840000

41 REQ is on it's way to you, REQ marine.

>> No.4840018

Bought a shitton at the ATL few weeks ago. Ill start my postings here with 'whale here' now.

>> No.4840037

trying to join the wave

>> No.4840044
File: 125 KB, 1284x952, Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at 2.19.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 was the minimum withdrawal. There you go, REQ marine. *salutes*

>> No.4840058

Is binance shitting the bed for anyone else here?

>> No.4840068


>> No.4840069

poorfag here, can anyone spare some req? I want to get in on it but only have about $100 to spare right now.


>> No.4840212

omg i cryyyyyyyyyyyyy,

i listen to you regarding REQ, built up an account on thursday night, transfered BTC froom bitfinex to binance. and after 24 hours i have no BTC on my binance account WTF?!?! I copied the right deposit adress WTF i just want to buy 1000 REQ and having fun on this moon mission with you guys. Lost 0.04 BTC -.-

Just because i have nothing to lost anymore

>> No.4840270

I bought from gate.io after transferring eth from coinbase and it was pretty fast but the prices for REQ runs a bit high there

>> No.4840288

The fuck is going on i keep getting 500'd on the REQ Binance screen.

>> No.4840615

This is why you convert to Litecoin or XMR.

>> No.4840625

Server error, binance is eating shit atm probably from high volume of traffic

>> No.4841554

875 req here, all my current savings into this. lets hope for some easy money boys

>> No.4841651

740 here.
Lets hope or we fuked

>> No.4841790

Soooo..up 27% is cool.. aaaand still at the 11 cents that I bought it at..aaaand it's one in the morning...wake me when its go time -___-

>> No.4841813

Is it actually happening? All of my other hopes and dreams have been crushed

>> No.4841837
File: 75 KB, 625x1092, IMG_6890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks req

>> No.4842218

you gonna make it anon

>> No.4842272

Bunch of Pajeets setting up sell walls again trying to stop it mooning.

>> No.4842404 [DELETED] 

coinbase taking 4+ hours to move btc to binance?
like what even

>> No.4842450

>Using bitcoin for transactions
You're such an idiot.

>> No.4842471

>It's fucking nothing
Holding until 1500 sats.

>> No.4842477

Price predictions for Q1 2018? Can we reach $0.5?

>> No.4842506 [DELETED] 

look man i was literally spraying mercury diarrhea from my anus into the toilet as i did it
this is just one more poor decision in a beautiful chain
namaste brother

>> No.4842683
File: 105 KB, 1128x1002, 1512581721152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to get 21k before the pump, fuck yes.
Link, REQ, ETP. My bags. Will be a millionaire in 2018

>> No.4842806

Can happen EOY. The market is crazy rn

>> No.4842829

even with BTC mooning like crazy, someone REALLY wants to keep REQ over 800 sats

what's going on here?

>> No.4842945


idk if that's good or bad. maybe we'll see another typical req dump b4 the update. but it's obv, that colossus will be released.

>> No.4842968

Please dump, I actually want to buy more REQ.

>> No.4843054


lmao i won't dump for 11 months till i can cash out tax free

>> No.4843088

You poor people will never get my hard earned REQ. Now fuck off and go die!

>> No.4843202


nice reading comprehension ranjeet

>> No.4843204

keep goin baby

>> No.4843254



All seeded by the same company.

We're gonna make it boys.

>> No.4843268

I only have 23k, I NEED MORE, AHHHHHHHHH, how can this fail with a great team and being the new PayPal next year!

>> No.4844231

I hold some of both but fancy buying REQ when OMG is such a bargain right now, OMG has the entire Ethereum dev team behind it

>> No.4844339

when is the pump happening?
bought at 800 XD

>> No.4844476

Thanks, this will complement my IOTA mission

>> No.4844478

haha reqd