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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4834988 No.4834988 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here 200 IQ?

>> No.4835033
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cmon hurry up 1600 sats i dont got all day sergey

>> No.4835131

FFS, guyz.
That super fat BTC is raping my LINK gains.
I wish I was brave enough to sell it yesterday.
Are we to stay in our basement for another month?

>> No.4835198
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>if I sold my whole stack yesterday I could've bought back today with 3.5k more link

>> No.4835221

>just got to 10k LINKs and was super fucking pumped
>BTC moons

Fucking hell. I own btc too, but I don't want this shit to moon yet. We're not fucking ready for the normies! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.4835234

I woke up in the night to make a sell order at 2800 (before the second pump) but I didnt, even logged into binance but I just didnt.

:/ Im still up in usd, but its comfier to be up in usd AND satoshis

>> No.4835273

It's bizarre how every single time Link starts to pump BTC hits new ATHs to crush it.

I'm starting to see a pattern. Sell any time Link goes up for BTC as BTC reaches a new ATH.

>> No.4835277
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>> No.4835308

I need this to sink to .14 or lower to buy in. I want to get in low for the eventual moon mission in 2018

>> No.4835318
File: 17 KB, 256x308, bog4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fun to BTFO /pol/ mouthbreathers with my superior IQ

>> No.4835430

what does pol have to do with this

>> No.4835506

They're idiots
(they're good with research but suck at interpreting)

>> No.4835724

You seem so intelligent.

>> No.4835869


>> No.4835924

quick rundown:

- they have low iq
- emotional like women, man children
- driven by fear and fud

>> No.4835966

>make LINK FUD thread
>don't buy LINK
>300 IQ

>> No.4836140
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>Not fudding to get in cheaper

Ok digits though

>> No.4836232

How pedestrian

>> No.4836278

>plebs call you pedestrian