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4834470 No.4834470 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question. At what point will the cryptocurrency market seriously affect the stock markets? What are the implications if crypto markets reach, for example, 10 trillion market cap? Dlscuss.

>> No.4834542

The main implication i see is we'll be rich as fuck. Keep throwing money at your screen bro.

>> No.4834661

Obviously. But will governments start to fight back at full force? Or will they just dismiss this as a gimmick until it's too late? When will this affect geopolitics? When will the US attempt to raid chinese hard drives?

>> No.4834980


>> No.4834998

When Team Fortress 2 came out with item drops, someone (I won't say the name, his credit is undeserved) made a desktop idler to farm these items during any time without having to play the actual game. Since there was no rule against this, it was alone/unregulated for months which diluted the item economy until Valve finally addressed it after it started getting more and more popular.

Valve's solution? Ban the idler and take away the earnings of the people who utilized it. The people who did not utilize the idler got rewarded something special, but worth nothing. The end.

I have a really shitty gut feeling that this is going to happen to Bitcoin.

>> No.4835050

They are going to attempt to regulate the exchanges and when DEXes become popular fine anyone caught using them.

In the unites states atleast. The key to the stock market is keeping poor people out of it and preventing an actual free market. Crypto is doomed because it's too available to the people and allows wealth transfer in ways unintended.

>> No.4835077


>> No.4835695

>They are going to attempt to regulate the exchanges
Why regulate it when you can destroy it? Why would the government not attempt to incentivize the status quo by rewarding nocoiners? How can Bitcoin or crypto in general help the government? The point of them (now) is that they don't help the government.

>The key to the stock market is keeping poor people out of it and preventing an actual free market.
Not true anymore, I think services like Robinhood will be a dime a dozen in the next 5 years.

>> No.4835788

It's already happened. In fact it's already starting to lose steam.
Just off the top of my head:

>> No.4835871
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What worries me is all the spyware built into new operating systems.

If you use win10, and they keep a tag of everything you do, keylogs and screen pictures, wouldn't they have a record of all your crypto and the passwords?

What's to stop the government from stealing all your crypto like they did before in the past with gold? Or just destroy it?

>> No.4836240

Neets will breach the lawn of Washington like the orcs conquered minas tirith