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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4822920 No.4822920 [Reply] [Original]



+ Officer Ranks
- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
+ Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
+ Enlisted Ranks
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

>> No.4822959

> Buys LINK to feel more important on dumb fuck thread on biz

>> No.4822963

Sergeant at 4K

>> No.4822969

Sergeant First Class Ryan reporting in
Been in since early October

>> No.4822971

Major Linkie reporting in. This coin will be my escalator out of the pits of office slavery. Considering methods to increase rank to Lietenant Colonel, might sell Neo stacks.

>> No.4822987

Lieutenant Colonel 55k

>> No.4823013

Sergeant Major

Where is Masrer Chief? I know nothing about military ranks

>> No.4823015

Sergeant Major. Enough to let me out of wageslaving at a third world country.

>> No.4823016

Dem second lieutenant

>> No.4823035

Staff Sergeant

Reporting in since ~6 october

>> No.4823083

Demoted to First Lieutenant. Gave me 10000k link to my parents

>> No.4823093
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Captain LINKIE reporting in.

>> No.4823112

Lt colonel at 52k. Going to try to increase to 60k over the course of a few months.

>> No.4823122
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sergeant major here at 10800 link
can't wait to be a lazy piece of shit and live off of entirely link dividends next year

>> No.4823135

Lieutenant General reporting in. At ease, soldiers.

>> No.4823166

45k major. Let’s fucking go. The idea of price surge singularity from yesterday’s thread is keeping me going. But I don’t think decemeber news will be a big deal. That was Rory just being rory

>> No.4823209

Corporal as of yesterday.

Almost went civilian today after the pump. My hands are soft.

>> No.4823211

>yesterday’s thread
Don't talk about that, I don't want nolinkers to get in on this.

I want them to suffer seeing us in our lambos.

>> No.4823217

Why are we pumping, boys? No news, no updates, but a ~2x in the last week or so? Just kinda suspicious.

>> No.4823278
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put me in coach i'm ready.

>> No.4823299

i have my buy order at 0.00073 ETH.
Hopefully it fills up.

>> No.4823376

Are you talking about the firm larper’s BS?

>> No.4823444


>> No.4823563


There was a mind-blowing thread about exactly that last night. There’s a trip called AssBlaster who talked about it for hours and he’s either a genuine insider or a master larper. Basically, insiders who know what announcements are coming are backing up the truck, and this is making supply scarce.

>> No.4823616


Nolinkers are fellow Biznessmen who have lost their way. There’s room in lamboland for all of us.

>> No.4823641

come the fuck on link has been oversold half of october and all of november, it only stands to reason that the price would see a reversal eventually
though probably not a 100% reversal. that's a bit much. so who knows

>> No.4823650



> Go travelling for a year (not recommended, the developing world is filthy).
> Miss out on Link
> These happy Link Marines are going to the moon
> I'm being left behind

>> No.4823696

Realized this too ladt year.
All big cities anywhere at any time are large fucking shitholes.

>> No.4823759


It was largely awful.

If I had spent a year inside with my Biz brothers I could instead be mooning it to the luxury hotels and penthouses that offer the only redeeming part of these hellholes.

But no I'm poor, more racist than ever, and probably have an STD.

>> No.4823770
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Mmhmm. /biz/ used to be a whole lot smarter back in the day. But lately a lot of people have turned into dummies. Maybe all that money from the summer got to they's head. Time to stop bein' dumb n stupid, people. There's still time but for how much longer, none can say.

>> No.4823814

Captain, 2 weeks :)

>> No.4824047
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SIR, that is a very nice stack. You are gonna make it :)

>> No.4824263

Hes not really an insider. Hes said many times hes not an oracle, he just works at a firm that lends him to spotting trends

>> No.4824285

major general since presale

>> No.4824317

Was a Sergeant, had no way of getting money, got lucky recently with a shit coin, now Master Sergeant!

>> No.4824351

Sergeant Major but looking to climb the ranks, SIR!

>> No.4824654

Eh guys, I heared 3 kids talk about Chainlink last week. One autist was pushing his friends to get Chainlink.
Do you think they will make it?

>> No.4824686

hey guys what is chainlinks gimmick?

>> No.4824758



>> No.4824807
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>> No.4824975

Come maximize your linkies if you are down to p&d it https://discord.gg/Jppxjn8

>> No.4825045

Second lieutenant going in for promotion tonight if the price holds steady until Im done wagecucking.

>> No.4825076
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>> No.4825163

Major reporting in. Promoted from captain today!

>> No.4825183

This meme needs to say "my oracle problem solver" not oracle solver, come on

>> No.4825346

Filthy Private right now, bought into the meme today with 400 Linkles.

I want to invest further but is there any usecase currently going real time development and/or usage? When can I expect El Grande Padre sergei to bestow us with news?

I bought at .30, what are the estimations?

Is this going to be my BOTW, or an 8.8 outta 8?

Currently I am split with 400 Links, 1000 XLMs, a measely 10 ARKs and a 0.08 of a megaSatoshi

Love you all btw.

>> No.4825356

I was a corporal. I sold half my link to hedge against a dump and ride the IOTA moon and the CHINKS FUCKED ME AND LOCKED MY IOTA SO I DON'T HAVE HALF MY LINK REEEEEEEEEEEE

6 weeks

>> No.4825408
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Lt. Col

>> No.4825439

Only have 2800 Link and buying about 1k a week. Will I make it to 10k before the major moon mission? Fucking stressing over here.

>> No.4825477

Colonel reporting, we are going to make it.

>> No.4825596

Captain here, been holding strong since the day tokens went live on ED. Can't wait to not wageslave and do as I damn please

>> No.4825894

Hi /biz/,

So I hear you enjoy LINK.

Congrats on this, seriously.


>> No.4825975

I was you pre-Sibos. Had about 2.6k and was stressing I'd make it to 5k before the SIBOS moon. Then Post-sibos depression dip hit and I accumulated up to 10k, which I reached today. If we get another month and a half dip you can get your 10k. You're a little slow man, honestly might not make it.

>> No.4826055

Been in LINK since ED epoch
Took x1.5 gains the day it got listed in Binance.
Rebought pre-Sibos, but managed to average down to 27c.
God, what a ride it was.
Now I'm just a simple sergeant and it hurts to think I could've had 10k LINK if only I was more smart. Now I'm too scared to let go of any of my LINK. Dips, bearish, nah. I'm holding tight to my LINK no matter what now.

>> No.4826091


>> No.4826126


is it really you sergey? I'm going to sell please give us a sign. it's hell holding link

>> No.4826138


>> No.4826147

Specialist reporting for duty, looking to advance to corporal

>> No.4826177
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sergeant major reporting for doody, sir
been on the front lines for 1 month

>> No.4826245

71 LINK here kek, I dumped my last dregs of ETH into it whilst its cheap

>> No.4826274


anon, I...

>> No.4826362

reee its because I went went balls deep into REQ on the dip, LINKs been mooning too hard for me recently.

>> No.4826467

Staff Sergeant here
Feels good and bad at the same time :(

>> No.4826522
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>> No.4826552
File: 297 KB, 2400x3000, General reporting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lieutenant General Reporting,

Been a harsh battle, some mistakes were made on the battlefield. Still going strong nevertheless.

Never falter.

>> No.4826730

Hi Anons,

Yes and no.


>> No.4826778
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>> No.4826848

Bought another batch earlier at 2550, now at 2273. This damn coin

>> No.4826874
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Sergeant Major reporting!

>> No.4826985

Where did you hear This? Was it me?

>> No.4827143


Thanks Sergey. I'll hold.

>> No.4827514
File: 178 KB, 1244x765, 1511507808408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one of these cringe threads

Why can't we just say how much LINK we have

100k here

Pic related would change my life beyond all anything

>> No.4827638

I'm jealous, I have only 11.5k

>> No.4827689

Brigadier General reporting in. Good times ahead.

>> No.4827800


I have 11.5k LINK, Sergeant Major since October REPORTING IN