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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 187 KB, 1000x600, ark2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4820563 No.4820563 [Reply] [Original]

Finally, let's go


>> No.4820584

$10 EOY
$100 EOY 2018
$1000 EOY 2019

>> No.4820588
File: 1.55 MB, 1368x1479, 1504891148014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“We are very excited to enter into an official partnership with Ark. Having been following Ark closely from its inception, we firmly believe Ark is a top tier blockchain project of integrity and innovation that will take its rightful place amongst the other giants in the industry. We are proud to continue our support in a more official capacity for the next stage of Ark’s journey.”


>> No.4820611
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>but ark is a vaporware

>> No.4820616


I was literally hesitating waiting to top up my stack at the dip thought it might reach 31k and then suddenly a giant green dildo. RIP me. oh well still have 8.6k ark strong

>> No.4820627
File: 2.78 MB, 1920x938, wifn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Partnership with a PR firm.

>> No.4820657

fuck me sideways this is huge!!

>> No.4820660

Congrats on your $8.6MM EOY 2018

>> No.4820668

What are the odds I was just getting back into ark after months I made 1 small buy I was then seconds away from making a bigger buy then it just shot up like a bullet

>> No.4820715

So just wondering. How come you use partnership posts for ARK as a bullish signal, but the tens of partnerships OMG mentions gets memed on?

>> No.4820723

>a fucking pr firm

>> No.4820757

Dude, crypto companies are lacking the most in marketing and promotion, this is a good move imo desu

>> No.4820758

Because all OMG has are ''photo'' partnerships and skateboard with stickers

>> No.4820766

>shilling about a partnership with pro shills

Really makes you think

>> No.4820772

>OMG """""partnerships"""""
>ARK partnerships

See the difference?

>> No.4820782

Nobody gonna care about ARK technology if nobody gonna heard about it.

>> No.4820810
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A partnership does do not equal standing in front of a logo you have no affiliation with or stickers on a skateboard.

Like honestly, out of all the bullshit OMG threw around the only partnership that ended up having any legitimacy behind it was fucking Mcdonalds right? lmfao. And it wasn't even a real partnership it was like a VERY select few restaurants in thailand would look into using omise.

It's easy to shit on OMG but they were the best shilling dev team any coin has ever had and probably ever will. They literally brought a fucking ERC20 token to 1bil marketcap with no product and a half finished whitepaper.. that alone is amazing.

>> No.4820818

A good PR firm could do wonders.

Especially as the masses are starting to hear more and more about "Bitcoin"

Imagine if Ark could be spoken about as well.

>> No.4820842

+ Being registered in France, to add legitimacy

Seems like a step in the right direction

>> No.4820870

Did you see monero boom after that normie billboard article?, i literally watched it go from like 230 to over 3 today

>> No.4820896

Hindsight is such a bitch. I could've invested over £2k in ARK during the ICO but now I'm poor as fuck and have only 100 Ark. fml

>> No.4820921


Thanks for link, a good example of the benefits of good advertising

>> No.4820937

Im strapped in for the moon mission boys
idk if i should long these ark i just bought and move them into the wallet with my long bag or sell them for sweet tendies when i can

>> No.4821069
File: 210 KB, 373x402, ancapball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought 6400 ark RIGHT before it pumped

>> No.4821111

just made 22% on a signal from discord.gg/Kd4NYth

>> No.4821154

What are the features of this coin?

>> No.4821195

it makes money

>> No.4821240

read on ark.io or /r/arkecosystem instead of asking us, faggot

>> No.4821356

Thank god

>> No.4821416

>recommending plebbit

an hero

>> No.4821445

lean to write english you pajeet

as for the arkecosystem sr, it's pretty great. one of the few cryptocommunities that are actually good.

>> No.4821621

your newness is showing, plebbit.

>> No.4821928

>EOY 2018

>> No.4822230

seriously, I think you are new here. LURK MOAR, especially /b/

>> No.4822240

Its already too late, you guys should've checked the pump group

>> No.4822786

i missed the dip to 4.08 last night because bitcoin and etf both are so fucking slow now REEEEEEEEEEEEEE i sat there for 3 hours waiting for my transfer to go through but it never did untill this morning when it was too later....remember lads dont wait untill the dip to send BTC to your bittrex account be ready to go in advance im an idiot

>> No.4822821

>people have been complaining ark doesnt market well
>partners with PR firm

ok famalam

>> No.4823435

Conservatively speaking, ARK is going to $10 by Q2 2018.

I can't believe there are actually people who haven't boarded yet

>> No.4823475

>Q2 2018
TOP KEK, $10 EOY and $100 Q2 2018

>> No.4823492


>> No.4823536

>lean to write english you pajeet
>doesn't know what an hero is
holy shit neck yourself you fucking faggot

>> No.4823574

I know, I have a sweet new meme to post but I don't want a bunch of newfags to see it. This thread's pretty full of them.

>> No.4823588
File: 234 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171206-201422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit guys, my OCD is kicking in. Literally thinking of selling 460 ARK just so I have a round number. HELP

>> No.4823633

how about you sell some of that shitcoin Link to get 40 more ARK

>> No.4823659


>> No.4823673

Madness. You need to buy 1040.

>> No.4823689

You're never going to stay even if you stake your ARK anyway.

>> No.4823693

>shitcoin Link
No keep the LINK and stay SALTy.

>> No.4823741
File: 744 KB, 1280x720, lPQBeAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can just keep selling off the stakes each month. But at this rate it'd take over 150 days to reach 1k.

>> No.4823746

Kind of my reaction, although>>4822821 raises a valid point.

>> No.4823865
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hold me brahs

>> No.4823921

So... are we likely to moon again today? Lots of mooning going on around in other altcoins right now and its tempting to try and grab more gains to invest back in Ark...

>> No.4823975
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1512399450155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think ARK will drop a bit more tomorrow/this week? I want to accumulate, but want to hear predictions for when

>> No.4823986

I don't think so. It'll probably dip back to 32-33k range.

>> No.4824057

God I hope so, the longer it stays down the more I can accumulate.

>> No.4824253

>drawing meme lines on a fucking 15 minute chart

Are you a filthy day trader? I don't even look at anything less than 1h

>> No.4824585
File: 3.32 MB, 4096x3072, P_20171206_205457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When ARK reaches $100 I'll get a tattoo of Iris and let the /biz/ will decide the placement.

>> No.4824768
File: 1.30 MB, 960x540, wobble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it on your penis. Expand dong. Repeat.

>> No.4824884

put it on the base of your penis the mouth should be right around your dick.

when not if ARK hits $100 I'm worth 1.7 million dollars.

>> No.4824940

rip 33.6k support we drooping 31k

>> No.4825003

ARK went down today I'm not buying that shit

>> No.4825047

No benis. Sorry guys. Gonna start using it when ARK hits $100. Neither can't be anywhere visible in normal clothing. I still won't be nearly rich enough to pull that off.

>> No.4825157

>no benis
;_; you poor thing

>> No.4825202
File: 36 KB, 1024x554, a4152e5149130c230af32fe7b981aa58aa5f9c49_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4825348

did it actaully get bought out or is this another faggot moving buy walls

>> No.4825454

why are there so many eunuchs on this website?

>> No.4825530

Are you baiting or do you have trouble understanding written English?
>no tattoo on benis because I'm going to start using it when ARK hits $100
There, brainlet.

>> No.4825531
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>> No.4825532

fuck off nigger

>> No.4825540

just buy more ark today after the upcoming pnd https://discord.gg/Jppxjn8 ez gains all round

>> No.4825554

kys scamming nigger

>> No.4825575

Stay triggered pajeet

>> No.4825635

another pnd nigger in my ark tHREAD AHHHHHH

>> No.4825911

Stay poor and a virgin faggot. I don't have to waste my time shilling retarded discord scams on a basket weaving forum so I can buy rice without sucking someone's dick. 100% guarantee you are not white or rich or are ever going to be anything more than Aladdin-tier street trash. I’m triggered that you are spending all your precious data browsing this forum when you have a wife and 7 kids back in your one bedroom shanty flop that are praying for you to raise enough money so thet can move somewhere with a toilet. Just stop man. You're poor and you're some sort of deluded nigger. You need to just take your rightful place in the economy and get a job as a janitor so you can clean up my cum stains in the disabled toilet after the stacey i randomly walked by on the streets wanted my dick so bad she couldn't wait till I got back to my Bently.

>> No.4825984
File: 14 KB, 480x480, reereepeepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anyway we can just get rid of all pajeets?! FUCK! man...

>> No.4826528

country flags