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4818734 No.4818734 [Reply] [Original]

>Office Christmas Party

How important are these stupid things for upward mobility? This will be the third year I, despite office peer-pressure, fail to attend the Office Christmas Party. Will this come back to bite me in the ass?

>> No.4818775

There is virtually no added benefit to attend in terms of upward mobility (discounting developing good relationships with higher-ups).

There is a big potential in downward mobility in not attending though

>> No.4818782

Pretty Important but not end of the world if you got REAL VALUABLE SKILL not easily found anywhere else
... and Yes.

>> No.4818834

If you are the only one not attending, guess who everyone is gonna gossip about? Unless you are the second coming of Jesus, it's guaranteed to be bad gossip. Have fun with people sneaking you knowing looks and sniggering behind your back

>> No.4818881


>> No.4819804

>not being able to just do your job well and not engage in bullshit

Wagecucking is even worse than I thought

>> No.4819839
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>tfw interview tomorrow
im 27 and i've never been on a interview or held a job
considering just bailing and changing my phone number/personal email
what do i do

>> No.4819848

judging by this post they probably dont like you anyways
care federal

>> No.4819866

go in
smile and wave

>op are you retarded ?
these are the people you spending 80% of your life with you fucking moron

>> No.4819944
File: 139 KB, 388x421, OH_MY_GAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go and fart during the interview.


>> No.4819975

Excellent opportunity to kiss ass and possibly fuck some chicks but probably not, dont get to drunk and embarrass yourself

>> No.4820014

Just don't go and start all inning shit coins. That's what I decided to do and now I have $20k in btc which is way more than I'd have made at any of those jobs.

>> No.4820050
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i actually really need a job because government cut off my neet salary last month
cant survive for even 2 months with my measly savings

i wish i could make enough but i only have 0.09 BTC

>> No.4820213

>actually really need a job because government cut off my neet salary last month
Good, you fucking NEETs disgust me

>> No.4820241
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thanks for the gibs wagie

>> No.4820252

Try to sell them your LINK to BTC prizes.

>> No.4820254
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Sorry to hear that. Good luck out there.

>> No.4820278

>work in a normie office job
>at least 5 emails per day about some wageslave begging other wageslaves to donate some of their cuck money to their charitable cause of choice
>normie middle aged women walking desk to desk trying to sell some shit tier cake they baked to raise money for charity
>collections multiple times a week for some wagecucks birthday present
>collections for presents for some old time wageslave that has done his 40+ year service and is ready to retire and die

It never fucking ends

>> No.4820369

Where the fuck do you work lol, i never had to deal with that shit. Helps that I am in a 100% man R&D department I guess.

>> No.4820376

I believe in you anon. Just remember, working is smart and cash is king.

>> No.4820412


Some massive organisation (accounting)

I'm quitting soon and moving to a smaller firm which is nearly all men and have great banter.

>> No.4820452

You should go. Might get a pity fuck from one of the Stacy's from marketing

>> No.4820478

I would make an appearance. You don't have to stay longer than 45 minutes to an hour.

>> No.4820569

>tfw highly asocial and weasel out of almost every office event
>people are still friendly towards me because I'm friendly and helping towards them
Just don't appear as cold bitch and it'll be alright. My coworkers are cool with it despite me practically radiating "I'm mentally crippled human bean please don't make me do it" aura whenever the party time comes.

>> No.4820591
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>tfw love to party at office
>tfw neet and can party only with other neets at my place

I don't know why anyone can have problem with normie job events. I worked in office for 14 months and we had parties every month. That was awesome, never missed one.

>> No.4820632

Environments with low female % are always way more enjoyable. You need some for eye candy, but equalized or majority female is absolute aids if you want to get shit done.

>> No.4820664

>How important are these stupid things for upward mobility?
Unless you planned on working for the same company with the same people for 40 years, unimportant

>> No.4820673


Indeed, there are women that bounce from desk to desk and gossip about shit constantly.

I don't understand how they actually even get any work done.

Then beta males / wagecuck lifers start to emulate this behaviour and talk shit about management or others.

It's fucking depressing.

Tends to be mostly boomers or fat bitches that do this.

>> No.4820699

Office parties == free head from MILFs and young interns

>> No.4820706
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>> No.4820725

they don't get work done. That's the beauty with communism, everyone gets the same, no matter the individual productivity

>> No.4820813


Nah my girlfriend's parents grew up in USSR, that just results in everyone working as little as possible.

I think in big organisations these fucks can merge in and don't get called out on their bullshit.

Thats why I like the idea of going to a small firm, has like 9 employees, and their turnover is growing exponentially. You can't hide away in that environment so everyone is forced to get shit done.

>> No.4821005

Wish you the best, but don't be shocked about the reality. If you are somebody who wants work to be done, become an Freelancer, companies, no matter the size always work according to the communist paradigm of shoving of work to the one who gets work done, till that one decides leaving the ship.

>> No.4821045

like 99% important. If you are the kind of person who doesn't go to the office party you will NEVER be promoted. Take it from me OP, I was that kind of person, until I saw everyone around me getting promoted. Even people who I new I outstripped with my technical skills. When asked, my boss told me I was lacking "soft personal skills" aka was a turbo autist. I put more effort into not being a turbo autist and yes this included going to the Christmas party this year my boss heavily hinted a promotion was coming.

>> No.4821159

>mfw don't drink and no gf to bring along
I don't see the point of going but fuck it.

>> No.4821182

Don't kill yourself if you get left in the dust again :^)

>> No.4821225

Don't be an autist faggot. You gotta go to the office functions to smooth out relationships with your co-workers. Don't expect to hobknob with the executives but they are worthwhile to go to. Get a drink and chill out.