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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 1200x600, modum-170824-press-release-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4817788 No.4817788 [Reply] [Original]

>invest in a shitcoin
>read the whitepaper afterwards to justify my decision
Am I the only one doing this?

>> No.4817815
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>> No.4817910
File: 67 KB, 700x545, 4chan img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best project ever!

>> No.4818041

You won't see gains until eoy or Q1 2018

>> No.4818065

more like

>buy a shitcoin with 0 knowledge about it
>just assume i'll make gains and it works

>> No.4818128

Guilty, again.

>> No.4818172
File: 586 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-12-06-15-50-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind waiting a few weeks until people realize it solves a real life problem unlike other shitcoins.

The only thing I dislike about it is that the token doesn't actually do anything. They could have done a normal IPO with shares.

Are there any other actually useful health/pharmacy projects out there?

>> No.4818188

>reading white papers

I bet you prep your wife’s bull too you absolute cuckold

>> No.4818228

Sold my MOD recently for some other more imminent mooning holds I have, but looking to get back into it in a couple of weeks. I hear they will be paying dividends next year - will it just go to every ETH address that currently holds the tokens?

>> No.4818260


>> No.4818289

I think that's the idea. I'm pretty sure the MOD token really serves no purpose other than giving you an ownership stake so you can receive dividends, which I suspect will also be paid out in MOD? I admit I'm confused about why this company thinks they need to use a blockchain for this.

>> No.4818314

Well the blockchain itself needs tokens to "run" so that information can be sent and received. If they would have just done a regular IPO, then they wouldn't have been able to do this in a P2P way I guess. Not 100% sure though.

>> No.4818341

I think its something to do with the pharma logistics and all the middle men between factory and store shelves. At least in US everybody has different systems and counterfeit drugs are a huge problem, check out BlockRx, similiar token in US

>> No.4818393
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i get the idea, you buy a little so you have something in just incase it starts to moon in the two weeks it takes you to read its whitepaper because if you wait that long of course it will fucking moon without you being there

>> No.4818515

But they could have used an existing block chain, no?
For example using an ETH smart contract to verify the integrity of the data.
What if I bought mine at an exchange?

>> No.4818536

Well yeah I guess the way I phrased that question was kind of stupid. It's pretty clear that they did it as a fundraising mechanism, I'm just surprised that more companies/startups haven't tried this too. I'm guessing maybe Switzerland doesn't have as much red tape about this kind of stuff when compared to the US?

Will do.

>> No.4818539

Pays in Eth

>> No.4818614

Alright, thanks. Wonder when this company will start making any profit.