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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 6 KB, 200x200, tether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4808728 No.4808728 [Reply] [Original]


Jesus christ guys could this be a real issue. You fucks said it was just a meme/FUD

>> No.4808748

Store of value meme is dead if people find out its astronomical rise is because of fraudulent tethers.

Its about fucking time, utility tokens like ETH will win in the long run once purely store of value coins are dead.

>> No.4808749

I was serious when I said this will cause the next BTC crash.

>> No.4808762

almost nobody here said it was a meme/FUD

>> No.4809277


>USDT (Tether) is not actually backed by USD 1-1
>This is why Wells Fargo severed their relationship
>This is also why CME rushed to get BTC futures approved
>They are keeping the news positive and confusing the public about Tether
>Once the CBOE & CME futures go active on December 18th they will leak the information about Tether
>Tether is creating an overvalued BTC
>BTC value will drop 50-70% within days
>(((Bankers))) will profit from puts (betting BTC will decline)
>IOTA seen as the new comer with no links to now blighted blockchain technology will see 40-50x gains
>inb4 IOTA shill

>> No.4809334
File: 85 KB, 500x352, days-without-1-jewish-tricks-4820297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4809357

iota does not do what bitcoin does you retard

>> No.4809367

>You fucks said it was just a meme/FUD
That's because it is.

>> No.4809378


that;s why it will win :)
IOTA is better, BTC was the proof of concept

>> No.4809395
File: 54 KB, 601x461, e388c612f3d71508a5e930b6a2cf7d01c505d80fd8697ab15149f2394b40dff0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the hell said it was a fud/meme?

you're a fucking retard

>> No.4809402
File: 28 KB, 665x662, e68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jew banks are going to win again

>> No.4809420

this guy>>4809367

>> No.4809475

IOTA (((((((((((NO TRANSACTION FEES)))))))))))))
mean while btc fees increases almost every month, diff skyrocket every month, 1M unconfirmed transaction in 2018.

>> No.4809487
File: 16 KB, 600x450, 16d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit why would that crash Bitcoin? Isn't it possible that Bitcoin is/has achieved independence from the dollar and the quantity of tethers no longer holds significant impact on Bitcoin. After all Bitcoin is both the gateway and exit of cryto at the moment so 80+% of crytos gains go through bitcoin when cashing out via exchanges.

That or I'm a retard that doesn't understand anything about cryto outside of the fact that I am making money.

>> No.4809503


I can't tell whose side you are on?

>> No.4809536

because if it turns out a billion dollars worth of bitcoin transactions dont actually exist then bitcoin loses value

>> No.4809561
File: 613 KB, 1282x754, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because people are selling BTC for Tether thinking it = $1

When they find out it not actually backed by $1, people will no longer accept Tether

Then there will be way less fiat money in the system.

BTC is the most inflated because of normies.

50% crash is not unreasonable

ETH is more stable

>> No.4809595

the question is where the shit will it actually crash and at what price, what if it rises to like 20k for a BTC then drops back to 10k?

>> No.4810638

IOTA will prevail, when tether takes down BTC.

>> No.4810694

Good. That'll keep the normies out for another few years

>> No.4810793

>that fucking 12.5K sell wall

>> No.4810831

If BTC crashes, so will everything else including eth you tard.

>> No.4810882
File: 36 KB, 326x289, CHINKYKEKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Goys siphon your
Alt gains in to Bitcoin and Eth. I once had more money than you can imagine locked up for 3 months in Eth on a sketchy exchange. Since then, it has been Bittrex only, and I siphon my gains off in to physical gold. Idon't need to log in to get my gold. T. Boomer. *Laughs in Mandarin*

>> No.4811014

>believing shills literally screaming new paradigm

>> No.4811168

>kittens clog the network
Eth is a mess m8