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File: 41 KB, 760x571, 1257315237748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4807128 No.4807128 [Reply] [Original]

>he isn't shorting bitcoin like crazy
*pop* ... that's the sound of all of your 'wealth' disappearing in a matter of hours. Tick tock.

>> No.4807218

It's not going to crash until it hits 20k. Too many normal people no coiner faggots entering. Enjoy your liquidation.

>> No.4807296

>shorting btc

Feel free to join the legions of morons who got JUST'd by their 10k shorts

>> No.4807357

Do you think shorting bitcoin is cool? Does it make you feel like a super cool trader man? Do you think you're Jordan Belfort? I have news for you, faggot. You're a fucking eyesore.

>> No.4807655

Would you short the S&P500 because it was making consistent gains?

>> No.4807683

do you know when? I've been waiting i'm so tired i want to go to sleep but im worried it'll happen without me

>> No.4807744

>he shorts bitcoin
Just when I think the userbase is wising up.

>> No.4807764
File: 63 KB, 500x750, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't be able to predict the crash, and odds are good it will crash to a price above what you'd pay now for it. Just fucking buy and holding, jesus.

>> No.4807813

crash to a price above what i'd pay for it now..hmmm

>> No.4807874
File: 97 KB, 1000x675, very fast stocks moving at incredibly hihg speeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going long bitcoin and buying put options on hyped up block-chain related corporations as a hedge
Have fun missing out on the one sure way to make money in this bubble.

>> No.4807959

this kek

>> No.4808029

You have to be a braindead moron to ever short bitcoin. Literally JUST fuck my shit up. Nobody knows when it will crash.

>> No.4808047

This he thinks he's fucking leo dicrapio

>> No.4808088

I'm not touching this overbought shitcoin with a 10-foot pole. But I'm not stupid enough to short it either.

>> No.4808106


>> No.4808137

I remember when it was at $300 and the same thing was said

>> No.4808176

I remember when it was $300, it actually had utility, and there were no viable competing coins in the market...

>> No.4808177

What corporations in particular?

>> No.4808350

XNET and MARA are the best ones I found. XNET is a sketchy chink company that made a torrent client that only seeds for its own users that is now making an e-currency that might not even be block-chain because ICOs are temporarily banned in China and MARA is a patent troll that is going to dilute shareholders down to 20% of their equity selling shares to acquire a private a bitcoin mining company. They're both up several times their price before the hype.

>> No.4808442

remember that viable competing coin eth?
remember how it absolutely shit itself because of a meme kitty app?

>> No.4808847

would someone explain what JUST'd is to a normie?