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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4806860 No.4806860 [Reply] [Original]

>12 thousand doll hairs for an imaginary coin
are you blind?

>> No.4806914

>people will give me bread, clothes, a car, pussy, etc for pieces of paper

The world was already crazy. We're just upping the ante.

>> No.4806933

What's a doll hair

>> No.4807033

Oooohhhhh you sly piece of shit. You really thought you were going to get a (you) for one STUPID fucking post. Well, I've got news for you. You're not cute, you're not funny. I've met people like you before on facebook and reddit and we have got a word for you: BAIT. Yeah that's right you wriggling little worm, you're on the hook for this one and let me tell you what this is FOURCHAN and we will fuck your shit up, bucko. I can't believe you thought you would get away with this! Good luck dealing with the ARMY OF TROLLS you've been hearing about on the news. They are going to expose you for the fraud you are, like it are not.


>> No.4807039

Not reading

>> No.4807097

are you a nocoiner?

>> No.4807122

Oooohhhhh you sly trader you. You really thought you were going to get a Bitcoin for one HILARIOUS begging post. Well, I've got news for you. You're not rich, you're not smart. I've met people like you before on twitter and instagram and we have got a word for you: POOR. Yeah that's right you wriggling little orphan, you're on the IRS' list for this one and let me tell you what this is /BIZ/ and we will drain your wallet, bucko. I can't believe you thought you would get away with this! Good luck dealing with the ARMY OF TAX COLLECTORS you've been hearing about on the interwebs. They are going to expose you for the fraud you are, like it are not.


>> No.4807228
File: 162 KB, 800x1200, Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4807497

>t. newfag that's confident in his ignorance

I swear to God you people are so fucking annoying GET OFF MY BOARD

>> No.4807569

Pay no attention to the retarded tripfag fellas. His opinion doesn't matter. You're welcome I made your weewee hard by getting "b8ed" by your stupid name.

>> No.4807583
File: 280 KB, 2000x1000, serveimage (49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doll hair
Is... is that a fucking Pete and Pete reference?

>> No.4807606
File: 226 KB, 512x400, 79e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling someone new
>Falling for b8 this hard

>> No.4807611

Nice imaginary waifu

>> No.4807671

I use my tripcode to spot newfags like you. on /biz/ all we care about is
You newfags coming here with your financially useless rhetoric thinking you're "part of the club" or whatever need to shut the fuck up and lurk more.

/biz/ isn't /b/ or /pol/ or reddit. Only newfags post b8 because newfags want attention more than they want to make money

>> No.4807700
File: 137 KB, 800x536, serveimage (50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's retarded is that we all pretend paper has some sort of value. If it's a universally agreed upon bargaining instrument, it has value.

>> No.4807867

>Thinking any board on this Italian pizza-critiquing website has the unity to not troll itself
Attention seekers have always been a part of /biz/ and every other board since their inception. Limiting the (you)'s is the best we can do.

>> No.4807918

there's a difference between shitposting and uneducated b8.

Honestly, newfags like you are the reason there's so much shit to sift through on this board now.

>> No.4807938

It is specially threaded and colored. It feels almost like cloth. Argue against this. you might find it hard

>> No.4808257

>Is so new he calls everyone new to prove his point
Lurk moar