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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4804113 No.4804113 [Reply] [Original]

I'm doing it lads, I am going to cash out, i have held this bag for way too long, going to keep 50k in Bitcoin in case moon but going to enjoy my sweet £600,000 in bong bucks and put it in Fidelity and enjoy 4 percent and just be /comfy/, might go to SEA for a bit and watch the comfy crash that's going to happen sooner or later.

>> No.4804417

You remind me of a similar post on Reddit of a dude who cashed out at 1100 during the Chinese runup/ Mount Gox.

But we wish you well.

>> No.4804428

prove it retarded larping piece of shit

>> No.4804429

Congrats mate. Enjoy your /comfy/.

>> No.4804433

keeping 100% of my networth in an asset created by a guy who uses a gook name is stupid.

>> No.4804442

Good on you anon for not being too greedy. 600k is enough to take all the time you need in life to figure out what you truly want out of it.

It's enough to live a modest, low-maintenance life.

Enjoy it, take a breather from this crazy market, and calmly plan your next moves.

>> No.4804475

how do you plan on cashing out?

>> No.4804482
File: 156 KB, 500x500, angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he calls fucking satoshi nakamoto a "gook"
Fuck you LARPer; it's bad enough to LARP but how fucking dare you disgrace the name of Satoshi? You don't have shit and I hope you and your daughter/wife get raped by Mohammed you fucking filthy piece of shit. All the money in the world will never fill the empty blackness that is being (you).

>> No.4804497

I wouldn’t cash out so much personally, but I have a similar plan too

the idea of ~£20k per year is great

Also do you know the taxation situation? It’s just capital gains for bongs right?

>> No.4804729

I was going to say this too. If you do fear the market will crash then do cash out but I would keep at least 30% in BTC and 10% in XMR. The rest you can jerk yourself with.

>> No.4804768

I will be keeping 6 Bitcoins, and 6 equiv in Bcash as I can't be bothered to move the addresses,

I'll have to pay a mixture of 10 percent and 20 percent in capital gains but w/e, I can't hide this money.

I'll still be in for the moon if it happens but at a smaller rate.

god speed.

>> No.4804820

i'd go in 100k and take fewer bong bucks and start some real world business of some kind. 4% annual? shit thats boring, probably faster then inflation though i guess, so that makes sense. you earned your retirement good luck buddy. no matter what happens now: you already won and you can't every truly lose on crypto again, the risk is over. one day i hope to be where you are, gracefully bowing out well before it all goes belly up, but i think perhaps i'm a bit late for that, we'll see.

>> No.4804979

i changed my mind op, your plan is good. 4% annual thats like 2g in bong a month right. for life. play with bitcoins for extra spending money. yeah dude its a sweet plan you are set. although im not sure what fidelity is to be honest. but as long as you can pull your money out if fidelity sucks or changes or something.

>> No.4805036

>i don't know what fidelity is
It's a large broker that allows you to trade real assets like stocks
>he didn't know what fidelity was
Sigh. This board gets worse every passing day. Can't wait for you all to get taken to the cleaners so /biz/ can be great again.

>> No.4805093

Good strategy. If I had your bitcoin holdings I’d do it as well.

You’ll still be set if bitcoin moons

>> No.4805154


If you cash out, then the Normies win

>> No.4805717

fuck lads, it's starting to moon again and idk what to do, have my exchange open and just sent a small amount to test my bank account to see if it works but what now?

>> No.4805779

Stick to the plan man, that's a lot of money to live a /comfy/ life with

>> No.4805785



£600k is like 1 medium sized house. It's basically nothing.


THAT 600k GONNA BE WORTH £3M by 2020

>> No.4805834

delet this

>> No.4806130

how are you cashing out? coinbase?

>> No.4806291

The bag hold is for life

Diversify those 50k smartly in 1 year term long holds, XMR, LTC, NEO, ARK, etc.

probably pick up 500k to work with next year

>> No.4806297

coinfloor, I am britbong.

just did a test transaction of like 500 bongs to see.

i am fearfull of the new (((regulations))) that are coming in early 2018

>> No.4806319

I swear to god OP, don't be that faggot. You wait for your lambo money or your will be an hero when the day comes.

>> No.4806323

the new regulations are just to stop people avoid their tax

>> No.4806341

i could buy a lambo now anon but I don't want to.

>> No.4806418

it will tank the price tho.