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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4801031 No.4801031 [Reply] [Original]

>have full time job with littlr work to be done
>arrive at office at 4 pm today
>leave at 5 pm
>get home after commute and cook food and eat while browsing internet
>evening basically gone

And I went to the gym this morning which I may not have time for if I had to get to work by 9 am.

How the hell do people cope? I stayed from 9-5 during my first few weeks in my current job and felt like my life was over

>> No.4801058

It's shitty man. If I didn't have exit plans I would be depressed.

>> No.4801076

>I stayed from 9-5

I've been looking at charts 16 hours a day, even on weekends. Crypto is a full time job.

>> No.4801144

> job
> wage hell

Exit scam is the only cope. We are slaving for retarded scam paper currency

>> No.4801209

> Wagie life is inhuman

Arguably it's more human than the alternative. People have been [wage]slaving for thousands of years. What makes you special?

>> No.4801300

>People have been [wage]slaving for thousands of years.
No, if you work on your own farm for your own survival, or do hunting, you're not a wageslave you're an entrepreneur.

>> No.4801337

This fucking word triggers me. Is it so god damn hard to add an E at the end? It is less ambiguous than "inhuman" which can be interpreted as meaning not human. Rather than referring to a behavior or condition that is unfit for humans.
For example my dog is inhuman, and I treat him inhumanely.
>but anon aren't they synonyms
Fuck off

>> No.4801398


You have a skewed understanding of history if you think most farmers/hunters from the past 3000 years had any choice in the matter.

>> No.4801403


Having fun teaching those niglets?

Don't you have a stack of unintelligible scrawl to "grade"

>> No.4801405

Why the fuck would you work a wage job
I stayed home since Monday and made $800 off a $100 investment in cryptokitties
$400 per day = $12000 a month = $144k a year, and that's before ETH appreciates by x10
i will be a millionaire off trading pussies

>> No.4801425

I literally want to kill myself every day

I sometimes wish crypto would crash so my crypto can properly reflect my soul

>> No.4801526

When will ETH 10x

>> No.4801531
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Buddy I would never be a teacher lmao. I'd rather be homeless

>> No.4801577

>top degree after years of hard work
>got into great profession at great company
>huge salary (comparatively) and benefits
>old friends all have shit jobs and no money "anon you're so successful"
>still spend half my post tax wage on rent, bills, cost of commuting
>spend 90% of my waking life working, traveling to work, with people from work, thinking about work

Everyone keeps telling me I've made it, is this what it is? To realise that no one gets paid that much. Only 5 people at my company (biggest in sector in the world) have made enough money to be considered totally rich and free.

Wagecucking is a fucking scam.

You never make it, even 'successful' people haven't made it.

If it wasn't for crypto I'd probably have anon heroed

>> No.4801829
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>wake up at 3 pm
>do some freelance work, check portfolio every 5 minutes
>play some vidya
>go to bed early in the morning
>repeat every day

>> No.4801946

>gym in morning
>practice piano
>day finished

if crypto doesn’t pay off, I need another get rich quick scheme

>> No.4801968

Use your skills and abilities to work as an independent contractor or start your own company. Keep the profits that you work for for yourself.