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File: 88 KB, 922x688, satookyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4796343 No.4796343 [Reply] [Original]

IOTA is a fucking joke.

>"one day your fridge will make a payment to your microwave" hhahhahah oh wow...

>"you can lease your tools when you're not using them" iota STAPH

>"we're funding european refugee camps so they can turn into smart refugee cities" IOTA STAPH!!!!!!

>> No.4796359

Salty poltard is mad and won't buy it when it's cheap.

>> No.4796358

>"I am too retarded to know how IoT works and its current problems"

I hope your gains for today could afford you a rope, or even a shotgun

>> No.4796378


There are no use cases for IOTA.

>> No.4796391

anyone who buys this coin is a rapist, not even joking. if i owned some i wouldn't tell anyone because i dont want to be known as that guy that holds rape coins

>> No.4796413

Are you 12?
Like, seriously. No sane adult would think of posting that.

>> No.4796431


>> No.4796462


There's actually a point in that.

>IOTA supports refugees

>refugees are mostly rapists who are running away from their native land (statistical fact at least in my country)

>anyone who supports refugees just bein' refugees, is a rapist supporter

Whenever someone stands up for refugees, I tell them to take responsibility for their rapes then.

>> No.4796475


>Time to use the microwave
>"200 iota has been spent. Enjoy your 1 minutes of microwaving."

>> No.4796493

There are use cases, but they are all dead memes.

>> No.4796519


>>"200 iota has been spent. Enjoy your 1 minutes of microwaving."

This. Why the FUCK should everything be a cryptocurrency transaction?

Kinda like EOS is trying to take the "decentralize everything" meme a bit too far.

The population hasn't even began to adopt BTC yet and we're paying to use microwaves and decentralizing our asses.

>> No.4796531

Dont worry, all the money those wannabe cucks are wasting on this shitcoin was not going to something better anyway.

>> No.4796547

Dont shit talk IOTA on a non-anonymous forum btw, the devs reserve the right (and also they have created the tools lmao) to wipe any wallet and stop any transaction.


>> No.4796551

What the fuck do you do today? Don't you pay electricity bills? I honestly can't grasp how retards with 0 knowledge about today's industry try to talk about technological topics. Just... read up man, the info is freely available on the internet.

>> No.4796554
File: 58 KB, 500x375, 1507150180055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i catch my microwave and fridge talking to each other with rapecoins behind my back i am taking a sledgehammer to the whole kitchen. unholy abominations fucking talking microwaves fucking retarded fuck this i don't like it at all.

>your fridge has recorded an excess of consumed proteins to the order of 25%, you are being fined in accordance with the global carbon code nineteen dollars and eight four cents. please eat responsibly, a message from the government of ontario

i see a lot of uses for this coin, none of them good.

>> No.4796573

I have loaned you guys my microwave. But you need to pay me first if you want to use it.

>> No.4796682

Are you actually for real, do you seriously don't understand how an economy based on "pay for what you use" will work? If you could recharge your electric car without doing any work yourself, and just let your vehicle make the transaction for you, wouldn't you want that? Or how about selling data collected by your smart phone? There are literally endless possibilities.

>> No.4796698

well lets see
funding iota helps bring in more refugees into europe
most refugees are men and the rape statistics show an alarming number of them are rapists
rapes are on the rise across europe, and it's not european men

by being iota you are indirectly funding rape. you can not care if you like, but don't hide from the fact that you are literally funding rape.

more women will get raped the more money you put into this, thats simple the end result period. i'm sorry, it's a rape coin

>> No.4796731

I work tech at large corporate conferences. Every CEO for the last year has been foaming at the mouth for IOT. They are channeling televangelists over it. It's almost here, whether you want it to be or not, and there is too much money to be made in nanoscale data for the IOT not to take off. This is trillions. Next year. Iota is partnering with several of them already.
Get in or don't, none of us care. But research shit fully or regret it later.

>> No.4796732


>Or how about selling data collected by your smart phone?

Google and Facebook are already illegally eavesdropping on our smartphones. They don't need to pay for the info.
Just google "why do my facebook ads change according to what I talk about"

>just let your vehicle make the transaction for you

Sounds horrible.
Not every possible development of technology needs to be made real

>> No.4796750

can't wait for smart cities, full of vibrant cultures and people from all over the world. sure beats walking around and seeing KKK rallies about "muh race wars". get rekt. get on with the times, it's the current year. you can throw a tantrum all you want, but humanity will eventually be united (no borders, just as it was in the beginning). also, why do you care so much about fucking genetics? it literally means nothing. i find it hard to believe that people like you have any kind of advanced spiritual capacity at all. i would rather have a billion middle eastern people than a hundred thousand people like you. you /pol/tards waste so much time with meaningless shit. i do hope racists who can't live in modern society are thrown in a fucking smart FEMA camp in the future. maybe the NWO will find an use for the likes of you, instead of allowing you to run around commiting hate crimes.. fuck all racist /pol/tards. too many stormfront shitheads on /pol/ lately. no one fucking likes you. it seems some humans on this planet still find it hard to learn to get over superficial shit. your kind is not as superior as you think, nazi larper. something is missing in people like you... something humane.

>> No.4796751

Yeah imagine for example you wanted to open your fridge. But you don't want to be charged because you're just gonna fill it with groceries. In this case you could verify 2 people trying to open their fridge for groceries to have yours open for free.

>> No.4796775

>arguing morality with rapecoiners
why bother, they fucking love to profit off of rapes

rape money to the fucking moon, a trail of raped corpses in their wake. they don't care

>> No.4796797
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Dunning Krueger effect is real

>> No.4796821

Who the hell are gonna charge me for opening my fridge?

>> No.4796829
File: 22 KB, 369x394, 23456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4796830

Nice copypasta.

>> No.4796836

>The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity which enable these objects to connect and exchange data.[1][2][3] Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to inter-operate within the existing Internet infrastructure. Experts estimate that the IoT will consist of about 30 billion objects by 2020.[4] It is also estimated that the global market value of IoT will reach $7.1 trillion by 2020

>> No.4796837

Well it would be a rental.

>> No.4796838

You're the ones advocating for organised violence. You're the ones who want to kill people and stop them from getting help. You're the inhumane immoral demons.
You /pol/tards DON'T have basic human decency.

>> No.4796850

>hurr durr I know everything about IoT even though I live in mum's basement and she pays electricity, food and internet

>> No.4796856


>why do you care so much about fucking genetics? it literally means nothing. i find it hard to believe that people like you have any kind of advanced spiritual capacity at all. i would rather have a billion middle eastern people

>i do hope racists who can't live in modern society are thrown in a fucking smart FEMA camp

Are you a bad troll who's bored or just an idiot?
Dude, you got 101% triggered by my innocent post so fucking fast. I can't believe you're even remotely serious.

I'm an IQ 120+ engineer, most refugees aren't, and their genetics are the reason. That's why I don't like the idea of race mixing. How does it benefit my culture and my people to get the worse half of humanity embedded into our DNA?

>> No.4796861

fuck all of that
i have a fridge, it has a door and a light. when the door opens, the light goes on. it's amazing. it's all i want and need.

>> No.4796872
File: 1.70 MB, 384x288, 1512119804907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ok sir so you went ahead and used the reply button that will be about 79 Iotas and then you were talking something about opening a fridge? Sheeesh well according to my meter here that will be 150 iotas, which brings your total to about 229 iotas sir which we have taken directly out of your account for your convenience. "

>> No.4796895

Nice meme bro, just raped 100k.

>> No.4796900
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HurrreyDurrey I sure want all my payments through one exact person cause they must be trustworthy

>> No.4796909


Troll or "peaceful" muslim confirmed.

>> No.4796922

All I can read here is some incoherent rambling by an underage kid. IOTA FUDers have truly hit a new low.

>> No.4796934

Well it could work well in the refugee megacity. Their universal income would just get automatically taken from them as they live day to day on loaned technology.

>> No.4796946


The smart refugee city would be smarter than its citizens.

>> No.4796947

>baiting the pasta
I'm not sure about the +120 IQ of yours

>> No.4796954

Happens when you eat lead paint as a kid buddy. Maybe you'll grow out of it if you try really really hard and never give up on your dreams.
Just don't forget to pay the 500 iota for the dreams, lead paint, and hard work.

>> No.4796985

organized violence? killing people? what the fuck are you talking about? help them in their own countries where its 10x more cost effective go for it.

but they're not being let in, these mostly single male refugees, so we can help them. or we'd help them in their home countries.

in order to create a united europe, national identity must be eroded by displacing ethnic european populations. they're not helping the refugees, it's a power grab.

meanwhile the refugees are doing a fuckload of rape, i don't think you understand fully the mass rape that has been done on european women .

organized violence? killing people? what the fuck are you talking about? seriously, what the fuck do you think is going on here? what have you been told eh? and why did they tell you that?

>> No.4796992
File: 65 KB, 431x450, 5Kg7Y04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4797001


intelligence isn't purely the manifestation of DNA. Genetic variance among races is real sure, but environmental factors are just as salient. If you were born and raised in the middle east your IQ would be substantially less than it is.

>> No.4797002

>>Trump is a rapist
>>Supports rapist Moore
>>pol loves Trump cock

What did they mean by this?

>> No.4797007

Iota isn't about letting them in.
So why are you so retarded?

>> No.4797032

>>unholy abomination
>>still believes in cuck religion in this day and age

Tha fuck?.jpg

>> No.4797051
File: 87 KB, 554x400, 1506789464195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats probably the kind of help they have in mind, enslavement. first the smart cities for the refugees to "help" them, and then they herd the rest of us into this kind of life. where every aspect of human existance is recorded and verified on charged on the block chain.

fucking carbon credits automatically charged every time your smart underwear detect a methane emmision. THATS THE FUTURE YOU FUNDED

RAPE COINS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN their future and our demise, prepare for extinction on the way to the moon faggots. i'm out

>> No.4797057

Most women are raped by someone they know, who are usually the same color as them. Fact.

Like how you raped your mother

>> No.4797086

i never mentioned a religion
pretty edgy though to see someone mention something that you think sounds christian so you got to attack it. pretty trendy. nice trendy fedora for the teen atheist. such a clever boy and so eager to show it

>> No.4797102

>>IQ 120+

hahahahah wtf? Who still does those online brain tests?

>> No.4797111

i mean i guess my dick dragged across he vagina wall while i was being born

>> No.4797126

That explains why 55% of British Pakistanis are married to first cousins

>> No.4797152

lol Newfag gets triggered! bu-bu-bu but you're fedora wearing blah blah blah! Go back to your safe space little boy!

>> No.4797169


>> No.4797195

I'm not a poltard at all but are you for real? What the fuck are you smoking.

>genetics mean nothing
genetics is what separates you from being a sheep or a human.

I personally don't think any "race" is "superior" enough to be useful in the coming age. The de-normalization of reproduction, and the economic incentivation of voluntary sterilization are absolute musts to avoid a massively overpopulated and war ravaged earth full of people whose productive capacity is made obsolete by automation and information technology in this century.

>> No.4797196

how typically vile of the young leftist to resort to accusations of incest and degeneracy. maybe stop sucking on the establishment media teat and go check the actual rape stats in europe eh?

more refugees = more rapes, fuckloads more
period. but you're probably ok with that as long as the establishment tells you its a good thing. you want to be a good boy and do and think what you're told. welcome the refugees, its about diversity! nothing says diversity like displacing ethnic populations with waves of men from incompatible cultures.

>> No.4797201

>>Marries first cousin
>>has more interaction with a relationship compared to the lonely, sad alt-right boys

good, good

>> No.4797248

You're still a virgin though.

>> No.4797286
File: 25 KB, 461x400, wheeze kek man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i catch my microwave and fridge talking to each other with rapecoins behind my back i am taking a sledgehammer to the whole kitchen. unholy abominations fucking talking microwaves fucking retarded fuck this i don't like it at all.

>> No.4797318


>le tired old nature vs nurture

its been long established in neuroscience that GENETICS define your IQ
the good old "muh edumucation" meme only influences how well you do within those genetical limits. in other words, if youre an IQ 80 subhuman from africa, all the edumucation in the world will not make you smarter than an 100 IQ white european.

>> No.4797334

>can't deny the incest stats in muslim communities
"well at least they're not sad and lonely like alt right boys"
alt right is a strawman term by the way, keep drinking the kool aid

>> No.4797472

>your fridge has recorded an excess of consumed proteins to the order of 25%
>there are brown people without food right now
>you are being fined in accordance with the global carbon code nineteen dollars and eight four cents. please eat responsibly, a message from the government of ontario
>your fine will automatically be donated to open borders society. we thank you for your cooperation citizen.
i can see it already.

>> No.4797477

>Trump is a rapist
[citation needed]
>rapist Roy Moore
[citation needed]
It's okay, Muellers gonna impeach blumpf and then this big scary nightmare will all go away right? Lmao

>> No.4797504


I have a masters in neuroscience. And it's clear you misinterpreted my post. But that gave you the opportunity to put forth a straw man and appeal to science without any empirical data.

The simple fact is that intra race IQ variance is greater than inter race IQ variance.

>> No.4797538

I have a PhD in neuroscience and you're wrong you dumb nigger

>> No.4797555

how typically dumb of the poltards. Too scared to evolve because they can't comprehend anything with their tiny minds.
>>more refugees = more rapes, fuckloads more
You talking bout the Sweden report? The one that shows that the people that overwhelmingly commit crimes in Sweden are other Scandinavians? And says that North African and Middle Eastern immigrants only commit a small amount of the crime? Or "Europe" as a whole where the definition of rape and sexual assault is completely different within EU countries? Or that the rise of sexual assault in some countries goes hand in hand with the rise of feminism and SJW culture in those countries which means more people are more prone to speak out more?

You SJW poltards are a laugh

>> No.4797595

>>refugees exist only to rape
[citation needed]

It's okay, she's not coming back. She left you for someone better. Just plain better.

>> No.4797642

You see that leaked swedish ethnicity rape list?

>> No.4797754

a lot more, nothing you said changes that fact. \

but hey, it's up to you. they can just open their doors and get totally replaced demographically. no more france for the french. no more england for the english. just europe, for everybody, how wonderful eh? you naive twat

>> No.4797815

goodbye seperate cultures, everybody just mash it all together and see what comes out
one culture, one government, no borders. lol what a dystopic hell world

>> No.4797865


literally the end of all diversity and thats what they're bring about when these sjws advocate for "diversity". and now the people that actually want diversity are the ones who are told they are not beinf diverse because they're not blending. lol its all so fucked up. how dumb are you people?

thanks iota!

>> No.4797939

Just because everyone is together doesn't mean they'll interbreed

>> No.4797979

I think you're confusing a business and finance board with a political one on a Japanese anime forum

>> No.4798021

>europe belongs to everyone

>living in europe is a basic human right

That's like saying your wife belongs to everyone.

Now, why aren't left-wing liberals making sure I get laid? Getting laid is a human right.

>> No.4798071

Non-white girls want to bang you.
You're preventing them from coming to Europe.

>> No.4798093

IQ doesn't mean much. The whole of intelligence is not measured with an IQ test. You probably could attain a big number in a test but be a person with foolish decision making. Also, an average is taken into account to rank your IQ level, when the average joe who is applied IQ test on school doesn't really care about it and makes little effort on it, while the guy who puts more effort into it, will score higher

>> No.4798155

most of the refugees are men
the ratio of men to women being brought in, your argument doesn't even make sense

>> No.4798162

>forget to fund microwave, microwave balance pays the fridge nightly
>fridge cuts off at night, food goes bad
>wake up to loud knocking on the door
>get served for falling behind on fridge payments
>tell them Ill just fund my microwave and take care of it
>submit payment from trezor to microwave in ethereum
>this should take care of it officer
>he checks and says it didnt go through
>shit, cryptokitties2 just dropped, my tx fee wasnt enough
>smartcontract on the fridge dictates if payment isnt by a certain time im to be arrested
>ask officer for more time to send again
>sorry man, just doing my job, just following the smartcontracts orders
>go to jail

>> No.4798224

Centralized shitcoin developed by a couple of amateurs.

>> No.4798368
File: 24 KB, 507x473, 1508811351124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is connected to the iota network
>fridge won't open
>"we're sorry, your fridge is on 48 hour lock down for hate crimes"
>you told someone it's ok to be white while standing next to your toaster
>your toaster reported you
>"an anti-racism task force has been dispatched to your location"
>must complete diversity counseling to unlock fridge
th-thanks iota

>> No.4798496

Most but not all.

Racists bfto? What's wrong with that?

>> No.4798575
File: 415 KB, 1196x883, 1493389534935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

95% are men. Of that 5% of woman and '''children'', 95% of the children were men lying about their age. You're literally a fucking retard read a goddamn newspaper for once in your life. Or go to youtube and visually perceive with your own fucking eyes what it's like inside those terror spawning camps. There are many independent journalists/60 minute specials where these people walk in with a camera and film everything. Oh and then there's all those crime, rape, and terror stats that are skyrocketing.

But you probably are aware of all of this you just think it's ok because you're a nigger too.

>> No.4798647
File: 94 KB, 1187x1044, 1488604193892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden just had a data leak. 82% of all gangrapes are done by foreigners. I guarantee the other 18% are second gen but because they are Islamic shitskins who were born in Sweden, they are technically ''''Swedish''''. Just like muh tanned Germans meme kek.

>> No.4798676

>you're racist if you don't hate whites

>> No.4798683

>winter 2024
>car buys snow tires on its own, even though i cant afford new tires right now. new tires are legally mandated.
>car must be on road taking passengers at all times even when you're not using it by law
>no hiding your car because it reports its every activity to the tangle
>everyone sells their cars because no one can afford the iota to own one and renting is the same thing at this point and cheaper on insurance anyways
>the people who control iota decide where you can and can't go from now on. the car literally will not drive you places where the people who run shit don't want people going. as large an area as that may be, whatever they want it for, nobodies gonna be driving there.
>maybe cut off all transportation between cities, lock us all up in little city state ghettos "to protect the environment"

>no more credit tokens allocated when i don't meet diversity quotients and the iota controlled robots hunt me down for being too old anyways. they need room for rapists to eat my food and live under my roof instead. the smart contract has decided

this was supposed to be funny i'm sorry.

>> No.4798725

Renting a fridge actually seems possible in this slightly dystopic present where most millenials take a lease for their fucking cars, but somehow I'm not enthusiastic about making the future even worse.

>> No.4798864

>IQ doesn't mean much

wrong again
there are hundreds of studies that clearly link high IQ to success in life and low IQ to criminal behaviour

>Also, an average is taken into account to rank your IQ level, when the average joe who is applied IQ test on school doesn't really care about it and makes little effort on it, while the guy who puts more effort into it, will score higher

are you really saying that all the niggers who tested in the 80s just really didnt try all that hard?
you can argue all you want about this but the science is clear. 1) IQ is real and measurable 2) its directly linked to success, income, happiness 3) niggers have lower IQ than whites

none of what you say is gonna change any of thit

>> No.4798916

>wow did you know using non sterile syringes is completely safe because most people catch aids with unprotected sex
>what is opportunity
>what are proportions
Immigrants of middle eastern or subsaharan origin in Europe are disproportionately represented in rape crimes in every major country they come in.
You sound like the kind of brainlet who spouts crap like "statistics don't matter at the individual level" once called out on your shit. Literal gambler's fallacy, as you don't meet only one person in your whole life you turbo nigger. But hey, your genes will go extinct and mine won't, so natural selection works.

>> No.4799284

trust you fucking autists to bring politics into IoT technology.

Stay poor you poor, no-coin, alt-right faggots, I'll enjoy my 300% gains from my rape coins.

>> No.4799286

Your so full of shit it is oozing out of my screen. IOT is a meme from 2002

>> No.4799302

We'll see, anon.

>> No.4799349

And the chinks and kikes have you beat, so cry about it faggot