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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4793646 No.4793646 [Reply] [Original]

>Chainlink moons
>Multiple /biz/ posters become overnight millionaires

Do you think money will change you? I'm sure a lot of us had shitty lives up till now (single mother childhoods, virginity, no friends, NEET, etc), do you think you'll ever be healed from all that?

Or will you end up putting all that wealth towards destroying civilization

>> No.4793815

my plan is to buy a small parcel of land(10 acres or so) out in the sticks build my own comfy cottage, grow my own vegetables, herbs etc be friends with local livestock farmer and get meat on the cheap. god damnit i cant wait

>> No.4793844

>chainlink moons

>> No.4793909

>Chainlink moons

Almost had me there

>> No.4794016

What's the plan? How are you going to handle wallet security, how much will you sell, and what will you do with your money?

>> No.4794163

definetly money can be a curse, if you make it to millonaire, don't let your family or firends know for a while, let all settle down in your head first, and keep your spendings as low as you can, like if you're your own employee, pay yourselve a just amount each month and don't do drugs or whores, aids treatment is not something you want to keep paying for the rest of your live.

>> No.4794203

>Multiple /biz/ posters become overnight millionaires
This is honestly the only valid argument I can think of for why chainlink would not moon ever.

>> No.4794329

Happened with ETH though?

>> No.4794461

So what will clog LINK like cats clogged ETH? Is there a big mac dapp in the works?

>> No.4794509

>chainlink moons

I actually had to check coinmarkedcap.

>> No.4794553

It's mooning all the way down to 1 sat, which might still be worth a lot if BTC is at 800k

>> No.4794625

Yo same. I want to be near a pond or lake so I can fish, also want to build my own shooting range kinda like that hickok guy has. Mostly just want to be as independent from the government as possible, collect rainwater and shit nigga

>> No.4794874

hahhaha i made around 45k in crypto this year and before my first 10k I was thinking of all things I wanted to buy

Then I just thought "well why not just buy more cryptos, put small positions into risk coins like VTC" and so on and is now buying less than ever and spend all time here and on bitfinex and bittrex....

>> No.4794907

soon you'll be living homeless on the street but secretly have a net worth of $10m

>> No.4794985

money changes everyone, but a single digit millions isnt THAT much. you get everything now but a bit bigger/shinier.
youd need to be like 10 million net worth for you to live a totally different life.

>> No.4795023

You're right OP I have had a shitty unfulfilling life up until now. If Chainlink makes me filthy rich I'm making the pieces of shit who have wronged me rue the day they were ever born. And then I'll live life to the fucking fullest man. Top tier food, top tier properties, top tier drugs, top tier parties, etc etc etc

>> No.4795077

>youd need to be like 10 million net worth for you to live a totally different life.

kek, i assure you, even that won't be enough. once you have a shitload of money, you'll want even more. first a million seems like a shitload, then 100 million, then 10 billion. we'll never get that far, but at a certain point it just becomes a game, like everything else.

>> No.4795136

pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered

>> No.4795147

I just want to not have to wagecuck, i.e be independently wealthy.

Based on my calculations I will need around 800k (after tax) to achieve that

>> No.4795162 [DELETED] 

I just want to not have to wagecuck, i.e be independently wealthy.

Based on my calculations I will need around 800k (after tax) to achieve that

>> No.4795193

yeah no. maybe if it had some devs

>> No.4795217

well im saying thats where it starts. 10m obviously isnt top tier at all, but its enough to get you a lot of fancy experiences for years

>> No.4795246

I can confirm this, but with WoW gold.

>> No.4795260

The latter

Money has no healing qualities whatsoever.

>> No.4795266

you will not be happy if you have to pay people to come to your shitty parties because you're still a sad sack of shit

fix your life first

>> No.4795283
File: 743 KB, 750x938, Meme'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is dead. Sergey has AIDS, Steve is a sissy bottom, and Rory is raising his wife's black mistake. It's time to abandon this project like the devs, and cash out.

It's fucking ogre.

>> No.4795730

It won't change me, but it sure as hell will change my parents. I can't wait to see their jaws drop.

>> No.4795990

How much chainlink will we need to make it? I got 3k

>> No.4796057

Since no wife and kids, most will be towards parents. Its time for them to enjoy life.
>mfw they haven't been out of country or farther than 250 km from their home for like 17-20 years.