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4787697 No.4787697 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 18 and want to invest in a mutual fund consisting of mainly corporate bonds and AAA stocks, have seen that the asian market is the most profitable right now, was thinking of investing $200-$800/m on it, I have to find an accounting firm first, any tips or advice anyone that has one of these can give me? try to base info on Australia please. also im not investing in crypto because of its volatility also i dont fomo

>> No.4787721
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>> No.4787722

>AAA stock
just buy FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) and hodl them

>> No.4787739

enjoy your 8%/year

>> No.4787747

> $200-$800

Any fund worth getting into will have a lower limit (usually around $10k). Just throw it into an ETF.

>> No.4787748

>also im not investing in crypto because of its volatility also i dont fomo
Grow some balls, at the worst you lose a few grands. You have a once in a lifetime opportunity to save yourself from decades of wageslaving.

>> No.4787749

>corporate bonds

Stop. Just stop.

Buy SPY with a tech slant, don’t waste your time on fixed income if you don’t have an intimate understanding of QE

>> No.4787823

When people say, i'll use crypto when it stabilizes... What they are really saying is im not buying bitcoin at $200 billion because i missed it at $100 billion but when its finally a
Stabilized global currency it will be at 20 trillion and wont fluctuate anymore, just like the dollar you think you love so much. Government indoctrination camps dont teach you about money, currency, or the financial system on purpose. You are young, take financial risks. Not stupid stocks. Crypto is the real deal, it is the future, it is the new wave of internet

>> No.4787929

thanks everyone for the bad advice, again, im not investing in your shitty monopoly money

>> No.4787940

after 50 years and dividend reinvestment i’ll be worth a few mill so stfu

>> No.4787978

Yes because the euro and the USD are God's gift to mankind! Dont you just love how they print trillions of dollars a year, devaluing the monopoly money in your pocket, causing inflation and stealing from the poor by reducing their purchasing power of their fiat money. But bitcoin is evil! The dollar continues to weaken against bitcoin as it grows exponentially, but despite working just fine for 8 years and being globally accepted as a method to transfer wealth it is still nothing but a ponzi scheme.... The next generation is stupid and fucked and you dont know anything about the monetary system or the difference between currency and money.

>> No.4788126

title cleary says not crypto related and i get this bs

all im doing is looking for a low risk way to become a millionair around the time i retire, will be wageslaving untill then unless anyone has a better idea other than “put it all on black” or “buy btc and LINK” like fuck off, shit will be taxed on a few years anyway

>> No.4788144

in a few years*

excuse the autism

>> No.4788201

if you want low rick ways to become a millionaire then coming on /biz/ is not the smartest of ideas.
Better to go on a money forum. People on /biz/ dont want to wait till they are 75 before they crack being a (inflation adjusted)millionaire
they want success while their bladder still has most of its functionaility

>> No.4788292

Asian is a solid choice. Bit I'd take a look for Asian emerging or Eastern Europe for the next decade. BRICS are a meme, maybe except for India, ironically. Even the Australian local market is a safe choice.

>> No.4788425

Im helping here. Im 23, your 18. If i got into bitcoin 5 years ago id be rich, but i didnt so im getting in now and its not "too late" crypto is legit, not a ponzi scheme like bitconnect. This is seriously world disrupting tech. People cant grasp it because its like explaining the internet in the 80s, but this is the internet of money. Financial services are behind and antiquated and crypto is changing that. Where i work they match 5% in my 401k, so i have that, but i dont know shit about stocks. Ive followed crypto for 6 months and feel like i am comfortable with it. When you are young you take bigger risks for bigger rewards, that is why you do stocks or forex, but when you are old you do bonds and have a different short term strategy to prepare to retire. Crypto is the biggest risk there is, and there are ways to minimize losses. Get a hardware wallet and hodl. You dont understand as much because you dont see the global picture. The world is tinkering on the brink of war waiting for some event to trigger it. ALL governments are way over their head in debt, all using fiat currencies and if the USD has to default on some debt it will trigger a global crisis twice as bad as 2008

>> No.4788769


How the FUCK have you only been following crypto for just the last 6 months. Bitcoin was all over the news in the Nov. 2013 bubble.

>> No.4789747
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>50 years
>few mil

>> No.4790697

>Investing in anything but crypto