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4784171 No.4784171 [Reply] [Original]

Are these big financial institutions going to destroy Bitcoin?

>> No.4784189
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the big bitcoin short is coming

>> No.4784216


>> No.4784224

How would they do that, buy at the top and sell? kek. They buy my bags at 11k that I bought for a few cents and then sell it all the way back to $1k again so I can refuel? Yeah that'll work

>> No.4784246

You clearly never heard of shorting, or futures, haven't you?
Sweet summerfag

>> No.4784700

They are pumping their cash into Ripple, well apparently they are.

(((THEY))) just want to crush the Bitcoin total value, not destroy it. Then the (((JEWS))) can celebrate knowing they've won again

>> No.4784737

mfw eldritch wales manipulate BTC to spite these wallstreet fuckers. I can only dream.

>> No.4784748

>Being this retarded

You know BTC is a joint project of Mosad and NSA to fund black ops. right? Why people forget that?

> muh jews